Are you tired of the anger?

Are you sick of the endless anger from the 5 remaining candidates?

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Anyone know why the right wingers on here are always so angry?

I believe many have anger management issues. Getting their asses handed to them for years by the hated black man in the WH has made them bat shit crazy and mad.

When Hillary gets elected, will they become dangerous to themselves? I hope so.
Yep, not everyone's as angry as you people are. Try it, life is so much better

Why would you ever think for a moment that you are less angry than I am? I'm often interested in how some people can be so unaware.

Your last reply. You take disagreeing with you as "angry." People tend to project into others what they feel themselves. I didn't say you were angry until you said that, and that was specifically why

That is ridiculous. You said "you people". Do you not even know what you type?

You haven't answered my question about Obama. Is he angry, in your opinion?

Logical fallacy of equivocation. The thread is about both sides being angry, I said they both are angry all the time in their speeches. You see their faces, hear their voices, they sound angry, all of them.

You people in that quote was referring to you people who tell people how they feel. You don't see me or hear me personally, you and I disagree, we criticize each other. Yet you read "anger" in my posts. That says way more about you

I think you are confusing speaking in loud voices for anger.

Bermie has always come off as irritated.....but that's his personality.

Hillary....wrongly.....thinks she has to speak over the crowd and yells too much.

The messages, however....are not angry. They are hopeful.

Liberals are the angriest people on the face of the planet. It's hilarious. The more you win, the more angry you get, it's an interesting phenomena. And you see anger everywhere whether it exists or not ... except ... in yourselves ...
No. Nobody is describing it as a “bloodbath” either. Heard the POTUS recap of it this morning during my jog; Hillary wiped the floor with him. Preview of things to come.

It's funny to see how desperate nutbags are to label the Dem race as nasty or warlike. It's been civil and dignified. It must really upset the party of throwing poop.

I said both parties equally, Klown. Did you read my OP post, the thread title or the poll? How stupid are you?

I know you did. That is the funny part. You guys are embarrassed by the guys you typically support.....or who typically support your failed policies. must claim that "both sides do it" so you can save face.

Both sides don't do it. The Dems are having debates with mostly substance and a bit of political BS. The GOP is a complete train wreck of clowns. One guy isn't a total clown.....and he's in last place.

Equally! LOL!

You'd pass a lie detector test too, wouldn't you? Baa

Absolutely. Especially here. This is an anonymous forum. There is no point in lying.

That's what I said, you actually believe it. You look at Republicans and Democrats who are virtually identical and actually see night and day and when they do the exact same thing, you see Democrats as good and Republicans as evil. And yes, you actually believe it. You're not the K-K-Klown party for nothing. You're like the other one ...
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

Riiiggghhhhtttttt. An admitted socialist and a felon are slam dunks for you. No one cares about that. You don't like Cruz, obviously he can't win against whatever you put up. You know, like Dole and Kerry, can't miss candidates ...
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
I could not possibly agree more.

Trouble with that...if it bleeds, it leads.

As long as we give that crap our attention, they'll continue with it

That is the problem, it works. It gets them attention, it gets them votes. America is a very angry country. It's sad
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

Riiiggghhhhtttttt. An admitted socialist and a felon are slam dunks for you. No one cares about that. You don't like Cruz, obviously he can't win against whatever you put up. You know, like Dole and Kerry, can't miss candidates ...

Yeah....Ted says he is going to tear up the Iran nuke deal, abolish the IRS, repeal The ACA, defund planned parenthood and promote bigotry under the guise of "religious liberty". And....he still can't win over the nutbag base. He's a lock!
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this
Can anyone imagine four years of hildabeast shrillness...
if she brings dems and pubs to compromise I'd love her

If she brings global peace and ends world hunger I'd love her!

So, what else that's not going to happen would we love her for?
I'm sick of every time I hear any of the candidates they are so freaking angry. Last night, Hillary and Bernie kept up the anger for two straight hours. Kasich started like a nice guy with a nicer tone, but now he's endlessly ranting and angry.

I support Cruz, but I'm sick of his anger too. It's ALL of them. None of them are any better or any worse on this. It's anger, anger, anger. I'm not an angry guy, I'm a happy guy. I don't like being around or hearing that endless anger. And it doesn't influence my vote, I care about policy. Are you as sick of it as I am?

This thread is singling out no candidate, nor defending any of them. They are all the same in this

Well then maybe you shouldnt vote for clueless lesser evils that just keep kicking the can down the road until nearly half the country is in a rage and the politicians start going to exploit that rage?

IF you think the rage is bad, wait till they start talking about who is going to get stripped of everything they own and run out of the country.

I don't, and I say that all the time, moron. I'm a libertarian. I voted in the last six elections Republican 1 and Democrat 0
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

Riiiggghhhhtttttt. An admitted socialist and a felon are slam dunks for you. No one cares about that. You don't like Cruz, obviously he can't win against whatever you put up. You know, like Dole and Kerry, can't miss candidates ...

Yeah....Ted says he is going to tear up the Iran nuke deal, abolish the IRS, repeal The ACA, defund planned parenthood and promote bigotry under the guise of "religious liberty". And....he still can't win over the nutbag base. He's a lock!

Not what I said. You repeated my point that you think only the things you care about are what anyone else cares about, and you don't care about the arrogant, dishonest felon or the sixties hippie and assume no one else thinks those are a problem either
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

Riiiggghhhhtttttt. An admitted socialist and a felon are slam dunks for you. No one cares about that. You don't like Cruz, obviously he can't win against whatever you put up. You know, like Dole and Kerry, can't miss candidates ...

Yeah....Ted says he is going to tear up the Iran nuke deal, abolish the IRS, repeal The ACA, defund planned parenthood and promote bigotry under the guise of "religious liberty". And....he still can't win over the nutbag base. He's a lock!

Not what I said. You repeated my point that you think only the things you care about are what anyone else cares about, and you don't care about the arrogant, dishonest felon or the sixties hippie and assume no one else thinks those are a problem either

You seem angry.
Btw if you are tired of being angry, I invite you to turn to the Lord and seek Him out. He has the ability to speak peace to us even in the times of adversity we face.

And His Spirit is the Spirit of Liberty. The fruits of that Spirit include peace, joy, and happiness
Btw if you are tired of being angry, I invite you to turn to the Lord and seek Him out. He has the ability to speak peace to us even in the times of adversity we face.

And His Spirit is the Spirit of Liberty. The fruits of that Spirit include peace, joy, and happiness

Sadly, many will be very pissed over what you just said.
Haven't seen much from cruz except when his family was attacked. I'm not really that angry for the most part. I am little annoyed that so many proclaimed conservatives are shooting the conservative movement in the head right before we are finally going to win by voting for trump but even then I'm more worried than angry. I didn't realize the extent we are lost

You really think Cruz can win in a general against either Clinton or Sanders, don't you?

Riiiggghhhhtttttt. An admitted socialist and a felon are slam dunks for you. No one cares about that. You don't like Cruz, obviously he can't win against whatever you put up. You know, like Dole and Kerry, can't miss candidates ...

Yeah....Ted says he is going to tear up the Iran nuke deal, abolish the IRS, repeal The ACA, defund planned parenthood and promote bigotry under the guise of "religious liberty". And....he still can't win over the nutbag base. He's a lock!

Not what I said. You repeated my point that you think only the things you care about are what anyone else cares about, and you don't care about the arrogant, dishonest felon or the sixties hippie and assume no one else thinks those are a problem either

You seem angry.

Nope, I wouldn't infringe on your territory. Rest assured
Btw if you are tired of being angry, I invite you to turn to the Lord and seek Him out. He has the ability to speak peace to us even in the times of adversity we face.

And His Spirit is the Spirit of Liberty. The fruits of that Spirit include peace, joy, and happiness

Sadly, many will be very pissed over what you just said.

That would be ironic.
Btw if you are tired of being angry, I invite you to turn to the Lord and seek Him out. He has the ability to speak peace to us even in the times of adversity we face.

And His Spirit is the Spirit of Liberty. The fruits of that Spirit include peace, joy, and happiness

Sadly, many will be very pissed over what you just said.

Name some.

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