Are You Voting This Fall?

Are You Voting This Fall?

  • Yes, I love me some turds

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, I love me some maggots

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes, I am going to vote for a third party propellerhead

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, I am going to write in a funny name

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No. Hell no. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

First which are the turds and which are the maggots? Maggots are gross,but turds are total I'll assume that the Repugs are the turds.

I'm not going to vote for the 'lesser of two evils', I'm going to vote against the greater of two evils.

Voting for a third party or not voting is reasonable, except that the turds have started to stink far beyond anything in U.S. history. So, I'll vote for the maggots. I don't like them, but my theory is that if the turds are run out of office, they'll start acting like maggots. Then the maggots just may opt to act like some higher life form - slugs perhaps.


A fair evaluation.
What does not voting accomplish? Someone is still going to get elected likely someone you don’t care for and your still going to complain about them so you might as well cast the ballot. I was not a huge fan of Donald Trump but I’m glad he’s the one putting two justices on the Supreme Court and not Hillary Clinton.
Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

I will be voting for Louis Barletta, a man of real action.

A prolife candidate whose record of accomplishment included wonderful immigration reform in the City of Hazleton.
I won't be voting unless one of you good people will adopt me in time; I'm only 61 and the eight kids come with that's NINE REPUBLICAN VOTES!!!

C'mon; ANYBODY????

I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.
I really wished that there had been a nationwide movement in 2016 to refuse to vote for a President. That's how bad the choices seemed to me. But little old me withholding my vote would mean nothing, and we have to remember Bush winning by 200 votes or something like I played the game, but I felt the same way. Nobody deserved anyone's vote, imo. The only way to stop these parties from throwing us horseshit is to refuse to support them. Any of them.


there should be a no vote election

a majority no vote and the incumbent remains in office if he/she has a majority approval rating for the duration of the previous term.
Does that mean we could have Trump for 16 years?
Of course I'm voting. It's my duty as an American to vote.

Haven't missed a single vote since 1972.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

"If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice"-RUSH

The poll presents some interesting choices. Not just turds vs. maggots but the prospect of plunging long steel needles into my eyes is one I hadn't given serious consideration to. :eusa_think:

I'm gonna, no pun intended, look into it.
No need for me to vote this fall. People in Kentucky only vote Republican even if they are a douche wrapped in a turd sandwich set on fire.

I will not, nor will ever vote for Rand Paul or Mitch McConnell. They are both loons and lack a spine.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

Why bother to vote, I moved to a red state where they share my moral conservative Christian values.

I'm not going to vote for the 'lesser of two evils', I'm going to vote against the greater of two evils.

A distinction without a difference. You are voting for evil. You are telling evil you approve of evil.
I believe when you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right.

I believe when you throw away your principles and vote for "the lesser of two evils", you are voting for EVIL, and we end up with more and more evil choices. The elections of the past 20 years bear this out.

Voting for a turd because you don't want a maggot to win is about as retarded as it gets. You are telling the turd to keep being a turd.

So, for those reasons, and much much more, I will once again refrain from voting on the federal level. I will stick to voting on local ballot measures.

It does not matter who wins in the fall. No matter who wins, we will have trillion dollar deficits. And the debt is the single greatest threat to our nation. Not Mexicans. Not gays. Not guns. Not Muslims.

I absolutely refuse to vote for big spenders. I will not do it.

You hate Democrats? You hate Republicans? I hate both.

Send a message. Don't vote for turds and maggots. That only encourages them.

Why bother to vote, I moved to a red state where they share my moral conservative Christian values.

Thought you told me you were in North Cackalackee? What, you moved again?
Why bother to vote, I moved to a red state where they share my moral conservative Christian values.

Uhhh...which conservative Christian "moral value" encompasses cheating on your wife with porn stars and bribing them to stay silent?
Uhhh...which conservative Christian "moral value" encompasses cheating on your wife with porn stars and bribing them to stay silent?

A year and a half later and you still can not figure out Trump is a liberal Republican ???

Uhhh...which conservative Christian "moral value" encompasses cheating on your wife with porn stars and bribing them to stay silent?

A year and a half later and you still can not figure out Trump is a liberal Republican ???

I have been saying since the primaries that Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. If I have said it once, I've said it a hundred times.

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