Are you tired of the anger?

Are you sick of the endless anger from the 5 remaining candidates?

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No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

I said both parties equally, Klown. Did you read my OP post, the thread title or the poll? How stupid are you?

I know you did. That is the funny part. You guys are embarrassed by the guys you typically support.....or who typically support your failed policies. must claim that "both sides do it" so you can save face.

Both sides don't do it. The Dems are having debates with mostly substance and a bit of political BS. The GOP is a complete train wreck of clowns. One guy isn't a total clown.....and he's in last place.

Equally! LOL!
No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

No your dishonesty about Obama claiming personal credit et, al. And like your claim that Hillary traded favors for policy. Bernie couldn’t name any examples last night and you cannot today. Can you dear? Oh well…everyone here knows you have a casual relationship with the truth.
You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

since no one can tell who you are responding to, let me try.

We need MORE anger, not less. Angry people make things change and we desperately need to change some things in DC.

Fair enough your view, but I think better policies make effective changes. Angry mobs tend to string people up. Maybe you'd like that for awhile, I'd have a hard time crying over the DC politicians being slaughtered, but at some point, I want solutions and anger doesn't provide that
No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

They spent two hours yelling at each other and interrupting each other. You see that as "no anger. serious people?" You're such a sheep it's funny, my love

Been doing that for months…nothing new to see there. You’re simply ignorant of what has happened. Hillary is destroying Sanders at every turn….as expected.

Has she? Interesting interpretation of what's going on. But what does that have to do with the subject?

Delegate count is what again?
No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

They spent two hours yelling at each other and interrupting each other. You see that as "no anger. serious people?" You're such a sheep it's funny, my love

I would call it poor debate technique run by poor moderator.

I liked the line, "you two are just screaming at each other. no one can hear anything either of you are saying"

I didn't watch the dem clown show, but I would agree with that comment
No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

since no one can tell who you are responding to, let me try.

We need MORE anger, not less. Angry people make things change and we desperately need to change some things in DC.

Fair enough your view, but I think better policies make effective changes. Angry mobs tend to string people up. Maybe you'd like that for awhile, I'd have a hard time crying over the DC politicians being slaughtered, but at some point, I want solutions and anger doesn't provide that

"light the torches, grab the pitchforks, storm the Bastille" Yee Haa
No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

since no one can tell who you are responding to, let me try.

We need MORE anger, not less. Angry people make things change and we desperately need to change some things in DC.

Fair enough your view, but I think better policies make effective changes. Angry mobs tend to string people up. Maybe you'd like that for awhile, I'd have a hard time crying over the DC politicians being slaughtered, but at some point, I want solutions and anger doesn't provide that

And the solutions from the right wing are what exactly?
It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

since no one can tell who you are responding to, let me try.

We need MORE anger, not less. Angry people make things change and we desperately need to change some things in DC.

Fair enough your view, but I think better policies make effective changes. Angry mobs tend to string people up. Maybe you'd like that for awhile, I'd have a hard time crying over the DC politicians being slaughtered, but at some point, I want solutions and anger doesn't provide that

"light the torches, grab the pitchforks, storm the Bastille" Yee Haa

First you have to get offline….oh wait…too much to ask.
The far left will always be miserable, even when they get their way, they become even more miserable..
and the far right are batshit crazy

^^^^kind of an angry post. stupid, but angry.
yes red there is anger anger with both parties and not too many places to let it out Seems to me all they try and do is protect their cushy jobs and F the public.....I'm a dem but I sure as hell don't want to vote to get my taxes higher Could that be like letting the fox into the hen house?
No anger. Serious people on the left, Kasich and buffoons on the right.

If there was serious anger, you'd know it

You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

I said both parties equally, Klown. Did you read my OP post, the thread title or the poll? How stupid are you?

I know you did. That is the funny part. You guys are embarrassed by the guys you typically support.....or who typically support your failed policies. must claim that "both sides do it" so you can save face.

Both sides don't do it. The Dems are having debates with mostly substance and a bit of political BS. The GOP is a complete train wreck of clowns. One guy isn't a total clown.....and he's in last place.

Equally! LOL!

You'd pass a lie detector test too, wouldn't you? Baa
You are a happy guy? Really?

Yep, not everyone's as angry as you people are. Try it, life is so much better

Why would you ever think for a moment that you are less angry than I am? I'm often interested in how some people can be so unaware.

Your last reply. You take disagreeing with you as "angry." People tend to project into others what they feel themselves. I didn't say you were angry until you said that, and that was specifically why

That is ridiculous. You said "you people". Do you not even know what you type?

You haven't answered my question about Obama. Is he angry, in your opinion?

Logical fallacy of equivocation. The thread is about both sides being angry, I said they both are angry all the time in their speeches. You see their faces, hear their voices, they sound angry, all of them.

You people in that quote was referring to you people who tell people how they feel. You don't see me or hear me personally, you and I disagree, we criticize each other. Yet you read "anger" in my posts. That says way more about you

I think you are confusing speaking in loud voices for anger.

Bermie has always come off as irritated.....but that's his personality.

Hillary....wrongly.....thinks she has to speak over the crowd and yells too much.

The messages, however....are not angry. They are hopeful.
The far left will always be miserable, even when they get their way, they become even more miserable..
and the far right are batshit crazy

^^^^kind of an angry post. stupid, but angry.
yes red there is anger anger with both parties and not too many places to let it out Seems to me all they try and do is protect their cushy jobs and F the public.....I'm a dem but I sure as hell don't want to vote to get my taxes higher Could that be like letting the fox into the hen house?

then you better not vote for Bernie or the hildebeast---------------because either of them WILL raise your taxes.
You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

I said both parties equally, Klown. Did you read my OP post, the thread title or the poll? How stupid are you?

I know you did. That is the funny part. You guys are embarrassed by the guys you typically support.....or who typically support your failed policies. must claim that "both sides do it" so you can save face.

Both sides don't do it. The Dems are having debates with mostly substance and a bit of political BS. The GOP is a complete train wreck of clowns. One guy isn't a total clown.....and he's in last place.

Equally! LOL!

You'd pass a lie detector test too, wouldn't you? Baa

Absolutely. Especially here. This is an anonymous forum. There is no point in lying.
It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

since no one can tell who you are responding to, let me try.

We need MORE anger, not less. Angry people make things change and we desperately need to change some things in DC.

Fair enough your view, but I think better policies make effective changes. Angry mobs tend to string people up. Maybe you'd like that for awhile, I'd have a hard time crying over the DC politicians being slaughtered, but at some point, I want solutions and anger doesn't provide that

And the solutions from the right wing are what exactly?

First we will destroy the left and RINO's. Then we will secure our borders. Boot the illegals the hell out of our country. Roll back the insane government regulations. Walk away from loser trade deals. Bring manufacturing jobs back to this country. Get the borrowing and debt under control. Root out the rampant government corruption. Get the people trained and working. And if the left or RINO's get in our way we'll bitch slap them.
You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

The funny thing about debating republicans is the inherent dishonesty they always bring with them. It’s fun to watch.

You mean the dishonesty that when I said both parties, I meant Democrats? No wait, that was you. Thank you dearest, here's a twinkie

No your dishonesty about Obama claiming personal credit et, al. And like your claim that Hillary traded favors for policy. Bernie couldn’t name any examples last night and you cannot today. Can you dear? Oh well…everyone here knows you have a casual relationship with the truth.

I said they all sound angry, what does this have to do with that? Diversion anyone?
You didn't watch the bloodbath last night, did you, dear?

No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

They spent two hours yelling at each other and interrupting each other. You see that as "no anger. serious people?" You're such a sheep it's funny, my love

Been doing that for months…nothing new to see there. You’re simply ignorant of what has happened. Hillary is destroying Sanders at every turn….as expected.

Has she? Interesting interpretation of what's going on. But what does that have to do with the subject?

Delegate count is what again?

You said "every turn." That is because of one turn, super delegates. Bernie is pounding her on winning States and popular votes
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost
The far left will always be miserable, even when they get their way, they become even more miserable..
and the far right are batshit crazy

^^^^kind of an angry post. stupid, but angry.
yes red there is anger anger with both parties and not too many places to let it out Seems to me all they try and do is protect their cushy jobs and F the public.....I'm a dem but I sure as hell don't want to vote to get my taxes higher Could that be like letting the fox into the hen house?

then you better not vote for Bernie or the hildebeast---------------because either of them WILL raise your taxes.
I'm caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
You said "every turn." That is because of one turn, super delegates. Bernie is pounding her on winning States and popular votes

Reminds me of guys talking about their fantasy baseball teams…..means nothing. Delegates matter. she is cleaning his clock. She destroyed him in the debate last night from what I hear.

But I’m sure the victory in Wyoming by Senator Sanders is quite reassuring.
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

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