Are You White? Do you feel guilty?

What really should be done...the democrat party should be disbanded, their assets seized and then used to pay the ancestors of slaves.....the democrats owned blacks as slaves and fought to keep them as slaves...then did everything in their power to prevent the black men and women the Republicans freed from voting and accessing their freedoms in America....

If any one group of people need to pay reparations to would be the racist, democrat party....
I feel ashamed about homeless people but there is little I can do about this. So not guilty.

I feel ashamed about Mexican agricultural workers. There is nothing I can do about this either, so not guilty.

I feel sorry for black people being poor. I had nothing to do with that either, so not guilty. My own relatives did not immigrate from Europe into the USA until the 1920's after WW1. None of my ancestors has ever been involved in slavery.

I do not feel guilty about the Holocaust. I had nothing to do with that. My dad fought against the Nazi's in WW2 so the Jews should thank me. It is wearing to hear them keep reminding us about the Holocaust. But they know it is their magical touchstone so they won't let us forget.
What really should be done...the democrat party should be disbanded, their assets seized and then used to pay the ancestors of slaves.....the democrats owned blacks as slaves and fought to keep them as slaves...then did everything in their power to prevent the black men and women the Republicans freed from voting and accessing their freedoms in America....

If any one group of people need to pay reparations to would be the racist, democrat party....
It may be that the inherent guilt of the Democrat party is why they are propping up black society now.

LBJ is the person most responsible for this.

And that is also why the South has turned sides and become GOP because the GOP does not care about blacks anymore. Now that the GOP has set the slaves free, the GOP figures they don't owe black people anything more. Even though the GOP covers the South where black slavery existed originally.

This is called a dilemma.
My white half does not feel guilty.

And I feel so guilty about that!!

Well apparently whites are supposed to feel guilt about a 150 year old human rights violation they had no part in and are supposed to pay people for slavery when they were never slaves. Never mind that 75% of white Americans ancestors were over in Europe enjoying the glorious lifestyle of peasantry at the time of slavery and had absolutely nothing to do with the enslavement of blacks. It's like getting sued for damages to a car in California when you were Clearly in NYC at the time and then being ordered to give the money to a total stranger in Colorado.
Well apparently whites are supposed to feel guilt about a 150 year old human rights violation they had no part in and are supposed to pay people for slavery when they were never slaves. Never mind that 75% of white Americans ancestors were over in Europe enjoying the glorious lifestyle of peasantry at the time of slavery and had absolutely nothing to do with the enslavement of blacks. It's like getting sued for damages to a car in California when you were Clearly in NYC at the time and then being ordered to give the money to a total stranger in Colorado.

Exactly! The ancestors of many present day Americans (or as in my case, present day Canadians), were feudal serfs, whose lives by any reasonable measure were far worse than the lives of the ancestors of present day cry babies.

European feudal serfs serfs had no underground rail road to help them to a better place. For many more centuries than the ancestors of present day cry babies, they were bought and sold, debased, humiliated far more cruelly than the American black slaves. Their courageous rebellions - from Western Europe to Tzarist Russia - were crushed, their leaders burned alive on stakes and their oppressors were their fellow citizens - although richer and more privileged. The American slaves who were sold by their smarter fellow blacks to white slave owners, knew that the hate and humiliation came from those who looked different from them. Such was not the case with European serfs. They were oppressed by royalty and nobility whose firm belief was that they were better than the people they held in bondage, in spite of no difference in skin color. In fact, the fact that 1,000 years of white serfdom has not engendered more outrage than a mere 300 years of black slavery was the fact that no people of obvious difference in appearance held in virtual slavery were taken for granted as normal.

I will happily pay reparation to any one single black person who proves one thing, beyond a reasonable doubt:

My ancestors held his ancestors in slavery.

Until then, shut up and if you want reparation seek it from Al Sharpton and Jesse Kackson and on any and all members of the Black Congressional Caucus, who made themselves filthy rich by exploiting the fears and gullibility of fools like you.
I'm 50% white, and no my white side doesn't feel one bit guilty.
Well apparently whites are supposed to feel guilt about a 150 year old human rights violation they had no part in and are supposed to pay people for slavery when they were never slaves. Never mind that 75% of white Americans ancestors were over in Europe enjoying the glorious lifestyle of peasantry at the time of slavery and had absolutely nothing to do with the enslavement of blacks. It's like getting sued for damages to a car in California when you were Clearly in NYC at the time and then being ordered to give the money to a total stranger in Colorado.

Exactly! The ancestors of many present day Americans (or as in my case, present day Canadians), were feudal serfs, whose lives by any reasonable measure were far worse than the lives of the ancestors of present day cry babies.

European feudal serfs serfs had no underground rail road to help them to a better place. For many more centuries than the ancestors of present day cry babies, they were bought and sold, debased, humiliated far more cruelly than the American black slaves. Their courageous rebellions - from Western Europe to Tzarist Russia - were crushed, their leaders burned alive on stakes and their oppressors were their fellow citizens - although richer and more privileged. The American slaves who were sold by their smarter fellow blacks to white slave owners, knew that the hate and humiliation came from those who looked different from them. Such was not the case with European serfs. They were oppressed by royalty and nobility whose firm belief was that they were better than the people they held in bondage, in spite of no difference in skin color. In fact, the fact that 1,000 years of white serfdom has not engendered more outrage than a mere 300 years of black slavery was the fact that no people of obvious difference in appearance held in virtual slavery were taken for granted as normal.

I will happily pay reparation to any one single black person who proves one thing, beyond a reasonable doubt:

My ancestors held his ancestors in slavery.

Until then, shut up and if you want reparation seek it from Al Sharpton and Jesse Kackson and on any and all members of the Black Congressional Caucus, who made themselves filthy rich by exploiting the fears and gullibility of fools like you.

I know not only didn't my ancestors not own any slaves, but two of them fought for the Union. 40 Year old HC left his wife,farm and a slew of kids to fight and his son WC died of dysentery he contracted during the war. He was mustered out and died the next day. Where's my families reparations? WC and HC must be rolling over in their graves at the ungratefulness of the ancestors of the people they fought to save.

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