Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
The economy was already on the rebound by the time Obama was inaugurated. His only policy was being in the right place at the right time.
If t was...

Why did we have negative GDP?
Why were we losing 800,000 jobs a month?
Why did the stock market continue to plummet?
Why did the banks and auto companies continue to fail?

Is that what we call a Republican Rebound?

More jobs were lost in 2009 during Obama's Reign than in 2008
He's to blame for the lack of testing capaicity because he didn't want test results showing sick people. He swallowed his own bullshit about this being "like the flu" and gonna go poof it's 'warm."

And yesterday his business meeting had people tellihim not testing no opening

And in New Orleans they're only maybe hitting their max of daily new cases, and Sen Kennedy wants to open back up. All but the Trumpstettes realize what the effect of that will be, although the mayor isn't having any of that bullshit.

If new cases are going down, maybe a city can open up again if workers are getting tested every few days, but there's no chance we are ready to do that.
He's to blame for the lack of testing capaicity because he didn't want test results showing sick people. He swallowed his own bullshit about this being "like the flu" and gonna go poof it's 'warm."

And yesterday his business meeting had people tellihim not testing no opening

And in New Orleans they're only maybe hitting their max of daily new cases, and Sen Kennedy wants to open back up. All but the Trumpstettes realize what the effect of that will be, although the mayor isn't having any of that bullshit.

If new cases are going down, maybe a city can open up again if workers are getting tested every few days, but there's no chance we are ready to do that.

No one is going to want to get tested for this virus unless they are feeling pretty sick. Good luck in getting well people working to submit to a test "every few days".
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
Stimulus prevented a Depression
Link it
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
The economy was already on the rebound by the time Obama was inaugurated. His only policy was being in the right place at the right time.
If t was...

Why did we have negative GDP?
Why were we losing 800,000 jobs a month?
Why did the stock market continue to plummet?
Why did the banks and auto companies continue to fail?

Is that what we call a Republican Rebound?
What banks failed? List em.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
How can we even discuss this when we have yet to see one debate and don’t know who Bidens VP pick will be. Crazy early.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
How can we even discuss this when we have yet to see one debate and don’t know who Bidens VP pick will be. Crazy early.

It's Dem propaganda. Same shit they spew for months before every presidential election INTERFERRING IN THE ELECTION. Repeat 1,000 times the election is already over the Dem is going to win the Rep doesn't have a chance.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
How can we even discuss this when we have yet to see one debate and don’t know who Bidens VP pick will be. Crazy early.

It's Dem propaganda. Same shit they spew for months before every presidential election INTERFERRING IN THE ELECTION. Repeat 1,000 times the election is already over the Dem is going to win the Rep doesn't have a chance.

What the Dems are trying to do is to Rig the Election by suppressing the vote. They think that if they tell Christians and other Trump supporters that election is already over, they'll stay home
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
How can we even discuss this when we have yet to see one debate and don’t know who Bidens VP pick will be. Crazy early.

It's Dem propaganda. Same shit they spew for months before every presidential election INTERFERRING IN THE ELECTION. Repeat 1,000 times the election is already over the Dem is going to win the Rep doesn't have a chance.

What the Dems are trying to do is to Rig the Election by suppressing the vote. They think that if they tell Christians and other Trump supporters that election is already over, they'll stay home

Correct. That's because Dems and their Dem run liberal media are lowlife POS rotted festering piles of amphibian puss spewing abbesses.
Problem for democrats will be two things.

1. Excitement. Biden won’t bring out the crowds

2. Division, super communist and Biden communist. Many won’t vote for biden.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
Stimulus prevented a Depression
Prove it.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
The economy was already on the rebound by the time Obama was inaugurated. His only policy was being in the right place at the right time.
If t was...

Why did we have negative GDP?
Why were we losing 800,000 jobs a month?
Why did the stock market continue to plummet?
Why did the banks and auto companies continue to fail?

Is that what we call a Republican Rebound?
  1. We didn't have negative GDP. That's impossible.
  2. Employment is a lagging indicator
  3. The stock market bottomed out on March 13, 2009. Only slightly later.
  4. Did they continue to fail? Please show a timeline.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
I'm always bemused by liberals claiming that a site like this one is a "conservative message board"! On what do you base that? Because someone with a viewpoint different than yours is allowed to speak? Liberals believe in "safe spaces" for intellectual discussions...which to them essentially means a space where they get to spout their beliefs without having those beliefs challenged.

Proving, ONCE AGAIN Peewee, that you have no clue in the world what the term "Liberal" means.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
I'm always bemused by liberals claiming that a site like this one is a "conservative message board"! On what do you base that? Because someone with a viewpoint different than yours is allowed to speak? Liberals believe in "safe spaces" for intellectual discussions...which to them essentially means a space where they get to spout their beliefs without having those beliefs challenged.

Proving, ONCE AGAIN Peewee, that you have no clue in the world what the term "Liberal" means.
Does anyone at this point? You liberals have "rebranded" yourselves so many times in an attempt to make people forget how your policies don't work that at this point liberal, progressive, left, humanitarian, avant-garde have all been tainted! God only knows at this point what you'll call yourselves next!
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
Yeah, right. And your proof of all this is?
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.
Nice fantasy there. Michigan is sick of that idiot governor and telling her where to shove it. They’ll go to Trump. Biden has already said he’ll ban fracking. Kiss Pennsylvania goodbye Sniffy Joe. Minnesota and Virginia likely to flip Republican. Yeah you have no hope.

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