Arlington, one more thing

How about a little background and truth about the Arlington 'incident'. This guy was there.

It WAS a political stunt. He knew the rules and he ignored them, knowing what would happen. Trump does NOTHING without publicity. This was supposed to be a private event, and now it's not.

Trump lives to dominate the news cycle and this has done it like nothing else in this campaign. Stunts are the only way that Trump Campaigns. Do something outrageous and cause a scene.
WTF was he thinking?


Does he have a clue as to how to behave respectfully in a Cemetery ?
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Does he have a clue as to how to behave respectfully in a Cemetery ?

Thumbs up and grinning over the graves of dead American soldiers.
Anybody see poor judgement n that pose in the man who wants to be a Commander-in-Chief. A pose that expresses happiness and satisfaction over the dead soldiers grave?

Yeah, we know.

Notably, at least one family of one of the soldiers under those depicted gravestones emphatically and publicly stated they never gave permission to Trump, or his campaign photographers to photograph the grave of their fallen loved one.
Thumbs up and grinning over the graves of dead American soldiers.
Anybody see poor judgement n that pose in the man who wants to be a Commander-in-Chief. A pose that expresses happiness and satisfaction over the dead soldiers grave?

Yeah, we know.

Notably, at least one family of one of the soldiers under those depicted gravestones emphatically and publicly stated they never gave permission to Trump, or his campaign photographers to photograph the grave of their fallen loved one.

That whole event was contrived to salvage Trumps reputation with the military after his Medal of Honor insult.

Show up at the gravesite with grieving families and stick it to Biden

Instead, he acts like a thug and a grinning fool and makes matters worse
What was really stupid by Trump.

Not just that Trump went with his stupid grin and thumbs up over the grave of a fallen soldier.
But that his staff not only took this picture but thought it was a good idea to release it to the public

I was stationed with the 4th engineer school at Fort Belvoir, VA, and went to DC many times the biggest disgrace to be at the cemetery is a draft dodging rich boys who run for office.

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