Are you too scared?

So it is not about the facts but you having and following through with being a bully and telling me to shut up, right Bruce T. Laney?

Nope and if you believe I am telling you to shut up please quote me and if you can not, well it is because I never said that, right!?!

Make me your enemy and watch how I am not bothered!
Your posts speak for themselves. I don't have to say a word. Everyone can read them.
Your posts speak for themselves. I don't have to say a word. Everyone can read them.
IF we read them and they do not speak out loud, did I really fart in your face?

Insults? No! This is the 'new' politics. If the party primaries of a major national political party can 'speak' this way, the bar has been lowered. I challenge what constitutes 'insulting' language to a conservative a Republican, or a backer of Donald Trump.
What allows you to dictate how people communicate and address who YOU are and what you support and don't? Fascist much?
Angry? Temper, temper. Loss of control? Bad character, standards, and values? It's not a far concept to stay on topic of the original post.
Are you too scared to do what is necessary to bring forth and defend freedom and capitalism?

Hitler asked the same question about defending the Real Germany.

He fed well-meaning people scapegoats and simple cliches.

Please turn off talk radio and enroll in college.

This doesn't mean you have to become an elitist.

But you owe it to yourself to read Nozick's "Anarchy State & Utopia" and Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" so you don't have to rely on Mark Levin or Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh.
Angry? Temper, temper. Loss of control? Bad character, standards, and values? It's not a far concept to stay on topic of the original post.

Many have but have you?

A conversation will take you many directions but Stalinist want to control it so it will not change!
How asinine Dante.

It is not a surprise to anyone that Londoner would try to demonize someone who would stand up and defend freedom and capitalism. Comparing them to German Nazis?! That's not just low. That is evil.
What allows you to dictate how people communicate and address who YOU are and what you support and don't? Fascist much?
What allows you to dictate how people communicate and address who YOU are and what you support and don't? Get fisted much?

can I get an applause line here?

Fisted would be the sinful pleasure of some!
Has CrusaderFrank been spotted with MAL?

Maybe not but who the hell knows!?!

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