Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception

They also just passed a bill which states conception begins two weeks before pregnancy, I shit you not.

Actually, you are totally shitting us. We can tell because you won't quote the part of the bill which proves your claim.

Starting on line 37 on page 7:

"Conception" means the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum.

Starting on Line 14 on page 8:

"Pregnant" or "pregnancy" means a female reproductive condition
of having a developing unborn child in the body and that begins with

Stop making shit up.
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It takes a big man to own his own. Pity you aren't one.

So then, you can't point to a page and line number that supports your claim?

You know why? Because what it says is;

{4. "Gestational age" means the age of the unborn child as calculated
2 from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.}

Because you're just repeating what you read on the hate sites, you have no clue what the bill says. They lied to you, tossed red meat to the stupid, as they tend to do.
This is NOT a madeup term. I've had two of them. The only way to examine the ovaries for ovarian cancer and the only way to see the heartbeat in the first weeks of gestation. I don't know what they did before the invention of ultrasound, I never had one when pregnant back in the 70s, but anyway, "transvaginal ultrasound" is not made up. It not invasive and it's no big deal, but it's for real.

Generally, it's simply termed a "vaginal ultrasound."

And the bill has no such requirement. Boop was lying about it.
Exactly!! THANK YOU. That's what it says. Calculated from two weeks BEFORE conception. Exactly what I said.
It is invasive if the only reason for it is to try to shame a woman out of her decision.

It’s an undue burden, in violation of Casey; it has no legitimate governmental purpose, it is used only to intimidate through humiliation.
In the grand scheme of things in our state, all I have to say about this one is, here we go again. When our state is almost dead last in education, facing a foreclosure crisis, city and county budget problems, teachers, firefighters, police facing layoffs, and many other problems not the least of which is jobs in this state, our legislature is passing laws that have more to do with one's personal beliefs than those that benefit this state. Years ago Arizona used to be known as the 3 C's that ran the economy here. Cotton, Citrus, and Copper. With the price of Copper and the demand for it, you would think our legislature would spend a vast majority of its time paving a way for companies to mine once again here and help the state economy. Not that the legislature was more interested in such things as bills that accomplished little other than to cost the state millions in legal fee's so far as the other 2 C's have ran out of the state as fast as they can. So try not to be so hard on Arizona for our legislature, which seems to have little time for actually passing laws that benefit the state and take heart that despite the Arizona House and Senate the economy is getting better despite them and laws like this will soon be overturned by the 9th Circuit which they usually do again costing the state even more money.
It takes a big man to own his own. Pity you aren't one.

So then, you can't point to a page and line number that supports your claim?

You know why? Because what it says is;

{4. "Gestational age" means the age of the unborn child as calculated
2 from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman.}

Because you're just repeating what you read on the hate sites, you have no clue what the bill says. They lied to you, tossed red meat to the stupid, as they tend to do.

BDBoop appears to have heard something from some other idiot who seems to believe "gestational age" is a term invented by Arizona "fuckerbitches" legislators. :lol::lol:

Gestational age is a medical term used as a benchmark because it is often more easily determined than the actual date of fertilization for purposes of calculating the development of the fetus.

It takes a lot of ignorance to assume "gestational age" is some kind of invention by woman haters.:cuckoo:
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.
If there were a way for a woman to register her uterus as a corporation, the Republicans would not have the slighest interest in regulating it.
Funny how people seem to forget free only means someone else will have to pay the bill, and we ask our selves how did we ever get into this financial mess in the first place? So how is it in that when some one feels it is unjust to penalize others at the expense of some that it becomes an anti women thing? unless of course it serves a political purpose
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

I would not believe a word from MediaMatters. Where do complaints of discrimination end? I apply for a job and I am not chosen, what do I do? File a disrimination suit that they didn't choose me because I'm too fat, too skinny, too white, too black, not blonde, too old, what? When in fact I just wasn't what they were looking for and I will find a job and it will turn out to be a blessing I wasn't hired. I don't know who you hang out with but nobody I know either family or friends has EVER seen what you are describing. It is bullshit pure and simple.
Funny how people seem to forget free only means someone else will have to pay the bill, and we ask our selves how did we ever get into this financial mess in the first place? So how is it in that when some one feels it is unjust to penalize others at the expense of some that it becomes an anti women thing? unless of course it serves a political purpose

Because they have to blame somebody else, never own up to their own mistakes or shortcomings.
Funny how people seem to forget free only means someone else will have to pay the bill, and we ask our selves how did we ever get into this financial mess in the first place? So how is it in that when some one feels it is unjust to penalize others at the expense of some that it becomes an anti women thing? unless of course it serves a political purpose

Because they have to blame somebody else, never own up to their own mistakes or shortcomings.

That almost sounds un-American :D
If there were a way for a woman to register her uterus as a corporation, the Republicans would not have the slighest interest in regulating it.

Hi Chris. I read this quote from Ann Romney:

“Another son came along 18 months later, although we waited four years to have the third, because Mitt was still in school and we had no income except the stock we were chipping away at."

I'm wondering if the Romney's used birth control or did Mitt not fuck Ann for 4 years?
Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

your thread title needs some work..but you knew that....

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