Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Into Law A Near-Total Abortion Ban

And? Born ones do also.
Yes, except for those convicted of a capital crime

unborn children are guilty of nothing

Nor are those we drop bombs on.

What makes you think that? You really think the U.S. bombs people just for the hell of it?

No, it's to keep our 401k propped up.

What makes you think that dropping bombs has any connection whatsoever to that?

Do you have a better answer? No one else does. 20 years in Iraq, a country that did nothing to us, for what?

Saddam Hussein and his regime was a direct threat to the stability of the region and thus our interests.

No he wasn't.. Operation Mass Appeal was set up in 1998 to demonize him. He Kept the Shia in line and Iraq was stable under the Sunnis. Actually, the Dual Containment Policy worked splendidly for 20 years.

Containment is a loser policy.

It worked beautifully.. After we invaded Iraq we made Iran ascendant. Stupid move ..

Policy failures in no way invalidate the justifications for the initial decisions.

Iran was always going to dominate the region unless the U.S. did what it should and crushed the Iranians once and for all.

Like we have done in Afghanistan? Lol

Syria? Vietnam? Korea?

What's wrong with Korea? South Korea turned into a very stable, highly prosperous democracy.

The invasion of Iraq came from Clean Break Strategy in 1996 which was adopted by the PNAC.. ALL the oil men, the Arabs, historians, Diplomats knew it was a huge blunder. Cheney cooked the intelligence. Bandar was recalled because he couldn't influence Dubya not to do it. Its was one of the two or three major dumbass foreign policy moves the US has made.

Utterly idiotic post on your part. Saddam Hussein was an enemy of the United States. He opposed the interests of the United States. Thus he had to be removed.

Not to mention his brutality and crimes against his own people which the U.S. should take action against when it has the opportunity.
" Talking Out The Ass "

* Sail A Fists Salafi *

Utterly idiotic post on your part. Saddam Hussein was an enemy of the United States. He opposed the interests of the United States. Thus he had to be removed.
Not to mention his brutality and crimes against his own people which the U.S. should take action against when it has the opportunity.
The sad dam was an enemy of saudi hegemony and the bush was the saudi errand boy who made the us their bitches .

The sad dam was a baathist who promoted equal access to universities and employment , irrespective of gender , or sectarian affiliation , but he would not hesitate to brutalize those who attacked his state .

The saudis funded 9/11 , just as they had funded the billions for the expansion of wahhabism through lobby , through left wing disinformation and promotion of public ignornace about fictional ishmaelism , and through funding of madrassa and mosques for the same around the world .

Baathism is based on principles of Arab nationalism, pan-Arabism, and Arab socialism, as well as social progress. It is a secular ideology.
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" Semantics Of Public Opinion "

* Dealings In Acronyms And Formal Declarations *

Not as an official government policy they didn't.
Which government could survive with overt policy for illegitimate aggression ?

A law exists only because there is a greater state of an individual that is able to issue a reprise for violating positive or negative liberties as stipulated in a law .

This moniker is under a pretense that the middle east oil region directly or indirectly financed the marketing for illegitimate aggression according to edicts of tenets of creed in fictional ishmaelism to include continnuuing to promote an establishment of a global theocratic state and a fabled call it fate .

The humiliated and disgraced farcical farsi need to shed the pretentious supremacy of genetics and cultural hegemony of their arab dog masters , reclaim their parsi , light the fire temples of the phoenix , and restore zoroastrian mythology of the persian heritage .

Twelvers believe that the Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. According to the theology of Twelvers, the Twelve Imams are exemplary human individuals who not only rule over the community with justice, but are also able to preserve and interpret sharia and the esoteric meaning of the Quran. The words and deeds (Sunnah) of Muhammad and the Imams are a guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, Muhammad and the Imams must be free from error and sin, a doctrine known as Ismah or infallibility, and must be chosen by divine decree, or nass, through Muhammad.[1][2][3]

Shia believe in the Twelve Imams who are divinely inspired
descendants of Muhammad. They must meet these attributes: nass (designation by the previous Imam), Ismah (infallibility), ilm (divine knowledge), Walayah (spiritual guidance).[96] The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors to Muhammad, based on Twelver's belief.[97] It is believed in Shi'a Islam that 'Aql, a divine wisdom, was the source of the souls of the prophets and imams and gave them esoteric knowledge, called Hikmah, and that their sufferings were a means of divine grace to their devotees.[97][98][99] Although the Imam was not the recipient of a divine revelation, but has close relationship with God, through which God guides him, and the imam in turn guides the people. The Imamat, or belief in the divine guide is a fundamental belief in Shi'i Islam and is based on the concept that God would not leave humanity without access to divine guidance.[100]

The current left wing socialism anti-racist racism is financed almost entirely by fictional ishmaelism adherents .

Pan-Islamism (Arabic: الوحدة الإسلامية‎) is a political ideology advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic country or state – often a caliphate[1] – or an international organization with Islamic principles. As a form of internationalism and anti-nationalism, Pan-Islamism differentiates itself from pan-nationalistic ideologies, for example Pan-Arabism, by seeing the ummah (Muslim community) as the focus of allegiance and mobilization, excluding ethnicity and race as primary unifying factors. It portrays Islam as being anti-racist and against anything that divides Muslims based on ethnicity.

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It's not your body, it's God's. And neither can you shoot up heroin or sell your pussy on the street corner.
People do both those things all the time, though. So might as well add abortion to the list.
And the alternative is death

there are post born real children going hungry every night ...

(R)s vote to cut SNAP & medicaid some more - 'cause BIGCORP needs a bigger tax cut.
Yeah, so they're better off dead. Sicko.

That's their problem. Any woman who would kill her own child deserves what she gets.

You should have a vasectomy.

Oh, yeah, the people who shouldn't be having children are those who actually want those children to live. Only those who kill their babies are fit to make them.

Brilliant logic.

There are many valid reasons why a woman shouldn't carry a pregnancy to term. You want that decision left to male religious fanatics or women and their doctors?
If the reason is inconvenience, that's a crime.

it's none of your business what the reason is.
Spoken like a true fascist.

It really isn't any of your business. Perhaps you should just exert your influence on your wife, mother, daughters and aunts.

It really is everyone's business whether or not killing someone is legal. Perhaps you should stop presuming to speak for all women, and just exert your opinions on your own life.

Nobody is insisting you have an abortion.

So if no one is trying to kill my family members, I shouldn't care about anyone else being killed? Do I even need to explain what a piece of shit you sound like?

You should probably mind your own business. How many babies did you say you'd adopted?

I just heard, "I can only win the argument if you stop talking!"

Your surrender is noted, and completely unsurprising. You may tuck tail and slink away.
There are at least 8 churches in every square mile in Arkansas....

there are post born real children going hungry every night ...

(R)s vote to cut SNAP & medicaid some more - 'cause BIGCORP needs a bigger tax cut.
Yeah, so they're better off dead. Sicko.

That's their problem. Any woman who would kill her own child deserves what she gets.

You should have a vasectomy.

Oh, yeah, the people who shouldn't be having children are those who actually want those children to live. Only those who kill their babies are fit to make them.

Brilliant logic.

There are many valid reasons why a woman shouldn't carry a pregnancy to term. You want that decision left to male religious fanatics or women and their doctors?
If the reason is inconvenience, that's a crime.

it's none of your business what the reason is.
Spoken like a true fascist.

It really isn't any of your business. Perhaps you should just exert your influence on your wife, mother, daughters and aunts.

It really is everyone's business whether or not killing someone is legal. Perhaps you should stop presuming to speak for all women, and just exert your opinions on your own life.

Nobody is insisting you have an abortion.

So if no one is trying to kill my family members, I shouldn't care about anyone else being killed? Do I even need to explain what a piece of shit you sound like?

You should probably mind your own business. How many babies did you say you'd adopted?
Oh, so we're supposed to kill babies that aren't wanted. Spoken like a true nazi.

No, it doesn't actually mean anything beyond a typical leftist ploy of trying to silence any argument they can't answer, which is damned near all of them. It's basically just surrendering and retreating, while trying to save face.
" Sheltered From Challenge "

* Helping To Get Beyond Dysfunctional *

No, it doesn't actually mean anything beyond a typical leftist ploy of trying to silence any argument they can't answer, which is damned near all of them. It's basically just surrendering and retreating, while trying to save face.
As a pro-choice republican , let me know which questions you would like answered about the constitutional basis of roe v wade , though you have likely reviewed those treatises on this issue .
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