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Arizona To Deny Benefits To Illegal Aliens?

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OCA said:
Well it makes sense, i'd do it if I were an Arab national blocked from entering the country, its the easiest route in. That is why it is pertinent that we grant amnesty to the illegals already here unless they have a criminal record and then seal up the border as soon as possible.

Kind of a drive by - but, why the hell grant them amnesty? Operative workd here being "illegals". Why not seal the border AND kick their illegal butts out?
Kind of a drive by - but, why the hell grant them amnesty? Operative workd here being "illegals". Why not seal the border AND kick their illegal butts out?

Because it would be way too cost ineffective. Think about it, everyone agrees there are millions more illegals than there are INS agents, we would first have to hire a ton of new agents, train them and then find the illegals even if we can find them. This is a country of how many 300,000,000 or so(i'm just guessing, I have no idea) how easy is it for a person to get lost? Easy(reference 9/11, the visas ran out, we had no clue) So doesn't it make sense to save that expense and trouble, grant amnesty and then crack down on new illegals. Kind of like bankruptcy and wiping the slate clean. In fact all these new citizens would just add to the tax base.
OCA said:
Because it would be way too cost ineffective. Think about it, everyone agrees there are millions more illegals than there are INS agents, we would first have to hire a ton of new agents, train them and then find the illegals even if we can find them. This is a country of how many 300,000,000 or so(i'm just guessing, I have no idea) how easy is it for a person to get lost? Easy(reference 9/11, the visas ran out, we had no clue) So doesn't it make sense to save that expense and trouble, grant amnesty and then crack down on new illegals. Kind of like bankruptcy and wiping the slate clean. In fact all these new citizens would just add to the tax base.
Good point to some degreee.

But there are also illegals here that are not contributing and I would imagine there are a great deal that are breaking laws that have not been caught yet (you suggested throwing out the ones that have records). It is a big mess because it has beenignored for so long.

Do I have any real ideas for a solution other than kicking them all out? No. But during the amnesty granting your suggest, there would have to be some type of critical screening and that is going to take allot of resources as well.

Well it has been done before and I would surmise we are better equipped right now for the amnesty route than the other. Heck does anybody remember when Fidel sent all his undesireables to Florida in 1980?(Scarface) We weeded out most of the scumbags and sent them back.
continue with this illogical argument on illegal immigrants... That's the only way I can figure out your viewpoint... You must be making cash on the deal...
phadras said:
continue with this illogical argument on illegal immigrants... That's the only way I can figure out your viewpoint... You must be making cash on the deal...

Make a valid point or get the fuck out of this conversation. I have no time for jacking off like that. Please vote for Bush also so we can get the amnesty passed.
OCA said:
Make a valid point or get the fuck out of this conversation. I have no time for jacking off like that. Please vote for Bush also so we can get the amnesty passed.
OCA- please chill out. Everyone's entitled to an opinion and I've seen you express yours quite often on this board. Including ones as sarcastic as the post in question.
Getting rid of illegals is easy and would save the American taxpayer billions. Simply prevent illegal aliens from getting public benefits and the majority will leave on their own.
Big D said:
Getting rid of illegals is easy and would save the American taxpayer billions. Simply prevent illegal aliens from getting public benefits and the majority will leave on their own.

As much as I tend to disagree with D, he does have a valid point here. If you remove the benefits of staying, nobody will stay.
OCA said:
Because it would be way too cost ineffective. Think about it, everyone agrees there are millions more illegals than there are INS agents, we would first have to hire a ton of new agents, train them and then find the illegals even if we can find them. This is a country of how many 300,000,000 or so(i'm just guessing, I have no idea) how easy is it for a person to get lost? Easy(reference 9/11, the visas ran out, we had no clue) So doesn't it make sense to save that expense and trouble, grant amnesty and then crack down on new illegals. Kind of like bankruptcy and wiping the slate clean. In fact all these new citizens would just add to the tax base.

In the long run we would save money.

Screw the money, anyway. It just isn't right. If police actually busted illegals and reported them to la migra to be deported, that would be great. Is it too much too ask for local police, sherriffs, and staties to enforce the law?

Amnesty only rewards lawbreakers. What is the point of trying to become a citizen legally if, just by waiting around awhile, you get citizenship anyway?

Removing as many illegals as possible and increasing border enforcement would save us tons of money, increase sucurity, reduce crime, and keep diseases such as TB out of our schools. Our economy would improve in the long run by making the industries that depend on illegal workers to innovate and raise wages. It would open up lots of jobs that some Americans are willing to do and cause many of the others who don't know what work is to get off their asses and learn how to sweat for a living.

Would you allow someone who broke into your house, settled in, ate your food, used your credit card, brought drugs, brought their family in, and gave your kids tuberculosis to continue to live there, even if it would be expensive to remove them?
popefumanchu said:
Would you allow someone who broke into your house, settled in, ate your food, used your credit card, brought drugs, brought their family in, and gave your kids tuberculosis to continue to live there, even if it would be expensive to remove them?

The answer is NO! And anyone in their right mind would answer the same. Now believe me, as I live in Phoenix, Arizona, the VAST MAJORITY of people here want the illegals OUT!!! O-U-T... OUT!!! Giving amnesty to illegals would be BEGGING for more of the same. I can also tell you this, if Bush pushed for an amnesty for illegals if reelected, you would see a drive for his IMPEACHMENT rise out of Arizona.

We have laws in America. Follow them, or stay the fuck out. Illegals cost Arizonan's MILLIONS each year. It's been here posted before. It works out to be around $600 a year PER PERSON!! Illegals bring their crime, drugs, disease, and whatever filthy habits with them.

Now I'm not anti-Mexican or anti-anything else. It's just that we HAVE laws in place here in America already for HOW TO IMMIGRATE LEGALY. USE THEM!
OCA said:
So doesn't it make sense to save that expense and trouble, grant amnesty and then crack down on new illegals.
Does this not prove a serious lack of intelligence or what?
Jul 29 2004

Pioneer Press

Working with Austin, Minn., police, federal investigators have rounded up 10 illegal immigrants who likely face deportation after being accused of having sex with a 14-year-old girl.

The bust, part of a yearlong, nationwide effort targeting criminal sexual predators, included the arrests of the 10 Mexican nationals as well as a relative of the girl who helped arrange the meetings. They were all being held in the Mower County jail Wednesday facing criminal sexual conduct and prostitution charges.

"This whole incident is a tragedy," said Mark Cangemi, special agent-in-charge of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Bloomington. "We're glad we could help put an end to the child's suffering."

The Department of Homeland Security and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement started Operation Predator in July 2003 to target child sex abusers and have arrested more than 3,300 illegal immigrants nationwide. About 90 of those were arrested by agents from the Bloomington office — most in Minnesota, though the office also covers North Dakota and South Dakota, said Tim Counts, spokesman for the Bloomington office.
OCA said:
the majority of Americans are more concerned with terrorism and Jobs, not illegals.
This statement just reaks of ignorance.
The only thing I would add is that we should seal the borders with military troops, not with more INS workers. But I agree that amnesty is not the solution. The solution is that no government benefits should be provided to anyone who cannot provide proof of citizenship, borders should be tightly controlled to keep illegals out, and the illegals we have should be deported. Law enforcement officers should not go on any type of special "roundup," but any illegals who pop up should be summarily arrested and deported as they pop up. Also, companies who hire illegals should be fined.
Big D said:
This statement just reaks of ignorance.

Check out D's 1,807 posts if you like the stench of stupidity and blatant racism. Other than that D can't fuck with me.

LOL the tuberculosis one is the best yet! Next they will be the cause for Alzheimers.
OCA said:
LOL the tuberculosis one is the best yet! Next they will be the cause for Alzheimers.
Routine testing for Tb with a tuberculin skin test is now only recommended in children who are at high risk for having the illness. Risk factors include being exposed to an infected adult, contact with someone who has been in prison, contact with the homeless, and travel to countries with a high rate of tuberculosis, including Mexico, India, Vietnam, China, Philippines, and many countries in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Adopted children from any high risk area should also be tested, including Romania and Russia.

TB rates among border communities are higher than the rates for their respective states overall (Figure 2, Table 1). During 1998--1999, the average TB rates/100,000 population were 22.9 in Laredo and 39.7 in Nuevo Laredo, compared with 8.7 in Texas and 33.1 in Tamaulipas. Rates in other border-city pairs were 21.8 in Brownsville and 70.3 in Matamoros; 15.1 in McAllen and 43.9 in Reynosa; and 10.1 in El Paso and 17.8 in Ciudad Juarez (Eugene J. Tamames, Texas Department of Health, personal communication, July 2000). The TB rate in San Diego County was 10.3/100,000 population, but among Hispanics of predominately Mexican descent, the rate was 23.5 cases/100,000 population, higher than the state rate of 12.9 for Hispanics (Reuben M. Granich, M.D., M.P.H., California Department of Health Services, personal communication, July 2000). A 1998 tuberculin testing program in one San Diego County school district identified a 32% skin-test--positive rate among Mexican-born high school students (15).

Overall TB incidence is higher in Mexico than in the United States. The 1999 incidence of pulmonary TB in Mexico was 17 cases/100,000 population nationally and 27.1 cases/100,000 population along the U.S.-Mexico border (Elizabeth Ferreira, M.D., Mycobacterium Prevention and Control Program of Mexico, personal communication, July 2000). Adjusting for underreporting, the World Health Organization estimates the incidence of pulmonary TB in Mexico to be 45 cases/100,000 (16). http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5001a1.htm
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