Are you surprised Palin backed Trump rather than Cruz?

Does her endorsement of Trump rather than Cruz surprise you?

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She is a leech.Sucks on to the biggest one in the pond.

She is a leech.Sucks on to the biggest one in the pond.


Well she's certainly out of things to quit on.

And with her family's drunked brawl at a house party, her son arrested for being a drunken ass and her daughter on baby daddy number 2....her brood is currently qualified to headline Maury Povich.

I suspect she's trying to upgrade that by hitching her double wide to Trump.
Did you just smoke a joint, by any chance?

Did you just realize that you have no counter argument? Or did you mistake my reference to the 'mob' as something from a Godfather film?
There has to be an argument before there can be a counter argument.

Palin being an opportunist trying to ingratiate herself with the populist mob that Trump is whipping into a frothing lather is an argument. Her trying to curry favor with the presumptive GOP nominee is an argument. Her desperate to be politically relevant is an argument.

And note you don't even disagree.

Palin probably blames all of the GOP for her failures.

Sometimes it's hard to take ownership of the fact that you got owned by the press and it's no ones fault but yours.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, does not accept failure nor does he blame others for it. In fact, he is willing to swim upstream while continually being flogged in order to stand on principle.

Really? Because when Cruz told his constituents in Texas that defunding Obamacare was going to be 'easy'.......and then the GOP was humiliated in the midst of a government shut down that his fellow GOP members called 'the stupidest thing I've ever heard'...

.....Cruz didn't blame himself for his failure. He blamed the GOP and the media.

Cruz is betting the house that the powers that be will continue to ruin the country. And as he continues to oppose them and the press that attacks him and defends the establishment, his power grows.

Someday you will have to deal with Ted.
Did you just realize that you have no counter argument? Or did you mistake my reference to the 'mob' as something from a Godfather film?
There has to be an argument before there can be a counter argument.

Palin being an opportunist trying to ingratiate herself with the populist mob that Trump is whipping into a frothing lather is an argument. Her trying to curry favor with the presumptive GOP nominee is an argument. Her desperate to be politically relevant is an argument.

And note you don't even disagree.

Palin probably blames all of the GOP for her failures.

Sometimes it's hard to take ownership of the fact that you got owned by the press and it's no ones fault but yours.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, does not accept failure nor does he blame others for it. In fact, he is willing to swim upstream while continually being flogged in order to stand on principle.

Really? Because when Cruz told his constituents in Texas that defunding Obamacare was going to be 'easy'.......and then the GOP was humiliated in the midst of a government shut down that his fellow GOP members called 'the stupidest thing I've ever heard'...

.....Cruz didn't blame himself for his failure. He blamed the GOP and the media.

Cruz is betting the house that the powers that be will continue to ruin the country. And as he continues to oppose them and the press that attacks him and defends the establishment, his power grows.

Someday you will have to deal with Ted.

He's betting the house that the hedge fund managers and wall street bankers that he champions will continue to bankroll his campaign.

And that's a pretty safe bet.
Not a Palin fan, but nothing in the political arena surprises me anymore.
It has nothing to do with money. She is rich. Cruz isn't as extreme as trump. She thinks we need extreme to fix us.
My opinion anyways.

Simply because she's rich doesn't mean it has "nothing to do with money." You don't know how rich people think if you believe that. With rich people, it's usually about the money, regardless how much money they already have.

It's pretty simple. Trump is resonating with her constituency. She's riding the wave.
You're too fucking CHEAP to buy ANYTHING NEW!...But more than likely, you have NO MONEY!

6 figures baby. 15 grand in my entertainment center alone. 4 k 60 inch curved tv. 2015, 2011 & 2002 Dodge Ram Trucks. All paid off. Not a single cent of outstanding debt outside of my 25+ years business. Employees that have been with me for over a decade. Every possible new tech trinket you can think of.
And most importantly the joy of a lifetime mocking your ignorant fanboy ass

And this coming from a Convict that gets into street fights! ROTFLMFAO.... I have a 240 inch Hexagon TV.... OMFG!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
Yes, coming from me.

I tell you what son. I'm going to send you my personal info in a private message. It contains plenty of information about my business (since you doubt it) and information on how to contact me.

Then we'll see who the honest person is. You can come back to the thread and lie that it never happened or you can come back and say you misjudged me.

Your choice

Message in less than a couple minutes.....

Tell me WHY I would give a shit? As I said in the PM you want to fuck around, I can be here all night with you, or you can get back on topic, your call, Boy!
YOU called me out dumbfuck. You claimed I was poor. You claimed I was stupid. I gave you the information to prove you wrong. Your choice to man up or not

I will try and answer your question from my perspective,

1. Who owns who/whom? And then, who owns Trump? (nobody as far as we know)

2. What is more important? Fixing the ideological problems of the country, or fixing its finances? (and in all honesty, that is SUPPOSE to be the number one priority of conservatives above all else) Who is better equipped to do this, Trump or Cruz?

3. Trump is NOT an island unto himself. He surrounds himself with excellent people. While he did grow his business, those running it follow his vision, or they are FIRED! United States Presidents may be the most powerful people in the world, but to believe they know everything going on around them is ridiculous. To believe they know the answer for every problem is stupid also. Trump will surround himself with people who are NOT political hacks, and will put REAL generals in charge of the military.

4. This country already has the authorization of congress to build fortifications to stop illegal immigration. None of the politicians have had the political will to do for fear of their donors. Trump will because he has few donors to fear.

5. Who/whom should you fear more to make a WRONG decision? Someone who has donors INSISTING they make a wrong decision for cash they received/will receive for political campaigns,.......or someone who may start out on the wrong side of the issue with an open mind and no vested interest because of campaign cash, who's mind you may be able to change with facts?

6. Who is more believable? Someone using their own money/mostly their own money/someone who actually does not need money, to put forth their message? Or someone using everybody else money to put forth a message?

7. Are we in the same boat as last time; a rich person running against a "man of the people?" Or rather, are we seeing 2 rich people running against each other, and one believing in their message so much, they are using much of their own cash to finance the message; while the other one appears to be a pawn of rich investors?

8. Has Palin come to the conclusion that it is better to win and gain 3/4 of a loaf, or lose trying to go for the whole loaf?

9. Does she believe that the GOP establishment would be MORE willing to support Trump than Cruz?

10. Maybe a deal for Cruz to be Supreme Court Justice; which he would have a much bigger impact for far longer, than he would as POTUS, if he won!

And finally 11. If an outsider is to win, everybody knows one of these gentlemen have got to go, or they will split the anger/base vote between them, and a rino will slip past. The faster one drops, the more it cements the others nomination over the field. If they battle into April or May, it becomes likely we get a RINO! Every day it drags on, the odds on this rises. Palin has put her eggs in the Trump basket, that he can drive Cruz out quicker and let the GOP base exert its power behind one candidate; because remember...........if it is Hillary against Rubio or Bush, what you really have is 2 sides of an establishment "crap sandwich" for our political consumption. With her popularity in "non-establishment circles," she is wagering she can "stump for Trump," and get all those factions to support him.

Will it work? Good question, I don't know. Trump is the least likely to beat Hilly by current polls, but we all know that politics change over night. 9 months is an eternity in them as seen by the polling of Reagan V Carter and their poll positions even 2 months out from the election. We shall see the outcome of this, and it is certainly interesting going forward!
You know.............she saw this as the quickest way to get back in the limelight.

If Cruz was sitting where Donald is now, she would have picked him.
"Are you surprised Palin backed Trump rather than Cruz?"

What's surprising is that anyone would believe that a Palin endorsement 'benefits' any candidate in the long run.

Most of the TPM nitwits, libertarian loons, and social conservatives who follow Palin already support Trump.
I will admit it surprises me. Not at all educated on why she chose Trump over Cruz.

No. People in one line of work tend to support others in that line of work. Both are little more than carnival performers so why should she not support Mr. Trump?

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