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Are you working to be God?

Are you working to be God?

If not, why not?

Adam and Eve did and were rewarded. They have become as God in the knowing of good and evil.

The way I see the overall ancient Jewish and Christian religions is, it is designed, if read the way I read it; to have mankind mature and civilize itself to where a god is not required, as we will all walk about with a Christ mind and the morality of God. We are to be morally and ethically the ideal of what we think God is. Gen 3: - They have become as Gods in the knowing of good and evil.

The future God of man is to be a man, since we cannot know anything about the supernatural.


Archetypal Jesus, just a man, ascended to the throne of God and took the judgement seat from God. That makes man the ruler of his own morals and ethics.

This is clear and exemplified in the Vatican’s creation painting which has God sitting on the outline of the right hemisphere of our brains, where the ancients thought God resided, in the third or inner eye type of metaphor.

Matthew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 - For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


If you have any Gnosis, you will agree with this Gnostic Christian, Karaite Jews and Buddhists that man is to be above God and not God above man.

Adam and Eve got booted out of Eden for getting it on.

God drowned nearly all of humanity in his flood. Even the babies.

I'm not working for a mass murderer, they tried that in Germany already.

Actually, Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden because they didn't take responsibility for their actions. When God asked Adam why he ate the apple, he said it was because Eve gave it to him. When God asked Eve why she ate it, she blamed the serpent.

If Adam and Eve had admitted to taking the apple in the first place and asked for forgiveness right then and there, I think the human race would have turned out much differently.

The original sin isn't having sex, the original sin was to refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

The Jews originally and presently see Eden as where man was elevated and they do not have an Original sin concept.

They knew that gaining a moral sense, which is what happened to A & E, --- they have become as God in the knowing of good and evil, --- was a real good thing. Christianity saw it as evil somehow.

Would you give up your moral sense or do you see it's value to us being fully human?


I don't have any "moral sense". Why? Because I believe that morals are values and ethics that are thrust on the individual by the society that they are living in. And, because I think that some of those values and ethics that society thrusts on us are wrong, I don't have any morals.

However......................I do have values and ethics that make sense to me and I follow those.

A good example is that somehow in America, it is "immoral" for a woman to walk around in just a bikini bottom because Americans feel that the female breast is sexual, but they don't feel that way about men. However, over in places like Europe and South America, damn near all the beaches over there are top optional, with most women going topless.
Baby Nephilim are not human babies. He waited until there were only 8 humans with non corrupt human DNA before acting. He saved humanity, He didn't destroy it.
Adam and Eve were NOT rewarded, and never turned into gods. But, what they were, were continually forgiven.
It is even better for us.
Accept the gift Christ offered from the cross, and God puts your sins behind Him never to be revisited again. They are forgotten. The love of our Father is a good deal. Thank Him.
Hmm sounds pretty culty

Not at all. It is all inclusive. Christ was no respecter of persons. He loved us all. Paid the price for us all in the hope that we will join Him, ruling and reigning as a Child of the Most High, and co-heir with our brother, Jesus.

Suicide, instead of just forgiving us outright is not moral.

You think Jesus/God died for you, but if Jesus/God did not stay dead, then there was no sacrifice.

Can you show us how he should have done it then.
Actually, becoming a god is one of the things that Buddhists believe. They believe that the ultimate form of mankind is a Buddha, and with enough contemplation and living right, anyone can become a Buddha, which is to say, a god.

One of the reasons I couldn't get behind that belief system, because I feel like there is a Higher Power of some sort out there, and I'm too small to be it.

However......................Taoism believes quite a few of the same things that Buddhists believe, but Taoists don't believe they can become gods, they believe that when we die, we rejoin the Tao.

Kinda like what Christians believe when they say they are going to rejoin God.

Many have that feeling, and since we cannot serve a feeling, we should serve man and in that way, as some say, we are serving God.

God is not here. Man is here, and to not serve man in hopes of a God, God would not see as moral.

As has been said, if you cannot see God in all, you will never find God at all.


Actually, there is a reference to that in Jewish belief. In some cases, they believe that we are here to be God's "hands and feet" to do good things for our fellow humans and take care of the planet.

Me? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, which is why I have learned something about Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with a small smattering of Islam thrown in.

The reason I researched Islam? So I could try to better understand those who appear to be against America because of their religion.

Two things come to mind.

First, most Jews are not literalists and have not been for a long time.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Second, on their view of mans ascension in Eden.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

Are you working to be God?

If not, why not?

Adam and Eve did and were rewarded. They have become as God in the knowing of good and evil.

The way I see the overall ancient Jewish and Christian religions is, it is designed, if read the way I read it; to have mankind mature and civilize itself to where a god is not required, as we will all walk about with a Christ mind and the morality of God. We are to be morally and ethically the ideal of what we think God is. Gen 3: - They have become as Gods in the knowing of good and evil.

The future God of man is to be a man, since we cannot know anything about the supernatural.


Archetypal Jesus, just a man, ascended to the throne of God and took the judgement seat from God. That makes man the ruler of his own morals and ethics.

This is clear and exemplified in the Vatican’s creation painting which has God sitting on the outline of the right hemisphere of our brains, where the ancients thought God resided, in the third or inner eye type of metaphor.

Matthew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 - For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


If you have any Gnosis, you will agree with this Gnostic Christian, Karaite Jews and Buddhists that man is to be above God and not God above man.

Adam and Eve got booted out of Eden for getting it on.

God drowned nearly all of humanity in his flood. Even the babies.

I'm not working for a mass murderer, they tried that in Germany already.

Actually, Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden because they didn't take responsibility for their actions. When God asked Adam why he ate the apple, he said it was because Eve gave it to him. When God asked Eve why she ate it, she blamed the serpent.

If Adam and Eve had admitted to taking the apple in the first place and asked for forgiveness right then and there, I think the human race would have turned out much differently.

The original sin isn't having sex, the original sin was to refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

The Jews originally and presently see Eden as where man was elevated and they do not have an Original sin concept.

They knew that gaining a moral sense, which is what happened to A & E, --- they have become as God in the knowing of good and evil, --- was a real good thing. Christianity saw it as evil somehow.

Would you give up your moral sense or do you see it's value to us being fully human?


I don't have any "moral sense". Why? Because I believe that morals are values and ethics that are thrust on the individual by the society that they are living in. And, because I think that some of those values and ethics that society thrusts on us are wrong, I don't have any morals.

However......................I do have values and ethics that make sense to me and I follow those.

A good example is that somehow in America, it is "immoral" for a woman to walk around in just a bikini bottom because Americans feel that the female breast is sexual, but they don't feel that way about men. However, over in places like Europe and South America, damn near all the beaches over there are top optional, with most women going topless.

IOW, you do have a moral sense. As yoiur ethical behavior is guided by your morals.

We all do as we are born with it as a part of our instincts.

Create. Like.Love. Care for.
Create. It's a piece of shit ? Get rid of it.
His call. His "project".
Play by the rules( or at least admit you aren't) or perish. Not too hard
[QUOTE="ding, post: 19378182, member: 59921
Can you show us how he should have done it then.[/QUOTE]

With your help.
What should good law demand?
Should the innocent be punished or the guilty?

Create. Like.Love. Care for.
Create. It's a piece of shit ? Get rid of it.
His call. His "project".
Play by the rules( or at least admit you aren't) or perish. Not too hard

And you see killing as moral when a cure can be given?

Actually, becoming a god is one of the things that Buddhists believe. They believe that the ultimate form of mankind is a Buddha, and with enough contemplation and living right, anyone can become a Buddha, which is to say, a god.

One of the reasons I couldn't get behind that belief system, because I feel like there is a Higher Power of some sort out there, and I'm too small to be it.

However......................Taoism believes quite a few of the same things that Buddhists believe, but Taoists don't believe they can become gods, they believe that when we die, we rejoin the Tao.

Kinda like what Christians believe when they say they are going to rejoin God.

Many have that feeling, and since we cannot serve a feeling, we should serve man and in that way, as some say, we are serving God.

God is not here. Man is here, and to not serve man in hopes of a God, God would not see as moral.

As has been said, if you cannot see God in all, you will never find God at all.


Actually, there is a reference to that in Jewish belief. In some cases, they believe that we are here to be God's "hands and feet" to do good things for our fellow humans and take care of the planet.

Me? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, which is why I have learned something about Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with a small smattering of Islam thrown in.

The reason I researched Islam? So I could try to better understand those who appear to be against America because of their religion.

Two things come to mind.

First, most Jews are not literalists and have not been for a long time.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Second, on their view of mans ascension in Eden.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin


That is one of the problems with Christians. Not only do they have the Golden Rule backwards (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), but they also don't understand that a lot of the Bible is written in parables. And, they also think that the OT is their book. It's not. The first 5 books of the OT is actually the Torah, with the rest of the OT being a history of the Jewish people, followed by Psalms (hymns), and Parables (stories to tell you how to live).

That whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" never made much sense to me. Why? Because I'm not particularly religious, but religious people like to go out and preach to others. I don't like being preached to.

When I heard Rabbi Hillel's version? Made a whole lot more sense, because that is kinda how I live my life. If I don't like having something done to me, I don't do it to others. And, if there is something I enjoy, I offer it to people, but I don't feel offended if they don't want to partake, and I don't force it on them.

Wow Greatest............................good thread. Nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone about this subject.

We all return to God in the end.



You know this, how?



It's obvious as the light of day and the dark of night.


Eve had no choice. All people have an electromagnetic field. Spending any length of time with God, His energy transfers to the human's aura. Moses was a good example of that. It is why Adam nor Eve realized they were naked.
Eve was the one that was tricked, not Adam. Adam had a choice to make. Continue to have dominion over the earth, or hand it over to the one who tricked his wife, and leave the Garden with her. He loved her and left with her. God immediately covered them with the temporary blood covering of an animal so He could remain with them. And did so.
Are you working to be God?

If not, why not?

Adam and Eve did and were rewarded. They have become as God in the knowing of good and evil.

The way I see the overall ancient Jewish and Christian religions is, it is designed, if read the way I read it; to have mankind mature and civilize itself to where a god is not required, as we will all walk about with a Christ mind and the morality of God. We are to be morally and ethically the ideal of what we think God is. Gen 3: - They have become as Gods in the knowing of good and evil.

The future God of man is to be a man, since we cannot know anything about the supernatural.


Archetypal Jesus, just a man, ascended to the throne of God and took the judgement seat from God. That makes man the ruler of his own morals and ethics.

This is clear and exemplified in the Vatican’s creation painting which has God sitting on the outline of the right hemisphere of our brains, where the ancients thought God resided, in the third or inner eye type of metaphor.

Matthew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 - For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


If you have any Gnosis, you will agree with this Gnostic Christian, Karaite Jews and Buddhists that man is to be above God and not God above man.

Adam and Eve got booted out of Eden for getting it on.

God drowned nearly all of humanity in his flood. Even the babies.

I'm not working for a mass murderer, they tried that in Germany already.

Actually, Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden because they didn't take responsibility for their actions. When God asked Adam why he ate the apple, he said it was because Eve gave it to him. When God asked Eve why she ate it, she blamed the serpent.

If Adam and Eve had admitted to taking the apple in the first place and asked for forgiveness right then and there, I think the human race would have turned out much differently.

The original sin isn't having sex, the original sin was to refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

The Jews originally and presently see Eden as where man was elevated and they do not have an Original sin concept.

They knew that gaining a moral sense, which is what happened to A & E, --- they have become as God in the knowing of good and evil, --- was a real good thing. Christianity saw it as evil somehow.

Would you give up your moral sense or do you see it's value to us being fully human?


I don't have any "moral sense". Why? Because I believe that morals are values and ethics that are thrust on the individual by the society that they are living in. And, because I think that some of those values and ethics that society thrusts on us are wrong, I don't have any morals.

However......................I do have values and ethics that make sense to me and I follow those.

A good example is that somehow in America, it is "immoral" for a woman to walk around in just a bikini bottom because Americans feel that the female breast is sexual, but they don't feel that way about men. However, over in places like Europe and South America, damn near all the beaches over there are top optional, with most women going topless.

IOW, you do have a moral sense. As yoiur ethical behavior is guided by your morals.

We all do as we are born with it as a part of our instincts.


Actually, I don't really consider my values and ethics to be "morals" because like I said, I think morals are what society forces on an individual to tell them how to behave in it. I don't like a group of people telling me what I should and shouldn't do, especially when I think they are wrong.

And.................to tell you the truth, my values and ethics have kinda grown with me as I have gone through life. Things I thought were okay as a kid I don't think are okay as an adult, and some things that I thought were "immoral", are now okay in my book. One of those things that most people would consider "immoral", but I don't is smoking cannabis. Growing up, everyone around me told me that if you smoked cannabis, you were morally bankrupt and a bad person. Well, the last 8 years I was in the Navy, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and I couldn't figure out why marijuana was illegal, but alcohol wasn't. The effects of alcohol on the body are much worse than cannabis. Well, after I retired from the military, I did my own research for about 6 months, and decided to do the ultimate experiment and try it out for myself.

Been 420 friendly ever since. Does that mean that I'm "immoral" for smoking? In some people's eyes, but not mine, and not in the friends I have.
Actually, becoming a god is one of the things that Buddhists believe. They believe that the ultimate form of mankind is a Buddha, and with enough contemplation and living right, anyone can become a Buddha, which is to say, a god.

One of the reasons I couldn't get behind that belief system, because I feel like there is a Higher Power of some sort out there, and I'm too small to be it.

However......................Taoism believes quite a few of the same things that Buddhists believe, but Taoists don't believe they can become gods, they believe that when we die, we rejoin the Tao.

Kinda like what Christians believe when they say they are going to rejoin God.

Many have that feeling, and since we cannot serve a feeling, we should serve man and in that way, as some say, we are serving God.

God is not here. Man is here, and to not serve man in hopes of a God, God would not see as moral.

As has been said, if you cannot see God in all, you will never find God at all.


Actually, there is a reference to that in Jewish belief. In some cases, they believe that we are here to be God's "hands and feet" to do good things for our fellow humans and take care of the planet.

Me? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, which is why I have learned something about Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with a small smattering of Islam thrown in.

The reason I researched Islam? So I could try to better understand those who appear to be against America because of their religion.

Two things come to mind.

First, most Jews are not literalists and have not been for a long time.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Second, on their view of mans ascension in Eden.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin


That is one of the problems with Christians. Not only do they have the Golden Rule backwards (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), but they also don't understand that a lot of the Bible is written in parables. And, they also think that the OT is their book. It's not. The first 5 books of the OT is actually the Torah, with the rest of the OT being a history of the Jewish people, followed by Psalms (hymns), and Parables (stories to tell you how to live).

That whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" never made much sense to me. Why? Because I'm not particularly religious, but religious people like to go out and preach to others. I don't like being preached to.

When I heard Rabbi Hillel's version? Made a whole lot more sense, because that is kinda how I live my life. If I don't like having something done to me, I don't do it to others. And, if there is something I enjoy, I offer it to people, but I don't feel offended if they don't want to partake, and I don't force it on them.

Wow Greatest............................good thread. Nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone about this subject.

Thanks much.

There are a number of ways to express a reciprocity rule and the important thing is that people recognize that reciprocity is always fair play.

In Christian terms, they do not recognize that turning the other cheek is rewarding evil and that that is not good at all.

The Jews, if I recall correctly see turning the other cheek as actually insulting the other guy and that fair play is reciprocity.

Christians have that turn the other cheek thing backwards as well.

I hear you on intelligent conversations.

It has become almost impossible to have one with Christians as most here are of the literalist and fundamental type and without the ability to use their Inquisitions any longer, they are stuck with arguments that never worked in the first place.

Eve had no choice. All people have an electromagnetic field. Spending any length of time with God, His energy transfers to the human's aura. Moses was a good example of that. It is why Adam nor Eve realized they were naked.
Eve was the one that was tricked, not Adam. Adam had a choice to make. Continue to have dominion over the earth, or hand it over to the one who tricked his wife, and leave the Garden with her. He loved her and left with her. God immediately covered them with the temporary blood covering of an animal so He could remain with them. And did so.

Read post 23 please.

Adam and Eve got booted out of Eden for getting it on.

God drowned nearly all of humanity in his flood. Even the babies.

I'm not working for a mass murderer, they tried that in Germany already.

Actually, Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden because they didn't take responsibility for their actions. When God asked Adam why he ate the apple, he said it was because Eve gave it to him. When God asked Eve why she ate it, she blamed the serpent.

If Adam and Eve had admitted to taking the apple in the first place and asked for forgiveness right then and there, I think the human race would have turned out much differently.

The original sin isn't having sex, the original sin was to refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

The Jews originally and presently see Eden as where man was elevated and they do not have an Original sin concept.

They knew that gaining a moral sense, which is what happened to A & E, --- they have become as God in the knowing of good and evil, --- was a real good thing. Christianity saw it as evil somehow.

Would you give up your moral sense or do you see it's value to us being fully human?


I don't have any "moral sense". Why? Because I believe that morals are values and ethics that are thrust on the individual by the society that they are living in. And, because I think that some of those values and ethics that society thrusts on us are wrong, I don't have any morals.

However......................I do have values and ethics that make sense to me and I follow those.

A good example is that somehow in America, it is "immoral" for a woman to walk around in just a bikini bottom because Americans feel that the female breast is sexual, but they don't feel that way about men. However, over in places like Europe and South America, damn near all the beaches over there are top optional, with most women going topless.

IOW, you do have a moral sense. As yoiur ethical behavior is guided by your morals.

We all do as we are born with it as a part of our instincts.


Actually, I don't really consider my values and ethics to be "morals" because like I said, I think morals are what society forces on an individual to tell them how to behave in it. I don't like a group of people telling me what I should and shouldn't do, especially when I think they are wrong.

And.................to tell you the truth, my values and ethics have kinda grown with me as I have gone through life. Things I thought were okay as a kid I don't think are okay as an adult, and some things that I thought were "immoral", are now okay in my book. One of those things that most people would consider "immoral", but I don't is smoking cannabis. Growing up, everyone around me told me that if you smoked cannabis, you were morally bankrupt and a bad person. Well, the last 8 years I was in the Navy, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor, and I couldn't figure out why marijuana was illegal, but alcohol wasn't. The effects of alcohol on the body are much worse than cannabis. Well, after I retired from the military, I did my own research for about 6 months, and decided to do the ultimate experiment and try it out for myself.

Been 420 friendly ever since. Does that mean that I'm "immoral" for smoking? In some people's eyes, but not mine, and not in the friends I have.

Not to go into semantic and a discussion on the meaning of words, but what you call value and ethics, I call morals.

I have read what you have put and your view on the less harmful drug being the one that should be legal, shows your moral sense.

Moral sense and common sense are mostly the same.

Actually, becoming a god is one of the things that Buddhists believe. They believe that the ultimate form of mankind is a Buddha, and with enough contemplation and living right, anyone can become a Buddha, which is to say, a god.

One of the reasons I couldn't get behind that belief system, because I feel like there is a Higher Power of some sort out there, and I'm too small to be it.

However......................Taoism believes quite a few of the same things that Buddhists believe, but Taoists don't believe they can become gods, they believe that when we die, we rejoin the Tao.

Kinda like what Christians believe when they say they are going to rejoin God.

Many have that feeling, and since we cannot serve a feeling, we should serve man and in that way, as some say, we are serving God.

God is not here. Man is here, and to not serve man in hopes of a God, God would not see as moral.

As has been said, if you cannot see God in all, you will never find God at all.


Actually, there is a reference to that in Jewish belief. In some cases, they believe that we are here to be God's "hands and feet" to do good things for our fellow humans and take care of the planet.

Me? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, which is why I have learned something about Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with a small smattering of Islam thrown in.

The reason I researched Islam? So I could try to better understand those who appear to be against America because of their religion.

Two things come to mind.

First, most Jews are not literalists and have not been for a long time.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Second, on their view of mans ascension in Eden.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin


That is one of the problems with Christians. Not only do they have the Golden Rule backwards (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), but they also don't understand that a lot of the Bible is written in parables. And, they also think that the OT is their book. It's not. The first 5 books of the OT is actually the Torah, with the rest of the OT being a history of the Jewish people, followed by Psalms (hymns), and Parables (stories to tell you how to live).

That whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" never made much sense to me. Why? Because I'm not particularly religious, but religious people like to go out and preach to others. I don't like being preached to.

When I heard Rabbi Hillel's version? Made a whole lot more sense, because that is kinda how I live my life. If I don't like having something done to me, I don't do it to others. And, if there is something I enjoy, I offer it to people, but I don't feel offended if they don't want to partake, and I don't force it on them.

Wow Greatest............................good thread. Nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone about this subject.

Thanks much.

There are a number of ways to express a reciprocity rule and the important thing is that people recognize that reciprocity is always fair play.

In Christian terms, they do not recognize that turning the other cheek is rewarding evil and that that is not good at all.

The Jews, if I recall correctly see turning the other cheek as actually insulting the other guy and that fair play is reciprocity.

Christians have that turn the other cheek thing backwards as well.

I hear you on intelligent conversations.

It has become almost impossible to have one with Christians as most here are of the literalist and fundamental type and without the ability to use their Inquisitions any longer, they are stuck with arguments that never worked in the first place.


Yep. Found that one out when I was listening to a rabbi on God's Learning Channel. A show called "Hidden in the Hebrew" with Uri Harel is a really good one to watch.

Christians see turning the other cheek as being peaceful, but the original meaning of that was that if a person hits you as a slave, turn the other cheek and have them hit you as a free person. If they did that, you were free to retaliate and defend yourself.

They also got the commandment "thou shalt not kill" wrong as well. The original translation of that command from Hebrew is actually "thou shalt not MURDER", which means that you can't go out and kill someone for no reason, but if someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself, and if they die as a result, there is no harm and no foul. They attacked first.

However, if you attack someone for no reason and they die? THEN it's a sin because then you have committed murder.

BTW..................did you know that the literal translation of the first verse of the Bible in Genesis isn't "in THE beginning", but rather "in A beginning", meaning that God could have created something else before us. And, if the fossil records are accurate, the first creations could have been dinosaurs.

We already know that God wiped the slate clean once with the Flood, why couldn't He have done something about the dinosaurs when they didn't turn out quite like He wanted?
Are you working to be God?

Working to be God? o_O

The term for that is called MEGALOMANIA.

Not if you consider God to mean ideal rules and laws to live by and not some imaginary supernatural guy in the sky.

We all create our own ideal/God in our minds. We all have our own view of God and his laws and Gnostic Christians just admit that fact while others tend not to because of their tribal needs.

Al that religions are at their roots is a tribe.

[QUOTE="ding, post: 19378182, member: 59921
Can you show us how he should have done it then.

With your help.
What should good law demand?
Should the innocent be punished or the guilty?

Justice and mercy.
Many have that feeling, and since we cannot serve a feeling, we should serve man and in that way, as some say, we are serving God.

God is not here. Man is here, and to not serve man in hopes of a God, God would not see as moral.

As has been said, if you cannot see God in all, you will never find God at all.


Actually, there is a reference to that in Jewish belief. In some cases, they believe that we are here to be God's "hands and feet" to do good things for our fellow humans and take care of the planet.

Me? I think that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, which is why I have learned something about Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with a small smattering of Islam thrown in.

The reason I researched Islam? So I could try to better understand those who appear to be against America because of their religion.

Two things come to mind.

First, most Jews are not literalists and have not been for a long time.

RaceandHistory.com - Doubting the Story of Exodus

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Second, on their view of mans ascension in Eden.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin


That is one of the problems with Christians. Not only do they have the Golden Rule backwards (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), but they also don't understand that a lot of the Bible is written in parables. And, they also think that the OT is their book. It's not. The first 5 books of the OT is actually the Torah, with the rest of the OT being a history of the Jewish people, followed by Psalms (hymns), and Parables (stories to tell you how to live).

That whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" never made much sense to me. Why? Because I'm not particularly religious, but religious people like to go out and preach to others. I don't like being preached to.

When I heard Rabbi Hillel's version? Made a whole lot more sense, because that is kinda how I live my life. If I don't like having something done to me, I don't do it to others. And, if there is something I enjoy, I offer it to people, but I don't feel offended if they don't want to partake, and I don't force it on them.

Wow Greatest............................good thread. Nice to have an intelligent conversation with someone about this subject.

Thanks much.

There are a number of ways to express a reciprocity rule and the important thing is that people recognize that reciprocity is always fair play.

In Christian terms, they do not recognize that turning the other cheek is rewarding evil and that that is not good at all.

The Jews, if I recall correctly see turning the other cheek as actually insulting the other guy and that fair play is reciprocity.

Christians have that turn the other cheek thing backwards as well.

I hear you on intelligent conversations.

It has become almost impossible to have one with Christians as most here are of the literalist and fundamental type and without the ability to use their Inquisitions any longer, they are stuck with arguments that never worked in the first place.


Yep. Found that one out when I was listening to a rabbi on God's Learning Channel. A show called "Hidden in the Hebrew" with Uri Harel is a really good one to watch.

Christians see turning the other cheek as being peaceful, but the original meaning of that was that if a person hits you as a slave, turn the other cheek and have them hit you as a free person. If they did that, you were free to retaliate and defend yourself.

They also got the commandment "thou shalt not kill" wrong as well. The original translation of that command from Hebrew is actually "thou shalt not MURDER", which means that you can't go out and kill someone for no reason, but if someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself, and if they die as a result, there is no harm and no foul. They attacked first.

However, if you attack someone for no reason and they die? THEN it's a sin because then you have committed murder.

BTW..................did you know that the literal translation of the first verse of the Bible in Genesis isn't "in THE beginning", but rather "in A beginning", meaning that God could have created something else before us. And, if the fossil records are accurate, the first creations could have been dinosaurs.

We already know that God wiped the slate clean once with the Flood, why couldn't He have done something about the dinosaurs when they didn't turn out quite like He wanted?

I wish I had more time tonight but I have to take off.

The beginning of the Jewish myths seem to vary depending on the book. Have a look at this at about the 10.00 min. mark and see the two that I would quote. I am not a literalist and do not think it really maters to the moral teachings of the traditions, which is what I look for.

I found that link a bit long but interesting, especially the old sexual mores which helped my understanding of Temple prostitutes and child sacrifice. Not directly necessarily but after contemplating what I had read.

I will be back tomorrow buddy. I leave as soon as I see why I can find on that Jewish show you referenced above.

Are you working to be God?

Working to be God? o_O

The term for that is called MEGALOMANIA.

Not if you consider God to mean ideal rules and laws to live by and not some imaginary supernatural guy in the sky.

We all create our own ideal/God in our minds. We all have our own view of God and his laws and Gnostic Christians just admit that fact while others tend not to because of their tribal needs.

Al that religions are at their roots is a tribe.


Too many false assumptions. Thinking you are all powerful and supreme IS the definition of megalomania. There is nothing imaginary or supernatural about the Supreme Cause of the Universe which most people call God. All qualities we have in limited quantity came from a source of unlimited quantity, which includes consciousness and intelligence; you cannot get something from nothing.

God reveals himself to those who are ready to see Him in whatever way they are ready to see Him in; only to those who are not ready does he become imaginary or supernatural. I take you for the latter. You create NOTHING. You have nothing. You own nothing. That is the illusion of separateness from God - the cause of suffering. God is the source of everything and you just take credit for that little he works through you. You confuse religion and spirituality with primitiveness and tribalism. More ego rationalizations meant for denying things you cannot see and may never know.

THERE YOU GO. Now that I've given you that, the insight-gift to move a mountain or to be chucked away in the drink without a second thought like casting pearls before swine, it is now up to you to decide what you will do with it.

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