Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
I see a bunch of our lefty weirdoes rushed to the poll, lol. "Quick let's make it look like we're the majority!" say our two leftwing dingbats, thus settling in for an hour of checking in and out of their multiple accounts in order to vote again and again....

So koshergrl has multiple accounts.

Be careful kgrl - you're really not bright enough to keep it all straight.

This is what I see America has become! And it WILL get worse. Multiple spouses is next. And I can now imagine child sex will becoming along. I mean in many cultures 12 is considered adult.
why would multiple spouses be next? nobody is allowed to marry multiple people, hence the law is applied equally. why do you think child sex would become legal? how does that scenario play out in your mind? in many cultures teens were married off - including ours until recently (and in some places here they still can be) - but why do you think that pedophilia would be decriminalized? you're off in a fantasy land of half-baked conspiracy theories and straw men that have no doubt been sold to you by am radio hucksters.

That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
right. i'm still wondering how a leads to b in your mind.


Not true.

Read the OP and post #4.
This is what I see America has become! And it WILL get worse. Multiple spouses is next. And I can now imagine child sex will becoming along. I mean in many cultures 12 is considered adult.
why would multiple spouses be next? nobody is allowed to marry multiple people, hence the law is applied equally. why do you think child sex would become legal? how does that scenario play out in your mind? in many cultures teens were married off - including ours until recently (and in some places here they still can be) - but why do you think that pedophilia would be decriminalized? you're off in a fantasy land of half-baked conspiracy theories and straw men that have no doubt been sold to you by am radio hucksters.

That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
right. i'm still wondering how a leads to b in your mind.

you have not shown causation.

I'm sorry if you can't see the correlation.
The numbers don't lie.
Here one from single mothers.
LOOK: Percentage Of Single Mothers Is Much Higher In This Demographic
The rate of single motherhood, which has been steadily increasing since the 1940s, has skyrocketed in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau released on May 1st.
During the civil right struggle, blacks sat down at lunch counters and asked to be served. They were refused.

Gays walked in to a county clerk office and asked to be served. They were refused. The situations would be similar only if the gays had sat down in the clerks office and refused to leave. The appropriate comparison between the two situations would be that Kim fulfilled the same role as the waitresses who refused to serve the blacks.

Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

And no one is being 'forced to go along with sin'.

Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

I waiting for you to start a campaign of morality against all heterosexual couples who engage in oral sex.....

What part of those who want to sin have a right did you miss?
Nothing in the Bible says that oral sex is a sin within marriage of a man and woman.

In some jurisdictions, oral sex is still considered to be "sodomy".

If they could, the damn fundie nutters would put cameras in our bedrooms.
Let's face it, oral sex will not make a baby. And frankly, any woman I respected I would not want wicking my weenie and then kissing me. It's dangling around, sweating and used for urination. Can any sane individual even imagine that there are people out there who do not bathe regularly or brush their teeth. People who worship sex and don't believe in God and simply believe we are nothing but animals ----- no better than a dog licking his butt.

And do you imagine that when two guys get married, that the limited various sexual acts are not made very obvious to everyone! No need for cameras! And average people who simply want to be left alone are being publically forced to say, "I am either for homosexuality or I'm a bigot! I'm okay with anything goes or I'm a ignorant prude!"

This is what I see America has become! And it WILL get worse. Multiple spouses is next. And I can now imagine child sex will becoming along. I mean in many cultures 12 is considered adult.

And again, opinions are not facts.

And again, its none of your business what consenting adults are doing together in their bedroom.

Its okay if you're an ignorant bigot and/or prude. What is NOT okay is for you to force others to behave as you CHOOSE to.

Ask yourself if I should have the right to force YOU to partake of sex acts you find disagreeable. Of course not.

Davis is welcome to her beliefs as well. But she's not welcome to force me OR you to agree with her.

What's at issue is that as a Christian Baker, I don't want some government telling me I have to make a Bruce & Billy cake for their wedding if they come knocking at my door. As a Christian Photographer I don't want some government telling me I have to attend their "nuptials," if they request me to photograph them kissing. As a Christian bed and breakfast owner, I don't want some government telling me that these two guys are to be allowed to make out in my wedding suite when I don't even accept them as being married in God's eyes.

So, this whole issue is more about Christians being bullied into submission than it is about Christians forcing gays to do anything. There are loads of communities that fully embrace free love & homosexual activities; however, an Amish or Mennonite community isn't one of them. And frankly, I cannot imagine a homosexual couple wanting to be around people who are uncomfortable with the decisions the couple make.

It was a free country. And communities should be allowed to decide their own fate without some governmental decree regarding the legalities of various behavior patterns. This isn't about color at all. It is about what one chooses to do: when, where, how, and why.
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During the civil right struggle, blacks sat down at lunch counters and asked to be served. They were refused.

Gays walked in to a county clerk office and asked to be served. They were refused. The situations would be similar only if the gays had sat down in the clerks office and refused to leave. The appropriate comparison between the two situations would be that Kim fulfilled the same role as the waitresses who refused to serve the blacks.

Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

And no one is being 'forced to go along with sin'.

I waiting for you to start a campaign of morality against all heterosexual couples who engage in oral sex.....

What part of those who want to sin have a right did you miss?
Nothing in the Bible says that oral sex is a sin within marriage of a man and woman.

In some jurisdictions, oral sex is still considered to be "sodomy".

If they could, the damn fundie nutters would put cameras in our bedrooms.
Let's face it, oral sex will not make a baby. And frankly, any woman I respected I would not want wicking my weenie and then kissing me. It's dangling around, sweating and used for urination. Can any sane individual even imagine that there are people out there who do not bathe regularly or brush their teeth. People who worship sex and don't believe in God and simply believe we are nothing but animals ----- no better than a dog licking his butt.

And do you imagine that when two guys get married, that the limited various sexual acts are not made very obvious to everyone! No need for cameras! And average people who simply want to be left alone are being publically forced to say, "I am either for homosexuality or I'm a bigot! I'm okay with anything goes or I'm a ignorant prude!"

This is what I see America has become! And it WILL get worse. Multiple spouses is next. And I can now imagine child sex will becoming along. I mean in many cultures 12 is considered adult.

And again, opinions are not facts.

And again, its none of your business what consenting adults are doing together in their bedroom.

Its okay if you're an ignorant bigot and/or prude. What is NOT okay is for you to force others to behave as you CHOOSE to.

Ask yourself if I should have the right to force YOU to partake of sex acts you find disagreeable. Of course not.

Davis is welcome to her beliefs as well. But she's not welcome to force me OR you to agree with her.

What's at issue is that as a Christian Baker, I don't want some government telling me I have to make a Bruce & Billy cake for their wedding if they come knocking at my door. As a Christian Photographer I don't want some government telling me I have to attend their "nuptials," if they request me to photograph them kissing. As a Christian bed and breakfast owner, I don't want some government telling me that these two guys are to be allowed to make out in my wedding suite when I don't even accept them as being married in God's eyes.

So, this whole issue is more about Christians being bullied into submission than it is about Christians forcing gays to do anything. There are loads of communities that fully embrace free love & homosexual activities; however, an Amish or Mennonite community isn't one of them. And frankly, I cannot imagine a homosexual couple wanting to be around people who are uncomfortable with the decisions they made.

It was a free country. And communities should be allowed to decide their own fate without some governmental decree regarding the legalities of various behavior patterns. This isn't about color at all. It is about what one chooses to do: when, where, how, and why.

Of course it is.
This is what I see America has become! And it WILL get worse. Multiple spouses is next. And I can now imagine child sex will becoming along. I mean in many cultures 12 is considered adult.
why would multiple spouses be next? nobody is allowed to marry multiple people, hence the law is applied equally. why do you think child sex would become legal? how does that scenario play out in your mind? in many cultures teens were married off - including ours until recently (and in some places here they still can be) - but why do you think that pedophilia would be decriminalized? you're off in a fantasy land of half-baked conspiracy theories and straw men that have no doubt been sold to you by am radio hucksters.

That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
You really think society was better in the 60s?
Jim Crow, women restricted in their careers, gays hiding in the shadows, minorities relegated to menial jobs

I'll take today

I agree that those things needed to change, that is not what I am talking about.

What I am talking about is couples living out of wedlock, more poor now than when we had the war on poverty, more drug use, more young getting pregnant, more divorce. Our children learning about sex by the time they are 5 or 6 years old.

Couples living out of wedlock?

Want to talk about couples in the 60s getting married in their teens because she got pregnant? Four, five , six kids?
why would multiple spouses be next? nobody is allowed to marry multiple people, hence the law is applied equally. why do you think child sex would become legal? how does that scenario play out in your mind? in many cultures teens were married off - including ours until recently (and in some places here they still can be) - but why do you think that pedophilia would be decriminalized? you're off in a fantasy land of half-baked conspiracy theories and straw men that have no doubt been sold to you by am radio hucksters.

That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
right. i'm still wondering how a leads to b in your mind.

you have not shown causation.

I'm sorry if you can't see the correlation.
The numbers don't lie.
Here one from single mothers.
LOOK: Percentage Of Single Mothers Is Much Higher In This Demographic
The rate of single motherhood, which has been steadily increasing since the 1940s, has skyrocketed in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau released on May 1st.
again, how does single mother hood increasing relate to gay marriage? how did one lead to the other? how does gay marriage lead to pedophilia?
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.
That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
right. i'm still wondering how a leads to b in your mind.

you have not shown causation.

I'm sorry if you can't see the correlation.
The numbers don't lie.
Here one from single mothers.
LOOK: Percentage Of Single Mothers Is Much Higher In This Demographic
The rate of single motherhood, which has been steadily increasing since the 1940s, has skyrocketed in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau released on May 1st.
again, how does single mother hood increasing relate to gay marriage? how did one lead to the other? how does gay marriage lead to pedophilia?
Via a general lowering of standards and acceptance of deviant behavior as *the norm*, and the sexual grooming of children by the lefty school systems.
That is exactly what was said when we as a Society allowed couples to live together and single parents. What a mess that has turned out to be, just like they said in the 1960's.
They said next would be homosexuality and sure enough later on down the road................
You think that polygamists are not now encouraged to have their rights also or those that want to marry their pets?
Throughout history any time a civilization went down was because of letting morals go and corruption & greed, with do as you please attitudes.
right. i'm still wondering how a leads to b in your mind.

you have not shown causation.

I'm sorry if you can't see the correlation.
The numbers don't lie.
Here one from single mothers.
LOOK: Percentage Of Single Mothers Is Much Higher In This Demographic
The rate of single motherhood, which has been steadily increasing since the 1940s, has skyrocketed in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau released on May 1st.
again, how does single mother hood increasing relate to gay marriage? how did one lead to the other? how does gay marriage lead to pedophilia?
It relates directly to the glorification of SEX and the devaluation of RESPONCIBILITY ---- with each consecutive generation setting a poorer and poorer example to the generations following.
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.

Opting out of following the law because of one's religious beliefs is what doesn't work.
Ignoring GOD's LAWs to follow the laws imposed by men is what doesn't work! It spells disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just exactly how and when did this thread turn into a church service?
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.

Opting out of following the law because of one's religious beliefs is what doesn't work.
Ignoring GOD's LAWs to follow the laws imposed by men is what doesn't work! It spells disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Depends on the god, I suppose.
The one true GOD who influenced the establishment of the United States of America. That is unless you feel that the United Stated was just a freaky mistake and isn't important enough to fight for..................... I guess that depends on what you think of the US?
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.

Opting out of following the law because of one's religious beliefs is what doesn't work.
Ignoring GOD's LAWs to follow the laws imposed by men is what doesn't work! It spells disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just exactly how and when did this thread turn into a church service?
When homonazis decided to legislate sacraments.
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.

Opting out of following the law because of one's religious beliefs is what doesn't work.

And that's the CHOICE Davis made.

Its the choice that everyone makes, every single day. Bakers, photogs, bed & breakfast, the guy who repairs your car ...

We all choose to abide by the law or face the consequences.
If there was still a draft, everyone could opt out based on their religious beliefs. Didn't work then, won't work today.

Opting out of following the law because of one's religious beliefs is what doesn't work.
Ignoring GOD's LAWs to follow the laws imposed by men is what doesn't work! It spells disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In this country, we have the First Amendment. If you don't like it, go live in Iraq, North Korea or any other place that requires you to live by "god's" law.

Like it or not, you will never get sharia law in the US.

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