arkansas going after librarians and booksellers

There are already policies on the books in Arkansas to review books to see if they have "harmful materials" to minors...
What right-wingers are doing is performance they can clutch their pearls and play victim when a judge does exactly what this judge did
what ;left wingers are doing in corrupting our kids is wrong
Kids aren't corrupted by library books bro...

They are corrupted by the lack of you are so effectively demonstrating for us...


They want to quash education. So sad. That's why we had the Scopes monkey trial. In the early 1900s the fundamentalists were so reactionary they rejected science and modernity. That's like the Taliban, the LRA, Boko Haram and every other fearful, backward group.
Need to find my glasses.
I think I found them.

I was born in Arkansas, and growing up I recall fondly the one book the school library had. So yes, we had them. I was never exposed to it though.

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