Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

In nearly all cases. The only exception is to safe the life of the mother. Rape? Nope. Incest? Nope

And Republicans SWORE they weren't trying to roll back Wade.

Never believe a Republican...
Republicans are liars. It's not anything they have any control over, it's just a fact. Like gravity. Things fall down, republicans lie.
If all you partisans realized that about your own "side" we wouldnt be such a fucked up country.
I've never met a politician that hasn't lied. any of em. So technically that post was redundant.
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

Very disappointed by any restrictions on abortion.

We need fewer births, not more.

Every time I read about a robbery or sucker punching or looting or rape or murder, I think to myself: Oh, if only the perp had not been born!

That's idiotic.
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

I think Roe v Wade was on pretty shaky constitutional ground anyway, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the current SCOTUS allow each state to make up their own abortion laws as long as they don't totally ban abortions altogether. IMHO, that's the way it should be.
Just remember that all life is precious unless it's a liberal or an illegal.

No. Life by itself is NOT any more precious than the dust under our feet. INNOCENT life has a value, but only because of its innocence. Not for any other reason.
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

Very disappointed by any restrictions on abortion.

We need fewer births, not more.

Every time I read about a robbery or sucker punching or looting or rape or murder, I think to myself: Oh, if only the perp had not been born!

That's idiotic.

Elderly Asian people are being brutally attacked in this country by worthless individuals.

I wish that those horrible perps had never been born.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course.
A likely contender to see the SCOTUS.

The legislation prohibits abortion in the state unless a pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life. A legal challenge to the bill is virtually certain.

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

Very disappointed by any restrictions on abortion.

We need fewer births, not more.

Every time I read about a robbery or sucker punching or looting or rape or murder, I think to myself: Oh, if only the perp had not been born!

That's idiotic.

Elderly Asian people are being brutally attacked in this country by worthless individuals.

I wish that those horrible perps had never been born.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course.

Why do you single out Asians to care about?
" So Wanting The Abortion Issue Publicly Debated Adequately "

* Information Is Key *

I think Roe v Wade was on pretty shaky constitutional ground anyway, and I wouldn't be surprised to see the current SCOTUS allow each state to make up their own abortion laws as long as they don't totally ban abortions altogether. IMHO, that's the way it should be.
The constitutional basis of roe v wade is rock solid , and it is not a state issue .

Now , a state issue is that upon birth and contingent upon us jurisdiction ( parents are us citizens or subjects by title in us legal immigration system ) one becomes a citizen of the us and of the state in which they reside , and to claim that a state does not have jurisdiction over illegal immigration is a bold faced lie !
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.

where do you (and others) get that idea?

The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

^^^ that ^^^

thankfully the bastard lost.


So your idea is that one doesn't care about children unless you want to shovel money to their parents?

it's painfully obvious.
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.

where do you (and others) get that idea?

The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

^^^ that ^^^

thankfully the bastard lost.


So your idea is that one doesn't care about children unless you want to shovel money to their parents?

it's painfully obvious.

In other words you don't actually have a serious response.
The constitutional basis of roe v wade is rock solid , and it is not a state issue .

Oh please. The right to an abortion is an IMPLIED right which is based on another IMPLIED RIGHT (privacy).

So no it has no constitutional basis in the real world.
" Completely Constitutional And Ethically Valid To Follow "

* Nothing Implied About A Requirement For Citizenship *

Oh please. The right to an abortion is an IMPLIED right which is based on another IMPLIED RIGHT (privacy). So no it has no constitutional basis in the real world.
A wright to privacy is incidental in that the fetus , without constitutional protections for not having been born , is the private property of the mother .

The constitutional issue of abortion is not " When does life begin ? " , the constitutional issue of abortion is " When do state interests being ? " .

A state is comprised of and for citizens on whose behalf state interests lay , and for one to become a citizen they must be born and for any to receive equal protections , that includes a wright to life , any must have been born .

The supposed fetal protection laws are in fact offenses against the mother , the penalties of which are " as if " the crime had been against the mother .

Also , note that capital punishment is not available in fetal protection laws because , in general , by double entendre , to apply capital punishment a perpetrator removes their own wright to life by removing the wright to life of another , and as a fetus does not have a wright to life then capital punishment would not be applicable .
Last edited:
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.

where do you (and others) get that idea?

The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

^^^ that ^^^

thankfully the bastard lost.


So your idea is that one doesn't care about children unless you want to shovel money to their parents?

it's painfully obvious.

In other words you don't actually have a serious response.

in other words, you can't refute the fact that the 2017 tax cut for BIGCORP cut nearly a trillion dollars from 'entitlement' programs, that are targeted toward the most vulnerable... which includes the kiddies.

& donny was aiming to go much much farther with his spineless GOP willing to go along to get along. once that cord is cut .... yada yada yada.

& this COVID relief bill - that not one (R) voted for ... will drastically cut chiild poverty. it will also help refurbish schools & expand wifi/internet access to them thar rugrats - enabling them to keep on par with their more fortunate classmates; thus allowing them to have a better chance at academically succeeding with the ultimate outcome of becoming self sufficient.
" Clowns Who Abdicate To Totalitarianism And The Deviants Who Entreat It "

* Left Wing Theocracy *

in other words, you can't refute the fact that the 2017 tax cut for BIGCORP cut nearly a trillion dollars from 'entitlement' programs, that are targeted toward the most vulnerable... which includes the kiddies.

& donny was aiming to go much much farther with his spineless GOP willing to go along to get along. once that cord is cut .... yada yada yada.

& this COVID relief bill - that not one (R) voted for ... will drastically cut chiild poverty. it will also help refurbish schools & expand wifi/internet access to them thar rugrats - enabling them to keep on par with their more fortunate classmates; thus allowing them to have a better chance at academically succeeding with the ultimate outcome of becoming self sufficient.
The religion of secular humanism expects all other religions - except its own to seek private , philanthropic donations , to fund their charities .

The religion of secular humanism believes it is their wright to confiscate private property through government dictates to fund its own charities .

The federal gluttonment is printing money and dictating its centralized power grab at the behest of fools incapable of making money through free enterprise but certainly devious enough to justify its theft from others .

Christian socialism is a religious and political philosophy that blends Christianity and socialism, endorsing left-wing politics and socialist economics on the basis of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Many Christian socialists believe capitalism to be idolatrous and rooted in the sin of greed.[1] Christian socialists identify the cause of social inequality to be the greed that they associate with capitalism.[1]

Christian communism is a theological and political theory based upon the view that the teachings of Jesus Christ compel Christians to support religious communism as the ideal social system.
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.
Probably because we don't want the next MJ or walter payton being killed in the womb, life deserves a chance
Unless they are brown babies at the border.
" Latin American Cannot Take Care Of Its Own And Go Cry In A Bowl Of Soup "

* Accelerating Into Unknowns When Stipulations Should Be In Place *

Unless they are brown babies at the border.
The brown babies at the border have more than 600 million other brown peoples to depend upon , just as ever demographic about the world has a codependency on their economy and social infrastructure .

The global trade is one thing , while immigration policies for economy and social infrastructure by us citizens which depend upon it are relevant grievances to be brought forth from those collective of citizens .

The ubiquitous goal of alternative persuasions is to commandeer sovereignty over us citizens an most grievously over the privilege of us citizens to determine not only citizenship but to determine the opportunities determined by a secretaries of labor which is supposed to apprise us citizens of projected or expected visa allocations based on a competitive market demand .
" Latin American Cannot Take Care Of Its Own And Go Cry In A Bowl Of Soup "

* Accelerating Into Unknowns When Stipulations Should Be In Place *

Unless they are brown babies at the border.
The brown babies at the border have more than 600 million other brown peoples to depend upon , just as ever demographic about the world has a codependency on their economy and social infrastructure .

The global trade is one thing , while an economy of those which depend upon it are relevant grievances brought forth from the collective of citizens .

The ubiquitous goal of alternative persuasions is to commandeer sovereignty over us citizens an most grievously over the privilege of us citizens to determine not only citizenship but to determine the opportunities determined by a secretaries of labor which is supposed to apprise us citizens of projected or expected visa allocations based on a competitive market demand .
Ahh, the paradigm shift in morality when it involves a brown baby at the border...I see the fake form of Christianity that abodes in the heart of Trumpets. They alwasy need hookers, mules and construction laborers and meat packers in the USA and American citizens do not want them jobs.
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.

where do you (and others) get that idea?

The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

^^^ that ^^^

thankfully the bastard lost.


So your idea is that one doesn't care about children unless you want to shovel money to their parents?

it's painfully obvious.

In other words you don't actually have a serious response.

in other words, you can't refute the fact that the 2017 tax cut for BIGCORP cut nearly a trillion dollars from 'entitlement' programs, that are targeted toward the most vulnerable... which includes the kiddies.

& donny was aiming to go much much farther with his spineless GOP willing to go along to get along. once that cord is cut .... yada yada yada.

& this COVID relief bill - that not one (R) voted for ... will drastically cut chiild poverty. it will also help refurbish schools & expand wifi/internet access to them thar rugrats - enabling them to keep on par with their more fortunate classmates; thus allowing them to have a better chance at academically succeeding with the ultimate outcome of becoming self sufficient.

Utter BS in all respects. The 2017 tax cut never cut "nearly a trillion dollars from entitlement programs".

And if it did so what? Why is transferring money to poor people an inherently good thing? Shouldn't money go to those who have succeeded and are thus likely to continue to succeed? Look at the parable of the talents in the Bible? The money was taken from the one who had the least and given to the one that had the most.
So you oppose seat belt and helmet laws? I don't get your meme I thought you were pro baby killing...

i'm pro life ... seems like so called compassionate CONservatives are only pro birth. after that - the the little rugrats & their mamas are on their own.

where do you (and others) get that idea?

The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget

^^^ that ^^^

thankfully the bastard lost.


So your idea is that one doesn't care about children unless you want to shovel money to their parents?

it's painfully obvious.

In other words you don't actually have a serious response.

in other words, you can't refute the fact that the 2017 tax cut for BIGCORP cut nearly a trillion dollars from 'entitlement' programs, that are targeted toward the most vulnerable... which includes the kiddies.

& donny was aiming to go much much farther with his spineless GOP willing to go along to get along. once that cord is cut .... yada yada yada.

& this COVID relief bill - that not one (R) voted for ... will drastically cut chiild poverty. it will also help refurbish schools & expand wifi/internet access to them thar rugrats - enabling them to keep on par with their more fortunate classmates; thus allowing them to have a better chance at academically succeeding with the ultimate outcome of becoming self sufficient.

Utter BS in all respects. The 2017 tax cut never cut "nearly a trillion dollars from entitlement programs".

And if it did so what? Why is transferring money to poor people an inherently good thing? Shouldn't money go to those who have succeeded and are thus likely to continue to succeed? Look at the parable of the talents in the Bible? The money was taken from the one who had the least and given to the one that had the most.

nooooooooooooo not bullshit.


Mar 13, 2017,10:07pm EDT
GOP Health Care Bill Will Result In A Huge Tax Cut For The Rich, 24 Million Without Insurance
Tony NittiSenior Contributor


Today, the Congressional Budget Office answered those questions, releasing its official scoring of the American Health Care Act, and the results are not pretty. An $883 billion tax cut, $274 billion of it going to the richest 2%. $880 billion stripped from Medicaid. [ that's almost a trillion buckaroos ] And 24 million fewer insured individuals over the next ten years.
GOP Health Care Bill Will Result In A Huge Tax Cut For The Rich, 24 Million Without Insurance

them thar 'entitlements' DI-RECTLY affected the little kiddies.... you know - the ones that you proclaim should be born? cause they are all precious little babies?

save the babies? they have a right to be born..... right? or so you say.

after the cord is cut, then they are on their own. you just said so. you just admitted it.

that makes you pro birth. not pro life.

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