Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
I thought our purpose as Americans was to make voting LEGALLY easier for all Americans Not try to keep segments who don't see it your way away from the booths Are you American Bri you fn traitor?

You were mistaken.
Where was I mistaken? With easier legal voting or Bri is a fn traitor?? I still believe both are true
You were mistaken about easier voting. There's no mandate to make voting easy except among sleazy lying TDS morons.
There is a mandate among Republicans to drive away as many voters as they can
You mean dead people and illegal aliens?

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
With out the illegal immigrants voting in California by the millions if you took California out Trump won by a huge margin. Just facts.. and i believe trump will win California With or without voter ID
What about the 70,000 total vote trump won by in Wisc Penn and Mich Think those folks are so happy with the scum in the WH now ?
Have you seen his rallies there? I mean even 2 million showed up in India to hear the man speak.

how long ago was that? oh yaaaa.......... pre COVID. wisconsin JUST came out en masse, risking coronacooties to ENSURE the trump endorsed incumbant (R) dude was booted outa there.

that's a sign of things to come.
Maybe that individual wasn’t a good pick . Good for them..

View attachment 324495America is watching democrats and we are still 76.7% white lol

haaaaaaaaaa you seem desperate.
Also has McSally losing her Senate Seat
No surprise there. Kelly Ward should have won that seat if that moron Sheriff Joe had dropped out instead of splitting the vote

What alternate universe are you in?

arpaio ran in the primary in 2018. He got 19% of the vote.

He couldn't run in the general election in 2018 because he lost the primary. He couldn't have split the vote because he wasn't on the ballot.

Why do you people make up lies like this?

Here is the result of that election. Notice arpaio isn't anywhere on the list because he lost the primary big time and couldn't run in the general.

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 4.36.58 AM.png

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
With out the illegal immigrants voting in California by the millions if you took California out Trump won by a huge margin. Just facts.. and i believe trump will win California With or without voter ID
What about the 70,000 total vote trump won by in Wisc Penn and Mich Think those folks are so happy with the scum in the WH now ?
Have you seen his rallies there? I mean even 2 million showed up in India to hear the man speak.

how long ago was that? oh yaaaa.......... pre COVID. wisconsin JUST came out en masse, risking coronacooties to ENSURE the trump endorsed incumbant (R) dude was booted outa there.

that's a sign of things to come.
Maybe that individual wasn’t a good pick . Good for them..

View attachment 324495America is watching democrats and we are still 76.7% white lol

If invaders are too scared to go to the hospital it's a good thing. They can go back to wherever they came from. What happens to them is none of our business.

lol - except they are here & if you don't mask yerself, & risk getting sick or becoming a carrier - then it really is yer business.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

It's a long way to election day but worth remembering that Rump could not win even half the vote in AridZona in 2016.

Actual stats for Boozeman to "dislike"

NomineeDoornail RumpHillary Clinton
PartyFucking MoronDemoplican
Home stateNarcissisiaNew York
Running mateHunter PenceTim Kaine
Electoral vote110
Popular vote1,252,4011,161,167

Want me to post some others where he couldn't crack a 50 either? Like Florida? Like North Carolina? Like that infamous trio of Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? Like FRICKIN' UTAH? Say the word, I'm here to help.

poorly educated childish antics is all they got, 'cause actually debating the facts makes their brain cell hurt.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trumpoholics are not conservatives. Conservatives oppose Trump. USMB is a mostly Trumper/Tea Party site.

with most being poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables.

with most being poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables.

basket dwelling, or ghetto dwelling?
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
I thought our purpose as Americans was to make voting LEGALLY easier for all Americans Not try to keep segments who don't see it your way away from the booths Are you American Bri you fn traitor?

You were mistaken.
Where was I mistaken? With easier legal voting or Bri is a fn traitor?? I still believe both are true
You were mistaken about easier voting. There's no mandate to make voting easy except among sleazy lying TDS morons.
There is a mandate among Republicans to drive away as many voters as they can
You mean dead people and illegal aliens?
Bri you traitor That's just republican bull shit Your POS party is doing all they can to limit LEGAL voting
Obama doesn't deserve any credit. History shows that the economy recovers on its own without any government intervention.
Haha, so painfully stupid. Yes, always at the exact same rate, too. Because obama tourettes syndrome. Shut up dummy.
The recovery under Obama was one of the slowest on record, dumbass.
One of the longest continuous periods of growth on record

Till Trump ruined it
Only because Trump took over.
Obama never had his economy collapse
He saved us from the Bush collapse

ROFL! Did Obama have an worldwide epidemic to deal with?

Are you seriously trying to blame Trump for the shutdown after turds like you attacked him for not doing it soon enough?
Yes, he did
No he didn't because the media wasn't generating hysteria over it 24 hours a day.
Do you think there is some kind of global media that conspires just to piss off Republicans?
The media is infested with leftwing bootlickers. They support the shutdown for the same reason they attack Republicans
Trump administration is infested with conservative bootlickers

they are worse than boot lickers - they are ankle grabbers for their alpha.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
With out the illegal immigrants voting in California by the millions if you took California out Trump won by a huge margin. Just facts.. and i believe trump will win California With or without voter ID
What about the 70,000 total vote trump won by in Wisc Penn and Mich Think those folks are so happy with the scum in the WH now ?
Have you seen his rallies there? I mean even 2 million showed up in India to hear the man speak.

how long ago was that? oh yaaaa.......... pre COVID. wisconsin JUST came out en masse, risking coronacooties to ENSURE the trump endorsed incumbant (R) dude was booted outa there.

that's a sign of things to come.
Maybe that individual wasn’t a good pick . Good for them..

View attachment 324495America is watching democrats and we are still 76.7% white lol

If invaders are too scared to go to the hospital it's a good thing. They can go back to wherever they came from. What happens to them is none of our business.

lol - except they are here & if you don't mask yerself, & risk getting sick or becoming a carrier - then it really is yer business.

Just make us sandwich’s don’t worry about us men
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
I thought our purpose as Americans was to make voting LEGALLY easier for all Americans Not try to keep segments who don't see it your way away from the booths Are you American Bri you fn traitor?

You were mistaken.
Where was I mistaken? With easier legal voting or Bri is a fn traitor?? I still believe both are true
You were mistaken about easier voting. There's no mandate to make voting easy except among sleazy lying TDS morons.
There is a mandate among Republicans to drive away as many voters as they can
Great patriots ?? republicans ? Traitors should get the firing squad

Traitors should get the firing squad

Would you like a cigarette and blindfold?
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
I thought our purpose as Americans was to make voting LEGALLY easier for all Americans Not try to keep segments who don't see it your way away from the booths Are you American Bri you fn traitor?

You were mistaken.
Where was I mistaken? With easier legal voting or Bri is a fn traitor?? I still believe both are true
You were mistaken about easier voting. There's no mandate to make voting easy except among sleazy lying TDS morons.
There is a mandate among Republicans to drive away as many voters as they can
You mean dead people and illegal aliens?
Show any
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.

^^^ what a crock of bullshit ^^^

Originally, election days varied by state, but in 1845 a law was passed to set a single election day for the entire country. (At first, it applied only to presidential elections, but it was later extended to congressional elections as well.) At that time, the United States was still a largely agrarian society. For farmers, who made up a majority of the labor force, much of the year was taken up by the planting, tending, and harvesting of crops. Early November was a good time to vote because the harvest was over but the weather was still relatively mild.

Still, some days of the week were better than others. Two days were definitely out of the question. Most Americans were devout Christians and thus set aside Sunday as a day of rest and worship. Wednesday in many areas was a market day, when farmers sold their crops in town. In addition, a travel day was sometimes required. In rural areas, the nearest polling place might have been several miles away, and, in an era before automobiles, getting there could take a while. If people couldn’t use Sunday or Wednesday as their travel day, then that meant election day couldn’t be on Monday or Thursday, either. And so Tuesday was perceived as the best option.

The reason that election day was specified as the Tuesday “after the first Monday” was to prevent it from falling on November 1. That day was considered unfavorable because some Christians observed it as All Saints’ Day and also because merchants typically took the first day of the month to settle their books for the previous month.

Although Tuesday was chosen as a matter of convenience, voting on that day is now more commonly seen as a hindrance. Less than 2 percent of Americans today are employed in agriculture, and many people work on Tuesdays throughout the year.
Why Are U.S. Elections Held on Tuesdays?
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.
Good idea

Then why limit poling places? Why cut down on days you can vote? Why reduce the number of voting booths?

Since we can't have an infinite number of poling places, that means there has to be a limit of some kind. No matter where the limit is set, some douchebag like you will whine about it. The same goes for voting booths. local governments don't have infinite budgets.

There's a very good reason to limit of the number of days you can vote. After the voting starts events can occur that might cause people to change their minds. That's why the election should occur over as short of a time period as possible, so all voters are making their decision based on the same set of facts.
And people changing their minds is a bad thing?? Finding out a fact that changes your mind in your vote is bad?? If Trump was found to be a mass murderer you'd still support him
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trumpoholics are not conservatives. Conservatives oppose Trump. USMB is a mostly Trumper/Tea Party site.

with most being poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables.

with most being poorly educated basket dwelling deplorables.

basket dwelling, or ghetto dwelling?

white trash live in ghettos too.

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