Aren't Republicans supposed to be opposed to government regulation?

In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?
Whenever it serves them. They were supposed to be fiscally responsible too.
In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?
Whenever it serves them. They were supposed to be fiscally responsible too.
along with their bs family values
In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?
The Boss at Facebook is all for it. It will help to kill off the competition.
Did ya think Congress invited him for a Congressional Medal of Honor today?

What self regulation did Zuckerburg suggest?
Neither party is against gov't regulations. Neither party is in favor of smaller gov't. Both parties spend like drunken sailors.

Just thought I would clear that up.
Sen. Kennedy does not necessarily speak for ALL Republicans. I have a FB account to keep in touch with family since we are scattered all over the country. The only thing I want is the ability to turn off their cherry picked "Top Trending" story which always seems to be something negative about Donald Trump.
Before Mr Fakebook starts banning avg people because of politics perhaps he should concentrate on all the ISIS and other terrorist groups using his site with impunity
I can't stop laughing. We told you guys years ago signing up for Facebook and other social media was dangerous.

Now yer screwed.

In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?
I watched that guy Kennedy on Tucker Carlson. And Tucker was going on about how Facebook helped Hillary.
I was so shocked. You mean it was Hillary that spread the story that she ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor? Maybe she was advertising.
Neither party is against gov't regulations. Neither party is in favor of smaller gov't. Both parties spend like drunken sailors.

Just thought I would clear that up.
It is amazing how many people don't understand that...
Depends on the spending.

Democrats spend on education, pro active healthcare, research, veterans benefits, job training, infrastructure, things that help the country.

Republicans cut taxes for billionaires and corporations that are doing the best they ever have and they spend 700 billion MORE on the a military that's bigger than the next ten countries put together because of the money they can make off it and they want to spend an unknown number of billions more on a fuking wall.

They are not the same.

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