Are you tired of the anger?

Are you sick of the endless anger from the 5 remaining candidates?

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No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

They spent two hours yelling at each other and interrupting each other. You see that as "no anger. serious people?" You're such a sheep it's funny, my love

I would call it poor debate technique run by poor moderator.

I liked the line, "you two are just screaming at each other. no one can hear anything either of you are saying"
You said "every turn." That is because of one turn, super delegates. Bernie is pounding her on winning States and popular votes

Reminds me of guys talking about their fantasy baseball teams…..means nothing. Delegates matter. she is cleaning his clock. She destroyed him in the debate last night from what I hear.

But I’m sure the victory in Wyoming by Senator Sanders is quite reassuring.

Quote FAIL, Kaz said that in post #76 I didn't. Get your act together lib.
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
I could not possibly agree more.

Trouble with that...if it bleeds, it leads.

As long as we give that crap our attention, they'll continue with it
No, I'm just getting started on these lying corrupt establishment bastards. $19 trillion dollars in debt? Hundreds of thousands of pages of jobs killing government regulations? Government forcing the people to purchase lame ass utterly stupid healthcare policies with deductibles so high its like not even having health insurance because they never pay a dime? WTF

You're annoyed with all of that and yet you are supporting the candidate who likes all that and financed it. Sigh.
No, I'm just getting started on these lying corrupt establishment bastards. $19 trillion dollars in debt? Hundreds of thousands of pages of jobs killing government regulations? Government forcing the people to purchase lame ass utterly stupid healthcare policies with deductibles so high its like not even having health insurance because they never pay a dime? WTF

You're annoyed with all of that and yet you are supporting the candidate who likes all that and financed it. Sigh.

I'm not supporting any candidate yet. I have called out the GOP establishment, media, and candidates on their BS.
The people are angry, OP. The candidates are pandering to the people, as they always do.

Angry citizens will demand change, that's why Trump and Sanders are getting so many votes.

The people are fed up with the lying corrupt mainstreamers in both parties. Fed Fricken UP.

Cruz is the only candidate offering change. He is actually advocating limiting our federal government. The others all just want to expand it.
The people are angry, OP. The candidates are pandering to the people, as they always do.

Angry citizens will demand change, that's why Trump and Sanders are getting so many votes.

The people are fed up with the lying corrupt mainstreamers in both parties. Fed Fricken UP.

Cruz is the only candidate offering change. He is actually advocating limiting our federal government. The others all just want to expand it.

The sequester will be over regardless of who wins. Government will expand whomever wins. Americans want more government than they are willing to pay for.
Government lies with near impunity, blatant whopper lies, there's no accountability, nobody gets fired, nobody loses their bonus. No reason to be angry?

I understand why you're angry. I'm not thrilled. But anger isn't what we need. Wisdom is what we need. And wisdom isn't not often found in an angry mind.
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
Can anyone imagine four years of hildabeast shrillness...
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
Can anyone imagine four years of hildabeast shrillness...
Yep, not everyone's as angry as you people are. Try it, life is so much better

Why would you ever think for a moment that you are less angry than I am? I'm often interested in how some people can be so unaware.

Your last reply. You take disagreeing with you as "angry." People tend to project into others what they feel themselves. I didn't say you were angry until you said that, and that was specifically why

That is ridiculous. You said "you people". Do you not even know what you type?

You haven't answered my question about Obama. Is he angry, in your opinion?

Logical fallacy of equivocation. The thread is about both sides being angry, I said they both are angry all the time in their speeches. You see their faces, hear their voices, they sound angry, all of them.

You people in that quote was referring to you people who tell people how they feel. You don't see me or hear me personally, you and I disagree, we criticize each other. Yet you read "anger" in my posts. That says way more about you

I think you are confusing speaking in loud voices for anger.

Bermie has always come off as irritated.....but that's his personality.

Hillary....wrongly.....thinks she has to speak over the crowd and yells too much.

The messages, however....are not angry. They are hopeful.

They aren't hopeful. They are complaining about how bad it is and how screwed the people are after 7 of their big government policies have been implemented practically unopposed. And yet they haven't figured out ita the policies causing the problems they are complaining about.
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Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

No, I'm just getting started on these lying corrupt establishment bastards. $19 trillion dollars in debt? Hundreds of thousands of pages of jobs killing government regulations? Government forcing the people to purchase lame ass utterly stupid healthcare policies with deductibles so high its like not even having health insurance because they never pay a dime? WTF

You're annoyed with all of that and yet you are supporting the candidate who likes all that and financed it. Sigh.

I'm not supporting any candidate yet. I have called out the GOP establishment, media, and candidates on their BS.

So you aren't a trump supporter now?
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
Can anyone imagine four years of hildabeast shrillness...
if she brings dems and pubs to compromise I'd love her
A candidate has to be angry to get past the primaries.

Once nominated it's time to switch over to detailing the plan to fix the broken economy, convert the indoctrination system over to an education system and, well, make America great again.

Let your opposition rage on, smile, and show the voters what they could have if they were willing to simply ask for it with their ballot.

Can Trump do that? We know for certain Hillary can't. Beware Nutty Old Uncle Bernie - he's ALL ABOUT what you can have (for free!)......
No, I'm just getting started on these lying corrupt establishment bastards. $19 trillion dollars in debt? Hundreds of thousands of pages of jobs killing government regulations? Government forcing the people to purchase lame ass utterly stupid healthcare policies with deductibles so high its like not even having health insurance because they never pay a dime? WTF

You're annoyed with all of that and yet you are supporting the candidate who likes all that and financed it. Sigh.

I'm not supporting any candidate yet. I have called out the GOP establishment, media, and candidates on their BS.

So you aren't a trump supporter now?

I have yet to decide which candidate I will support. I did cross off the list these traitor GOP establishment hacks who defend allowing millions of illegals to pour into our country and kill our citizens. Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year.
I can't remember ... Is it Kosh or kaz who calls intelligent people "drones"?

Whatever- the rabid right is getting exactly what they want. They worship dictators and dictator wannabes, everybody is shooting at each other, they want higher taxes for the poor folk and while they work tirelessly to take basic rights away from everyone except old white men, they carp about how it's what Jesus would want.

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Debate = Anger. Got it. Wow. So which angry candidate is it you like?

The one with balls because Hillary and little girls from Black Lives Matter took Bernie's. He felt the bern!



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