Arkansas Governor says he will not support trump run in 2024

More and more true Conservatives are gonna come out against the Fat Orange man. No one wants a repeat of January 6th.
Hopefully this cult madness will fade, like a fever. Or a bad fart.

It just needs to shrink enough to fit back on the fringe, where it belongs.
the only idiotic cult is on the left/Dems/BLM/etc
They sure do worship Biden like a God. So much so that they totally ignore and deny his dementia like if he wasn't wearing clothes
And Easter is coming. Those little girls at the White House Easter Egg hunt better get ready. Ol Joe will be depositing eggs.
Hutchinson has never been a conservative; he's a Bush-RINO, through and through.

If you don't bow to are a RINO. When is the GOPQ gonna stop worshipping one..poor excuse...of a man and return to their principles?

Well, if Hutchinson represents the real values of the Republican Party then it is I who am a RINO because we two do not hold the same values and hopes for our nation. are a trump devotee? You hold the lies and distortions of a loser over the principles and policies of the GOPQ? Gotcha....
He is term limited and can't run for reelection in 2022 sounds like he is auditioning for a contributor job at CNN.
Or....he is being honest...maybe? I am astounded that a man that lost the WH, the House, and the Senate...and holds sway over an amazing 33% of the electorate can drag you trump humpers around by the nose. It is just beyond belief?
He is term limited and can't run for reelection in 2022 sounds like he is auditioning for a contributor job at CNN.
Or....he is being honest...maybe? I am astounded that a man that lost the WH, the House, and the Senate...and holds sway over an amazing 33% of the electorate can drag you trump humpers around by the nose. It is just beyond belief?
Trump got 62% of the vote in Arkansas in the 2016 election if Asa was able to run for relection it is highly doubtful he would be saying any of this. You might take a moment to pull your head out of your ass and remember in 2016 the Democrats lost the White House and the House to go along with the Senate they lost in 2014 even with the lefts messiah the outgoing Obama shilling for them and yet the dim bulbs on the left still kiss his ass and call it ice cream.
The GOPQ has become nothing more than a worshipper of one man, an authoritarian wannabe, who is a loser and will always be known as the only former president Impeached Twice.

Let me ask you, if The Don did entered the GOPQ presidential primary in 2023 and was asked: "Will you accept the outcome of the election, if you win the GOPQ nomination"

If The Don answered, as he has in the past, "I will have to wait and see." Who in their right mind wants to see a repeat of January 6th....the mob that was urged on by THE BIG lie that The Don told over and over and over.

Trump got 62% of the vote in Arkansas in the 2016 election if Asa was able to run for relection it is highly doubtful he would be saying any of this.
In other words, he would have to lie.
Yeah people in politics lie and here is some breaking news both Republicans and Democrats do it.

More and more true Conservatives are gonna come out against the Fat Orange man. No one wants a repeat of January 6th.
corrupt and fixed election quickly swept under the rug on the American people by the complicit media.

Well, there is that.
Plus the 61 or so courts.
And about 100 judges.....not a few of 'em who are identified as conservative...even 'very conservative'......and not a few who where appointed by Republicans, even appointed by Don Trump himself. Should we mention the Supreme Court?

So yeah, it was the media....and those darn courts and judges.

Not to mention....and this is per the Trump Campaign's own pollster, Tony Fabrizio......the perception of Don Trump by voters. To wit, they considered him untrustworthy; and they thought his Covid response was incompetent.
That's a twofer. A BOGO.

So yeah, the media, the courts, and untrustworthy and incompetent.
And shucks, should we mention 81 million Americans?

But stilI, a participation trophy must go to poster 'toobfreak'.
He really knows how to nail it.

Just sayin'.
Hutchinson has never been a conservative; he's a Bush-RINO, through and through.
Why don't you ever hear about DINOs? Oh, yeah, it's because Democrats welcome anybody into their tent. You don't have to pass a fealty test.
More and more true Conservatives are gonna come out against the Fat Orange man. No one wants a repeat of January 6th.
If trump runs in 2024 - which is a long way off - republican elites such as hutchenson can make their case against trump personally and against trump policies

the question is will hutchenson support trump if he is the choice of GOP primary voters?

if not then the elites are the fake conservatives
More and more true Conservatives are gonna come out against the Fat Orange man. No one wants a repeat of January 6th.
If trump runs in 2024 - which is a long way off - republican elites such as hutchenson can make their case against trump personally and against trump policies

the question is will hutchenson support trump if he is the choice of GOP primary voters?

if not then the elites are the fake conservatives

The elites have always been fake conservatives for the most part.

Anyhow I am a Trumpster supported him from the git go and still do....yet I do not think he should run again for a couple of reasons.....he is getting too old--we need some young blood and the opponents of Trump are so organized it will make it very difficult for him to win not even to mention a lot of moderate republicans will not vote for him.

Thus it is my contention that Trump retain control of the Republican party threaten to run again....kinda like a feint....make the dimicrits think they are going to be attacked in one way but then attack them in another way...this will confuse them and shatter their unity.

At this time I do not think Trump will run again....I see him supporting DeSantis or Sen Cotton of Arkansas....I prefer Sen. Cotton but would not be unhappy with Desantis.
But stilI, a participation trophy must go to poster 'toobfreak'. He really knows how to nail it.


TRANSLATION: Another useless dickwad talking bubblehead not willing to actually LOOK at the evidence himself and see if HE can show how it can all be "baseless" while exclaiming to the world ad nauseaum that it is. Meantime, there are a million "republicans" out there that hate Trump. Hated him when he ran, hated him when he was elected. Repeating that 61 or 67 courts were petitioned with cases and dismissed them on procedural grounds is still no more vetting of the VERACITY of the EVIDENCE OF FRAUD today that it was yesterday.

I bet if a cop pulls you over telling you that you were 10 mph OVER the speed limit, you just believe, go along and agree with him even when your own speedometer said you were 10 mph UNDER. :21:

Biden was selected, NOT elected.

Repeating that 61 or 67 courts were petitioned with cases and dismissed them on procedural grounds

Now, I ain't a lawyer but,.....but, if my case is dismissed because the judge ruled I have no evidence, or my evidence is wrong, or in at least one case, dishonestly submitted......well, I suppose I would say to my client "Well, we really won on the evidence, such that it was, but we lost in the fine-print."

But still pay me my $20,000 a day, or......donate to my PAC.

Poster 'toobfreak', I ain't picking on your avatar's posts, or thought process,......... but you are sorta kinda coming across as one of the QDuped.
No disrespect intended.

More and more true Conservatives are gonna come out against the Fat Orange man. No one wants a repeat of January 6th.
Why would you post this if you did not fear a Trump 2024 run?

You posted this because you know Trump won the 2020 and that you filthy rats cheated like teenage trophy wives.

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