Are you worried about Biden's Mental State?

Are you worried about Joe Biden's Mental State

  • Not remotely -- He is the same as he was 10 or 20 years ago

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Somewhat -- He seems to have regressed but not materially

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Moderate -- He has regressed notably but he can still govern

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Very -- He is a shell of his former self

    Votes: 51 72.9%

  • Total voters

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Too bad. Trump already has been exposed as a senile old man incapable of leading the country. Biden picked a much better running mate.


I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.

how'z about newsmax? THEY even covered it.

Trump Had 2 Intel Briefings on Coronavirus in Late January
President Donald Trump. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Sunday, 03 May 2020 06:58 PM

Trump Had 2 Intel Briefings on Coronavirus in Late January

And? What should he have done sans the travel ban for which he was vilified for? Our first death (recorded) was February 29th. I am OK with criticism but tell me what you would have done differently.

NOT have dismantled the pandemic response team that was in put place after learning what to do after the ebola outbreak, so something like this couldn't happen again.

NOT have taken the scientists embedded in china - watching for sign that a pandemic might break out.

Took the results of a bigley failure on our part responding to the 'pandemic war game' exercise seriously & correcting the mistakes we made instead of ignoring them.

Took the ' pandemic game plan ' left by the obama administration for the incoming regime seriously & adhering to it instead of tossing it in the trash.

that good enough for now, zogster?

What response team? What would they have done? Made us thinner?
The WHO said it was contained
We still cannot control it because we lie to the people. If you're fat you're in danger and the country is what 57% fat?
Obama didn't have a plan or enough masks and such

I posted links. You don't want to read them as they don't feed your narrative.

I'll dumb it down for you.

Most cases = we test the most
Most Deaths = We are the fattest

Look at our pro athletes, 1000s of infections. ZERO deaths. Why is that do you think?

Take your time....

donny didn't listen to the intel community... he praised china instead.

obama didn't have a plan for covid - because um - he wasn't prez - BUT he left a plan after ebola - with guidance to minimize deaths & to contain a pandemic outbreak.

it was thrown out.

the whole 'cupboards were bare ' is such a cowardly cop out ... this was 3 years into donny's term & HE still hasn't enacted the DPA.

deflection noted.

He did. Hence the travel ban. If you don't want to be civil, ping me some other time. Not in the mood for our usual sophomoric barbs. Busy with work and making sure my kids are set up for online classes. I want them out of the house by 23 and never to come back. If they do, I am a failure.

everything in that reply was civil ... lol .... & 100% fact.

that's why you don't wanna go b/f.

i understand.

In other words, it was mostly civil?

So is this post, you fucking douchebag moron.

View attachment 387325

See back to your old memes and pics. That is all you got. bripat and I are far from friends and he is crushing you in this debate. Maybe you should act like your age...59 vs. 9?

uh-huh ... & there you go.... off to the races.... per usual. what's next? bringing up MY antisemitism?

guess it's time for me to move on from your nonsense - yet again.

I call it like I see it. I told you why I went there with antisemitism. Perspective. Get over it. I apologized.

except the excuse you gave me never applied to me specifically - so nice try, doesn't fly. i'll get over it when i am sure it's outa yer system with me specifically. that might take a while given yer M.O.

anyhoo ... you calling it like you see it might just be the problem.

your lenses are skewed.

Of course it applies to you. You label all Trump supporters are racist assholes.

nope - just the obvious ones.... like harmonica.

the rest are racist adjacent.

can you think critically & figure out what that means?

Semantics. That is one of the many reasons the people on the left are insane. So because I want someone in office who doesn’t think it’s OK for biological boys to identify as girls and play against my daughters in sports it makes me “racist adjacent”. Leftists are just awful people zzzzzzz

& all i hear now is:

That’s because you cannot hold a mature conversation and come here to troll.
Trump's mental state rather than that of Biden is what worries America.

Based on a U.K. source? Come on now. How about we use the naked eye test?


I do Not click on your links. You’re only here to troll. Bug someone else. You’re wasting your time with me.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Too bad. Trump already has been exposed as a senile old man incapable of leading the country. Biden picked a much better running mate.

I do Not click on your links. Like playtime, you’re not capable of having a mature debate. You’re a terrible human being. Troll someone else
Trump's mental state rather than that of Biden is what worries America.

Based on a U.K. source? Come on now. How about we use the naked eye test?


I do Not click on your links. You’re only here to troll. Bug someone else. You’re wasting your time with me.

Trump's mental state rather than that of Biden is what worries America.

Based on a U.K. source? Come on now. How about we use the naked eye test?


I do Not click on your links. You’re only here to troll. Bug someone else. You’re wasting your time with me.

Opinions matter even if they differ from yours.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Too bad. Trump already has been exposed as a senile old man incapable of leading the country. Biden picked a much better running mate.

I do Not click on your links. Like playtime, you’re not capable of having a mature debate. You’re a terrible human being. Troll someone else

You start a troll thread then whine about trolling? :lol:

You don't care that Trump is clearly in decline, eats nothing but crap food and doesn't exercise. Why should we care that you think Biden is "in decline"? He could run actual circles around the blob, Trump.
No, not worried at all...

A forgetful old well-meaning doofus is
infinitely preferable to an unthinking arrogant dangerous autocrat-wannabe with his own 'declining years' issues.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

I'm much more concerned about morons like you being allowed to have an opinion...:omg:


I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.


I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.


true, biden not what he used to be, still much better than pussygrabber who has always been a shell of a normal human being, reminds me of one of the characters of the wizard of Oz...


I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.


true, biden not what he used to be, still much better than pussygrabber who has always been a shell of a normal human being, reminds me of one of the characters of the wizard of Oz...

View attachment 387942

You Vegetable voters are insane.

You chose the absolute worse candidate of the group of absolutely God-awful candidates.

He wont last 6 months before the American Democrats realize what they did.

You people are f***king insane

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Too bad. Trump already has been exposed as a senile old man incapable of leading the country. Biden picked a much better running mate.

I do Not click on your links. Like playtime, you’re not capable of having a mature debate. You’re a terrible human being. Troll someone else

You start a troll thread then whine about trolling? :lol:

You don't care that Trump is clearly in decline, eats nothing but crap food and doesn't exercise. Why should we care that you think Biden is "in decline"? He could run actual circles around the blob, Trump.

Not a troll but an opinion thread. I am hardly the only one that feels that way about Biden. If you’re worried about Trump then start your own and don’t troll mine. You have lost every single debate with me so you start trolling. What an awful human being you are, if you even are human.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.


true, biden not what he used to be, still much better than pussygrabber who has always been a shell of a normal human being, reminds me of one of the characters of the wizard of Oz...

View attachment 387942

Your opinion is noted. Also noted that you prefer men over women. To each their own, little prancing Nancy boy.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

I'm much more concerned about morons like you being allowed to have an opinion...:omg:

View attachment 387936

Oh look you posted a family photo. Congrats.

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.


true, biden not what he used to be, still much better than pussygrabber who has always been a shell of a normal human being, reminds me of one of the characters of the wizard of Oz...

View attachment 387942

You Vegetable voters are insane.

You chose the absolute worse candidate of the group of absolutely God-awful candidates.

He wont last 6 months before the American Democrats realize what they did.

You people are f***king insane

True, we looked for the worst possible candidate so he would match worst individual ever, but came short, Biden a much better candidate and person than the traitor in chief...


I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Now I'm worried about the mental state of his campaign spokesman who said Trump should have told them (Dem politicians) about the seriousness of the virus.
Ummm- they were, they all got the same exact intelligence briefing, Biden however is not in that loop (not even on the same planet) & would not know about it unless his party leaked the info.
Biden has amnesia himself, he forgot Trump acted quickly with 3m and their mask issues and when realized ventilators were needed he got cooperation with that as well. They keep screaming Trump is not a Doctor well then how would he know ventillators would be needed until it was brought up? Governor Cuomo is responsible for his state's emergency supplies, hospitals are responsible for their supplies, but it's not the presidents job of stock boy until he has to correct their miss cues and sees a lacking in order to mobilize resources. You can't mobilize resources from an unknown. The CDC is what they are complaining about, that's the agency that deals with the mess W.H.O. left them to figure out.
Biden and his spokesperson are either too stupid to know the difference between the President and the CDC or they do know and think their voters are too stupid to know the difference.


They never got the same intel. 100% false. You are fake news.

Trump gets CONFIDENTIAL daily briefings about Covid, that only his administration sees. Trump admited ON TAPE, on FEB 7, that Covid was 5x more deadly than flu and very contagious, yet he did nothing. He did nothing to prepare for the pandemic and hundreds of thousands of Americans died and $trillions wasted because of Trump's failure.

Not only were they in the room with the president getting the same intel, but guess what, they have the same exact access to the CdC as the President.
Until you apologize to the people you scared out the markets and apologize to me for arguing over the stock market when you were proven wrong, you have zero credibility. You missed the great run up in the market as you did the news that after congress got the briefing they went and sold their stocks or spouses did.

Huh??? The president and the administration got the confidential intel. This intel isn't from the CDC it is from the US and global intel community. As president Trump and his admin are privy to confidential daily briefings. It is the job of the president to use that intel and to better America. He failed in doing that. Clearly you have no clue how the executive branch works.

"In the morning, there will be a coronavirus briefing for all members at 10:30," McConnell stated on Jan. 23, noting the Senate Health panel was taking the lead on it.

McConnell's remarks represented the first time that the novel coronavirus was mentioned in the Congressional Record this year. At the time, there was one confirmed case in the United States.

Note this was not the briefing chief members got at the same time the president was briefed.
Even Pelosi talked about that.
This is why there were investigations of politicians trading the news.

Trump received daily briefings on Covid from his intel dept. He ignored those warnings. He told Woodward covid was 5x more deadly than flu, and very contagious. Trump is responsible for preparing for this andemic and protecting us from the pandemic. He failed miserably on both and we have the death toll to prove it.

Funny how people never want to hold the person in charge of the country responsible, they always look to blame everyone else. Clearly Trump can't handle the job of being president, he has failed miserably, just like Bush.

You heard a 50 second clip. Yeah he heard it was bad and he made sure people from China were banned from coming here something you called xenophobic. None of us knew how bad it was including intel. I still believe it’s overblown and we should have never shut down the economy.

how'z about newsmax? THEY even covered it.

Trump Had 2 Intel Briefings on Coronavirus in Late January
President Donald Trump. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Sunday, 03 May 2020 06:58 PM

Trump Had 2 Intel Briefings on Coronavirus in Late January

And? What should he have done sans the travel ban for which he was vilified for? Our first death (recorded) was February 29th. I am OK with criticism but tell me what you would have done differently.

NOT have dismantled the pandemic response team that was in put place after learning what to do after the ebola outbreak, so something like this couldn't happen again.

NOT have taken the scientists embedded in china - watching for sign that a pandemic might break out.

Took the results of a bigley failure on our part responding to the 'pandemic war game' exercise seriously & correcting the mistakes we made instead of ignoring them.

Took the ' pandemic game plan ' left by the obama administration for the incoming regime seriously & adhering to it instead of tossing it in the trash.

that good enough for now, zogster?

What response team? What would they have done? Made us thinner?
The WHO said it was contained
We still cannot control it because we lie to the people. If you're fat you're in danger and the country is what 57% fat?
Obama didn't have a plan or enough masks and such

I posted links. You don't want to read them as they don't feed your narrative.

I'll dumb it down for you.

Most cases = we test the most
Most Deaths = We are the fattest

Look at our pro athletes, 1000s of infections. ZERO deaths. Why is that do you think?

Take your time....

donny didn't listen to the intel community... he praised china instead.

obama didn't have a plan for covid - because um - he wasn't prez - BUT he left a plan after ebola - with guidance to minimize deaths & to contain a pandemic outbreak.

it was thrown out.

the whole 'cupboards were bare ' is such a cowardly cop out ... this was 3 years into donny's term & HE still hasn't enacted the DPA.

deflection noted.

He did. Hence the travel ban. If you don't want to be civil, ping me some other time. Not in the mood for our usual sophomoric barbs. Busy with work and making sure my kids are set up for online classes. I want them out of the house by 23 and never to come back. If they do, I am a failure.

everything in that reply was civil ... lol .... & 100% fact.

that's why you don't wanna go b/f.

i understand.

In other words, it was mostly civil?

So is this post, you fucking douchebag moron.

View attachment 387325

See back to your old memes and pics. That is all you got. bripat and I are far from friends and he is crushing you in this debate. Maybe you should act like your age...59 vs. 9?

uh-huh ... & there you go.... off to the races.... per usual. what's next? bringing up MY antisemitism?

guess it's time for me to move on from your nonsense - yet again.

I call it like I see it. I told you why I went there with antisemitism. Perspective. Get over it. I apologized.

except the excuse you gave me never applied to me specifically - so nice try, doesn't fly. i'll get over it when i am sure it's outa yer system with me specifically. that might take a while given yer M.O.

anyhoo ... you calling it like you see it might just be the problem.

your lenses are skewed.

Of course it applies to you. You label all Trump supporters are racist assholes.

nope - just the obvious ones.... like harmonica.

the rest are racist adjacent.

can you think critically & figure out what that means?

Semantics. That is one of the many reasons the people on the left are insane. So because I want someone in office who doesn’t think it’s OK for biological boys to identify as girls and play against my daughters in sports it makes me “racist adjacent”. Leftists are just awful people zzzzzzz

& all i hear now is:

That’s because you cannot hold a mature conversation and come here to troll.

<pffft> not true & you're projecting.

there were several b/f & then all of a sudden YOU say i was being uncivil -which was total lie - YOU didn't address a solid post i gave about biden's op/ed dating back to january re: donny's handling of this pandemic... nor the article stating FACT that donny was informed by the intel community about COVID - that you insisted didn't happen. because YOU can't debate facts... so YOU switch it up, replying to a post of mine that was not even directed at you - but to a another troll that had nothing to say about the OP & took aim at me.

& when you could no longer hold water, YOU started with me zoggy. so save your faux indignation.

post #193.
Last edited:

I believe Biden will be exposed as a senile old man and basically un-electable. What are your thoughts?

Thank you and try not to make this about Trump.

PS - if you don't vote for him you ain't black and poor kids can be just as smart as white kids --- his words not mine.

Fox News poll says youre in the minority

Fox News poll shows Americans saying Biden is more mentally sound than Trump to serve as president

and example of Trump:

“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

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