Argh! A 'sex guide for marrieds' circa 1894

That was because they didn't have birth control back then.
It helped to keep us women alive, because birthing deaths were very high back then- 600 women per 100,000 births and that rate went up with more pregnancies.
It was partially that but mostly it was the Victorian Era mindset that brought about a strong cultural "prudishness". Many of our cultural taboos (at least in the older generation) are a direct result of that era.

You try having 10 to 15 kids or more and then get back to us. :)
You missed the point which was the Victorian Era brought about an age of new taboos many of which were sexual in nature. I did not dismiss your assessment, I simply added to it based on historical and cultural facts.

I got the point.
Christianity had a big role in it and it rose dramatically after the Civil War.
Men took the biblical command to multiple upon the earth very seriously back then. :)
Yes they did, not denying that but take into account the rate of death among children. People reproduced prolifically as one could expect anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3s of children never reaching adulthood. Most people don't realize that modern medicine is in fact modern, doctors in the 1800s had as much a chance of "curing/saving" someone as had any tribal shaman.

Exactly and that is why the book was written as a women's guide in 1894.
The Victorian Era History of Human Sexuality in Western Culture

"In 1894, Ruth Smythers published a book in the Victorian era called Sex Tips for Husbands and Wives from 1894. She wrote guidelines for about how newlywed women should “endure” sex (White, 2008). Some of her tips include:

* “THE wise bride will permit a maximum of two brief sexual experiences weekly — and as time goes by she should make every effort to reduce this frequency. Feigned illness, sleepiness and headaches are among her best friends in this matter.”
* “A SELFISH and sensual husband can easily take advantage of his wife. One cardinal rule of marriage should never be forgotten: Give little, give seldom and above all give grudgingly. Otherwise what could have been a proper marriage could become an orgy of sexual lust.”
* “A WISE wife will make it her goal never to allow her husband to see her unclothed body, and never allow him to display his unclothed body to her.”
* “MANY women have found it useful to have thick cotton nightgowns for themselves and pajamas for their husbands — they need not be removed during the sex act. Thus, a minimum of flesh is exposed.”
* “WHEN he finds her, she should lie as still as possible. Bodily motion could be interpreted as sexual excitement by the optimistic husband. Sex, when it cannot be prevented, should be practiced only in total darkness.”
* “IF he attempts to kiss her on the lips she should turn her head slightly so that the kiss falls harmlessly on her cheek instead. If he lifts her gown and attempts to kiss her any place else she should quickly pull the gown back in place, spring from the bed, and announce that nature calls her to the toilet.”
* “ARGUMENTS, nagging, scolding and bickering prove very effective if used in the late evening about an hour before the husband would normally commence his seduction.”"

Amazing the human race didn't die out from that sort of tripe.
What an interesting definition of love and marriage back then. I wonder if people today would accept that SAME definition.
It was partially that but mostly it was the Victorian Era mindset that brought about a strong cultural "prudishness". Many of our cultural taboos (at least in the older generation) are a direct result of that era.

You try having 10 to 15 kids or more and then get back to us. :)
You missed the point which was the Victorian Era brought about an age of new taboos many of which were sexual in nature. I did not dismiss your assessment, I simply added to it based on historical and cultural facts.

I got the point.
Christianity had a big role in it and it rose dramatically after the Civil War.
Men took the biblical command to multiple upon the earth very seriously back then. :)
Yes they did, not denying that but take into account the rate of death among children. People reproduced prolifically as one could expect anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3s of children never reaching adulthood. Most people don't realize that modern medicine is in fact modern, doctors in the 1800s had as much a chance of "curing/saving" someone as had any tribal shaman.

Exactly and that is why the book was written as a women's guide in 1894.
Yes but it was also due to the societal "norms" of the day, that norm was Victorianism. Heck after the turn of the century (1800s to 1900s) most people forgot where the societal norms originated, it was just "what people did and how people were expected to behave". That's true in any and every society around the world throughout history, one of the reasons there are those of us who are fascinated by the past, cause and effect.
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:

The Time Traveler s Guide to Medieval England A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer 9781439112908 Paperback Barnes Noble
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:

The Time Traveler s Guide to Medieval England A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer 9781439112908 Paperback Barnes Noble
No, I think it was the Book of the Civilized Man by Daniel of Beccles, 13th century, believed to have served in Henry IIs court. And I should have said it was the reawakening of etiquette as the first known etiquette book was written on papyrus paper between 3580 B.C. and 3536 B.C. by a philosopher Ptah-Hotep.
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:

The Time Traveler s Guide to Medieval England A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer 9781439112908 Paperback Barnes Noble

From my 'Literature' bookmark tab :)

George Washington s Rules of Civility The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Citizenship Site

"George Washington, sometime before the age of 16, transcribed Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation. (Original errors in numbering have been corrected; original spelling is unchanged.)"


4th In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet.

5th If You Cough, Sneeze, Sigh, or Yawn, do it not Loud but Privately; and Speak not in your Yawning, but put Your handkercheif or Hand before your face and turn aside.

Love a 21st century update of like, "And when on a date, answer not ye cellular phone nor ignore your date for telephonic conversations. :)
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:

The Time Traveler s Guide to Medieval England A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer 9781439112908 Paperback Barnes Noble
No, I think it was the Book of the Civilized Man by Daniel of Beccles, 13th century, believed to have served in Henry IIs court. And I should have said it was the reawakening of etiquette as the first known etiquette book was written on papyrus paper between 3580 B.C. and 3536 B.C. by a philosopher Ptah-Hotep.

Etiquipedia Etiquette Daniel of Beccles and The Book of Civilized Man

First English book.....
Damn, can't find it right now! There was an etiquette book written during the Middle Ages, one of the first and in it was a admonishment to interrupting a traveler defecating or urinating by the side of the road, to wait till they were finished before addressing them. Today travelers could be arrested for doing their business by the side of a road....... :lol:

The Time Traveler s Guide to Medieval England A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century by Ian Mortimer 9781439112908 Paperback Barnes Noble
No, I think it was the Book of the Civilized Man by Daniel of Beccles, 13th century, believed to have served in Henry IIs court. And I should have said it was the reawakening of etiquette as the first known etiquette book was written on papyrus paper between 3580 B.C. and 3536 B.C. by a philosopher Ptah-Hotep.

Etiquipedia Etiquette Daniel of Beccles and The Book of Civilized Man

First English book.....

Interesting how papyrus and clay tablets from thousands of years ago still exist, but modern paper or cd's are disintegrated after less than a century.
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.
I've heard that the people of the Victorian days were not nearly as "uptight" as we are led to believe. I've heard there was a lot of kinky stuff going down back then!!! Sexual repression and all of that! :biggrin:
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:

It does. And having been with both kinds prefer circumcised. When uncircumcised, and not yet fully erect, the bit of floppy foreskin is really weird-feeling during oral. :)

There are also actually benefits to being uncircumised though. The extra skin acting like a sabot or wrapper to the penis assisting the in and out during vaginal intercourse helping it reach further in more easily as well as adding movement and/or friction for the guy (shrugs resigning himself to this fact.)

And yes, I think it looks nicer. Though that could just be it's more what I'm used to seeing.
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:

I suppose it is perfectly reasonable for some men to prefer a neater looking cooter too, huh?
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:

It does. And having been with both kinds prefer circumcised. When uncircumcised, and not yet fully erect, the bit of floppy foreskin is really weird-feeling during oral. :)

There are also actually benefits to being uncircumised though. The extra skin acting like a sabot or wrapper to the penis assisting the in and out during vaginal intercourse helping it reach further in more easily as well as adding movement and/or friction for the guy (shrugs resigning himself to this fact.)

And yes, I think it looks nicer. Though that could just be it's more what I'm used to seeing.

Well, mine had to borrow about 1/3 of its skin from the surrounding area, so that just adds to the scrotum sag when not erect. Circumcision is a barbaric practice that needs to go away.
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:

I suppose it is perfectly reasonable for some men to prefer a neater looking cooter too, huh?

Well, of course! Unless you prefer a sloppy one.
People back then were very twisted and superstitious. The standard "cure" for masturbation back then was to burn the genitals with acid or hot irons.

Also where the "circumcision is healthy" myth got it's start.

John Harvey Kellogg - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Probably can chalk it up to a combination of religion, lead and mercury in their environment. All stuff that the GOP wants to increase.

Circumcision does have health benefits. There have also been recent studies that confirm that. Not to mention, it looks a lot "neater." :biggrin:

It does. And having been with both kinds prefer circumcised. When uncircumcised, and not yet fully erect, the bit of floppy foreskin is really weird-feeling during oral. :)

There are also actually benefits to being uncircumised though. The extra skin acting like a sabot or wrapper to the penis assisting the in and out during vaginal intercourse helping it reach further in more easily as well as adding movement and/or friction for the guy (shrugs resigning himself to this fact.)

And yes, I think it looks nicer. Though that could just be it's more what I'm used to seeing.

Well, mine had to borrow about 1/3 of its skin from the surrounding area, so that just adds to the scrotum sag when not erect. Circumcision is a barbaric practice that needs to go away.


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