Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception

You are a moron. You won't find us saying it's your job to pay for them.
idiot, the point is that the health care law mandates that they are included at no cost.
but then again you would know that if you actually read the law.....

so why arent you ranting and raving about paying for these services?
Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons
Just when I think "conservatives" can't be any more regressive....


Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

They also just passed a bill which states conception begins two weeks before pregnancy, I shit you not.

Transvaginal probe included.

Good thing there's no war on women.

Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

Birth control is fairly cheap and I don't understand why some think that AZ is taking away a women's right here. We can all choose to purchase anything that is legal, which contraceptives are. Health insurance was meant to cover serious illnesses, not minor things. It's the same way auto insurance is meant to cover accidents, not tune ups or gas. I just don't understand why health insurance became responsible for every little thing whether a person needed it or not.

Just because someone doesn't hand you something for free doesn't mean you are being denied or someone is taking your choice away. It just means you need to take initiative and purchase it yourself.

This isn't big government interferring in our lives. It's insurance companies wanting people to get real and buy the cheap stuff on their own rather than abusing insurance. No wonder the costs are up. Can you imagine how much auto insurance would go up if they had to start paying for oil changes or car washes? Insurance companies were created to ease the burden for catastrophic costs. Suddenly they are the bad guys. My brother had insurance and ended up in the hospital and the total bill was about $1.6 million. He only paid about $150 a month for insurance, so he got a pretty good return on his investment considering he only had to pay a small fraction of the hospital bill himself. And he made payments. A lot of people don't pay a dime and it would really help out the hospitals if people would pay a few dollars a month on their bills.

Birth control is cheap, as are many prescriptions these days. If you need something, fine, file a claim with insurance. If you are choosing to get something and don't need it, insurance shouldn't have to pay.
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Birth control is fairly cheap and I don't understand why some think that AZ is taking away a women's right here. We can all choose to purchase anything that is legal, which contraceptives are. Health insurance was meant to cover serious illnesses, not minor things. It's the same way auto insurance is meant to cover accidents, not tune ups or gas. I just don't understand why health insurance became responsible for every little thing whether a person needed it or not.
Of course you don’t, you’re a conservative.

You also have no idea what you’re talking about.
Not forcing employers to provide free birth control is not the same as preventing women from getting birth control.

Free birth control isn't a right. Get over it.
Birth control is fairly cheap and I don't understand why some think that AZ is taking away a women's right here. We can all choose to purchase anything that is legal, which contraceptives are. Health insurance was meant to cover serious illnesses, not minor things. It's the same way auto insurance is meant to cover accidents, not tune ups or gas. I just don't understand why health insurance became responsible for every little thing whether a person needed it or not.
Of course you don’t, you’re a conservative.

You also have no idea what you’re talking about.

It's quite clear that some liberals believe that if you don't hand them something for free, you are denying them the right to have it. Birth control is cheap and legal to buy, but some haven't figured that out yet and are waiting for someone to give it to them. Otherwise, they'll sit there whining without a clue as to how to obtain what they want. Whaaaa! Call the giverment.
I don't think they realize they are capable of providing for themselves. So if someone refuses to provide them with what they want, they see that as a restriction of their rights.

Their right to live the lifestyle they please regardless of their ability to support that lifestyle.
I don't think they realize they are capable of providing for themselves. So if someone refuses to provide them with what they want, they see that as a restriction of their rights.

Their right to live the lifestyle they please regardless of their ability to support that lifestyle.

It's sad that some are so trained to rely solely on government that they have no clue how to survive on their own. I'd almost rather give them birth control than some of the other freebies, like the cell phones, because it would be a hell of a lot cheaper. No matter how much some get, it's just never enough. To some, improving the quality of their lives means begging giverment for more.

I keep seeing those commercials for the free cell phones. "Hey, if you qualify for all the other freebies, you better call and take advantage of this one, too!!! Don't spend your own cash when we can soak those suckers called tax payers."

By the time they get all the help with rent, utilities, phones, Medicaid, WIC, food stamps, free school lunches and free tuition they are sitting better and have more disposable income than the poor saps paying for all the freebies. Now they want insurance to give them pills for free without having to prove they need them for health. They'll be asking for plastic surgery next. I wonder if Fluke will testify again about how she and others need boob jobs and whine because they aren't covered by insurance.

How did Octomom manage to splurge on all her plastic surgery plus a fertility doctor when she was on welfare? I guess when the tax payers take care of all living expenses, you get to keep your salary for fun money.
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Jesus H Christ, people.

Anything that requires a business license can be regulated by the government in any way they see fit.


And healthcare doesn't operate efficiently under free market principles.

That is a concrete fact.
oh my goodness, this is beyond none of this from the start has to do with the first amendment and making the church pay for insurance that covers birth control? Gosh, you all are just a bunch of liars....

besides the FACT that if an employer offers health care coverage, it has been part of the employee's COMPENSATION for working for their THE EMPLOYEE has ALWAYS been the payer of their own insurance....

sheesh, you all are NUTS, to the enth degree....

What's next? What else are you going to force down other people's throats? How about we don't want insurance companies to cover pregnancies? r vasectomies? Or breast cancer treatments if the woman has never born a child cuz their risk is much higher?

These people ARE PAYING for their OWN insurance....idiot.

Care, vasectomies are not covered by insurance, just an fyi... There are a great many things not covered by insurance, do you want the government to be mandating what employers must include in their health care plans, i.e. to force it down their throats? Let's be reasonable here, freedom is allowing employers to choose the plans they want to include to offer to their employees, and what those plans will cover. Anyone is capable of going out and buying their own health insurance if they don't like what their company is offering. And guess what? I opt out of my insurance plan because I am covered under my husband's plan? How much do you think my company is compensating me for not taking their health insurance? Absolutely nothing! So, if it's part of everyone's compensation then why aren't I receiving hundreds of dollars more in my paycheck every month for opting out?

Bullshit!!!!! I know from personel experiance that is not the case.
53% of the voters in the 2008 election were women. 56% voted for President Obama. Given what you 'Conservatives' are pushing onto women, both numbers will be larger in 2012.
Not forcing employers to provide free birth control is not the same as preventing women from getting birth control.

Free birth control isn't a right. Get over it.

This is what I was always amazed by. those on "the left" try to use this to say "Repbulicans want to deny contraception to women" which is a total dishonest lie. The republicans weren't trying to stop women from having contraception coverage at all, they were trying to protect religious institutions first ammendment rights.

By doing so, yes, this would prevent women who work for religious employers whom do not want to provide birth control, since it is a violation of their faith to do so, from getting birth control through their employer. However, this would not apply to non-religious employers whom are the vast majority of those providing employment.

It is just a dishonest lie to spin this as republicans trying to stop all women from having access to birth control.
They also just passed a bill which states conception begins two weeks before pregnancy, I shit you not.

You're flat our lying.

Transvaginal probe included.

You're lying again.

The bill states that "Ultrasound equipment must be on site." It says nothing of vaginal ultrasound requirements.

Good thing there's no war on women.

Good thing you leftists aren't just fucking liars.
They also just passed a bill which states conception begins two weeks before pregnancy, I shit you not.

You're flat our lying.

Transvaginal probe included.

You're lying again.

The bill states that "Ultrasound equipment must be on site." It says nothing of vaginal ultrasound requirements.

Good thing there's no war on women.

Good thing you leftists aren't just fucking liars.

Good thing you can spin the fuck out of anything you read.

That Rush. What a nice guy, huh. :cuckoo:
Good thing you can spin the fuck out of anything you read.

There is nothing to spin.

You took hate points from several different instances and simply fabricated what you posted.

"West Virginia suggested vaginal ultrasound, so I'll just claim Arizona wrote it into a bill." Like I said, you're flat out lying. You go on the hate sites like ThinkProgress and Democratic Underground, read the bile, and jumble it up in your mind. Add in your prejudice and partisanship, and we get the bullshit of your posts.

That Rush. What a nice guy, huh. :cuckoo:


Seriously, put the crack pipe down.

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