Arizona Judge Rejects Kari Lake’s Effort to Overturn Her Election Loss

Because the election like so
many was fraudulent. A Democrat activist judge stopped the evidence.

Kari Lake should keep hammering that fraudulent election whenever she can. Keep reminding the public that we no longer have honest elections in this country. Make this obvious fraud a cudgel and beat the democrats relentlessly.
The judge in the lake case was a republic.

And like the 100 cases before it, that republic offered no proof of fraud.
If you're not flipping out, you sure do waste a lot of bandwidth 'not' doing that.................... :biggrin:

Pointing and laughing takes up very little bandwidth.

And I've been doing that at Kari and her followers all day.
The judge in the lake case was a republic.

And like the 100 cases before it, that republic offered no proof of fraud.

Does it matter in the slightest? They will ignore ANYONE who doesn't affirm their silly fantasies.
Hobbs, social worker, lifelong democrat agiprop. Socialist. Of COURSE, her election was going to be a fake.

A woman with extensive experience both in the legislature and the executive branch....having been both Senate Minority Leader AND Secretary of State....

...vs a newcaster.

How did you think this was going to go?
It’s an article of religious faith among Republicans that when a Republican candidate loses an election it must be due to ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Republicans are too stupid and arrogant to acknowledge the fact that the Republican candidate lost because a majority of the voters rejected the Republican candidate and the Republican agenda – having nothing to do with ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’
Nope. It’s the left that blindly believes whatever the MSM tells them. No matter how much their lies are exposed, you still believe. We lose elections all the time. But some defy common sense and logic, and the numbers do not add up.
Nope. It’s the left that blindly believes whatever the MSM tells them. No matter how much their lies are exposed, you still believe. We lose elections all the time. But some defy common sense and logic, and the numbers do not add up.

Or, we look at the evidence and make informed decisions on our own.

I correctly predicted how this case would go, down to which standards of evidence Kari Lake would fail to meet.

Your Gateway Pundit faithful never saw it coming.

Our sources are not equal.
Biden not only burned you messiah to the ground...he has returned the US to respectability in the world. All free nation were afraid of what Trump would do in a second term....but the Saudis and Poootin loved him.
A little early to be giving Biden a final grade on his role as president, but of course you close your eyes and plug your nose in order to support Biden over the republican's. This says a lot about your entire lean, and why you lean.
McConnell is a republican. Liz Cheney is a republican. Got anything else?

This system has to go. It is too corrupt to survive. The ballot box is no longer trustworthy.

What does McConnel have to do with Kari Lake's idiot legal argument, her inevitable loss, or her impending futile appeal?

You don't seem to be following the conversation at all. guys want to discuss ANYTHING but Kari Lake and her loss today.

Given how flat she fell on her face and how obvious the outcome was, I can understand your reluctance.
What does McConnel have to do with Kari Lake's idiot legal argument, her inevitable loss, or her impending futile appeal?

You don't seem to be following the conversation at all.
You seem to think that there is some significance to the judge being a republican. You are wrong. There are plenty of Republicans who are loyal enemy Americans.

Start reviewing what you say.
Lake lost the election but nothing will Convince the Trump base that have been taught that if your candidate loses the election must have been stolen.

When you run weak Candidates like Lake and Walker then expect to lose but alas the Trump base will never accept this and will demand anyone that utter that Lake lost be branded as a traitor and be executed at Dawn.
You actually think this is about someone just making a claim about an election being stolen without merit ?? Better hope your new border wall of shamelessness holds, because sooner or later the truth is going to come to a boiling point about you all's main goals.
You seem to think that there is some significance to the judge being a republican. You are wrong. There are plenty of Republicans who are loyal enemy Americans.

Start reviewing what you say.

Actually, no. I was quite clear that it wouldn't matter in the slightest to your ilk. And you'll ignore ANYONE who doesn't ape your silly fantasies.


You should really read what you're replying to.
Actually, no. I was quite clear that it wouldn't matter in the slightest to your ilk. And you'll ignore ANYONE who doesn't ape your silly fantasies.

View attachment 741869

You should really read what you're replying to.
All you do is give us more opportunities to point out that the election was stolen like the 2020 election was stolen.

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