Are You Voting This Fall?

Are You Voting This Fall?

  • Yes, I love me some turds

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, I love me some maggots

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes, I am going to vote for a third party propellerhead

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, I am going to write in a funny name

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No. Hell no. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.
I am only voting for those who do not take corporate/special interest money to fuel their campaign.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I will cast my vote for rectitude. Rectitude in action; not the embodiment thereof.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I'm voting to cancel yours.
Im voting for the first sob to squat and crap $100 dollar bills.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I will cast my vote for rectitude. Rectitude in action; not the embodiment thereof.
By rectitude, I take it you mean using taxpayer money to pay off sexual harrassment victims, paying off porn stars and beauty queens to keep quiet about adultery, taxpayer dollars spent on cabinet wive's vacations, $43,000 soundproof phone booths.

I take it you mean this:

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I will cast my vote for rectitude. Rectitude in action; not the embodiment thereof.
By rectitude, I take it you mean using taxpayer money to pay off sexual harrassment victims, paying off porn stars and beauty queens to keep quiet about adultery, taxpayer dollars spent on cabinet wive's vacations, $43,000 soundproof phone booths.

I take it you mean this:

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

No. Not for the sins of the Doer. For the outcome. You're allowing the messenger to obnubilate the result. A common bêtise these days--for practitioners of patriotic relativism.
Yes, as an Independent I'm going to hold my nose and vote a straight R ticket, as I will the rest of my life - simply to keep violent, deeply psychotic, violent, bloodthirsty, public-psychotic-meltdown, self-loathing-American liberal walking anal cysts from getting in any position of power. Liberals are a gamma-ray-emitting testament to everything mankind has done maliciously wrong, even their pet homeless junkies in the gutter are more respectable than liberal humanoids.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I look forward to the primaries more than the general elections.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.
I really wished that there had been a nationwide movement in 2016 to refuse to vote for a President. That's how bad the choices seemed to me. But little old me withholding my vote would mean nothing, and we have to remember Bush winning by 200 votes or something like I played the game, but I felt the same way. Nobody deserved anyone's vote, imo. The only way to stop these parties from throwing us horseshit is to refuse to support them. Any of them.
To me Rethuglians are the root cause of Americas most pressing problems. From McConnells refusal to work with dems to Sessions obsession with Hillary the best chance is democrat.
I'm voting this fall, and changing my registration to Republican beforehand.

Democrats cheese done slippeded off'n their cracker. That ain't no kinda American stuff they're doing.

It narrows down the candidates to vet. Then I only have to vet half as many lying politicians. It's a given the others are cuckoo.
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I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.
I really wished that there had been a nationwide movement in 2016 to refuse to vote for a President. That's how bad the choices seemed to me. But little old me withholding my vote would mean nothing, and we have to remember Bush winning by 200 votes or something like I played the game, but I felt the same way. Nobody deserved anyone's vote, imo. The only way to stop these parties from throwing us horseshit is to refuse to support them. Any of them.


there should be a no vote election

a majority no vote and the incumbent remains in office if he/she has a majority approval rating for the duration of the previous term.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

First which are the turds and which are the maggots? Maggots are gross,but turds are total I'll assume that the Repugs are the turds.

I'm not going to vote for the 'lesser of two evils', I'm going to vote against the greater of two evils.

Voting for a third party or not voting is reasonable, except that the turds have started to stink far beyond anything in U.S. history. So, I'll vote for the maggots. I don't like them, but my theory is that if the turds are run out of office, they'll start acting like maggots. Then the maggots just may opt to act like some higher life form - slugs perhaps.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

First which are the turds and which are the maggots? Maggots are gross,but turds are total I'll assume that the Repugs are the turds.

I'm not going to vote for the 'lesser of two evils', I'm going to vote against the greater of two evils.

Voting for a third party or not voting is reasonable, except that the turds have started to stink far beyond anything in U.S. history. So, I'll vote for the maggots. I don't like them, but my theory is that if the turds are run out of office, they'll start acting like maggots. Then the maggots just may opt to act like some higher life form - slugs perhaps.

To me Rethuglians are the root cause of Americas most pressing problems. From McConnells refusal to work with dems to Sessions obsession with Hillary the best chance is democrat.


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