Aren't Republicans supposed to be opposed to government regulation?

WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg
Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection
It is not possible to protect one's privacy when one willfully chooses to put one's "sh*t" on a public platform. If one makes the information available, it's nobody's fault but one's own that one's "sh*t" gets used by folks who want to use it and purchase the right to use it. Nobody made anyone agree to terms of service that FB very clearly disclosed.
Neither party is against gov't regulations. Neither party is in favor of smaller gov't. Both parties spend like drunken sailors.

Just thought I would clear that up.
It is amazing how many people don't understand that...
Depends on the spending.

Democrats spend on education, pro active healthcare, research, veterans benefits, job training, infrastructure, things that help the country.

Republicans cut taxes for billionaires and corporations that are doing the best they ever have and they spend 700 billion MORE on the a military that's bigger than the next ten countries put together because of the money they can make off it and they want to spend an unknown number of billions more on a fuking wall.

They are not the same.
It is funny. All you have to do is look at the legislation the two parties put up for vote when they are in power. That tells the story.
WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg
Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection
It is not possible to protect one's privacy when one willfully chooses to put one's "sh*t" on a public platform. If one makes the information available, it's nobody's fault but one's own that one's "sh*t" gets used by folks who want to use it and purchase the right to use it. Nobody made anyone agree to terms of service that FB very clearly disclosed.
Tell it to your fellow travelers upset about Trump getting their info just like Obama and Clinton did
WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg
Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection
It is not possible to protect one's privacy when one willfully chooses to put one's "sh*t" on a public platform. If one makes the information available, it's nobody's fault but one's own that one's "sh*t" gets used by folks who want to use it and purchase the right to use it. Nobody made anyone agree to terms of service that FB very clearly disclosed.
Tell it to your fellow travelers upset about Trump getting their info just like Obama and Clinton did
I have the same words for anyone, regardless of on what side of the political fence one sits.
This matter of regulating FB and other social media platforms doesn't strike me as a partisan thing; it strikes me as people being stupid little ignorant-ass babies crying about spilt milk that they knocked over.
In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?

Republicans only believe in limited government when it suits them to
In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?
Republicans are for the most part hypocrites; they are as inconsistent as they are dishonest.

They seek bigger government, more intrusive government, and more government regulation when it comes to compelling a woman to give birth against her will, or denying same-sex couples access to marriage law, or enacting voter ‘ID’ laws, or measures intended to disadvantage transgender Americans.

When it comes to things Republicans disapprove of, they’re all for more government regulation to compel conformity and punish dissent, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.
WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg
Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection
It is not possible to protect one's privacy when one willfully chooses to put one's "sh*t" on a public platform. If one makes the information available, it's nobody's fault but one's own that one's "sh*t" gets used by folks who want to use it and purchase the right to use it. Nobody made anyone agree to terms of service that FB very clearly disclosed.
There are those who will make the argument that because online/wireless technology is so pervasive, because it would be impossible to function as a productive, engaged member of 21st Century society, that government should be compelled to regulate all that is online and digital as a public utility in the interest of the common good – that ‘opting out’ is simply not an option.

And the primary regulatory goal would be to safeguard citizens’ privacy and personal information.
In today's Facebook hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) remarked:

  • What sort of unprincipled SOB is Kennedy that he is openly proposing regulations as a threat to control the behavior of a private business?
  • When did Republicans shift into being advocates for more "nanny state" policies rather than less?

Republicans only believe in limited government when it suits them to

I'm a Republican and I believe if you don't want your life out there, don't post it on social media. No need for government regulation; social media is the bane of human existence these days. The people I care about know what's going on with me because I talk with them.
WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees. Facebook a big contributor to the committees in Congress that will question Mark Zuckerberg
Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection
It is not possible to protect one's privacy when one willfully chooses to put one's "sh*t" on a public platform. If one makes the information available, it's nobody's fault but one's own that one's "sh*t" gets used by folks who want to use it and purchase the right to use it. Nobody made anyone agree to terms of service that FB very clearly disclosed.
There are those who will make the argument that because online/wireless technology is so pervasive, because it would be impossible to function as a productive, engaged member of 21st Century society, that government should be compelled to regulate all that is online and digital as a public utility in the interest of the common good – that ‘opting out’ is simply not an option.

And the primary regulatory goal would be to safeguard citizens’ privacy and personal information.
the primary regulatory goal would be to safeguard citizens’ privacy and personal information.
I'm sure you're correct in asserting that there are folks who'd assert that. The thing is this: citizens don't need help protecting the privacy of their data. All they have to do is not put it on the Internet, or in other people's hands, and it'll be kept more than adequately private.

The data being used in this FB matter isn't like one's physiological data that a doctor collects because s/he examines one. It's stuff one willfully makes available.

Frankly, too, I think most folks haven't actually thought about what types of data are at issue here. It's stuff like:
  • One's "like" clicks.
  • One's postings in response to "this or that" extant content.
  • One's web surfing habits.
Essentially, it's the data that informs analysts about one's emotionalism and emotional triggers. What makes that sort of data and data analysis valuable to marketers? Mainly that one is a predominantly emotionally driven person rather than a rationally driven person who predominantly arrives at conclusions and approbations based on one's gut rather than predominantly on the sound and rigorous use of one's "gray matter."

People have been using their phones and PCs to "carry on" on the Internet, FB, etc. and observing computing power increase, all the while putting their info on the Internet via the various platforms they use.

Have you read the USMB TOS? If you have you'll have noticed that it says, "You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content....If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service."

It's really just that simple. Don't give folks your info and it won't be used, but giving it to them is the "price" of getting to use the service/platform they offer. Nothing's free, even if the currency of payment isn't money. If folks are too dense to realize that, well, that's on them.

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