Armed Black Supremacists in Tulsa: ‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’ (VIDEO)

Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
You can't find this story anywhere but on white, racist news outlet. Even FOX News is not carrying this bullshit.

LOL, you black folk are a joke.
No more funny than white, racist trash like you.

You are the racist here Buck wheat.

Buck wheat? Is that the best you could come up with internet tough guy.
You act like a human and I'll treat you like one. You act like rioting, looting N**gra and that's how I'll treat you.

So we should treat you like the white, racist POS you are. Ok.

I'll tell you where I am boi....come get some.
You'll have to call your boyfriend over for that.

I didn't think so Junior.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
You can't find this story anywhere but on white, racist news outlet. Even FOX News is not carrying this bullshit.

LOL, you black folk are a joke.
No more funny than white, racist trash like you.

You are the racist here Buck wheat.

Buck wheat? Is that the best you could come up with internet tough guy.
You act like a human and I'll treat you like one. You act like rioting, looting N**gra and that's how I'll treat you.

So we should treat you like the white, racist POS you are. Ok.

I'll tell you where I am boi....come get some.
You'll have to call your boyfriend over for that.

I didn't think so Junior.
Even if you have a reliable source – which you don’t – the thread premise still fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
You can't find this story anywhere but on white, racist news outlet. Even FOX News is not carrying this bullshit.

LOL, you black folk are a joke.
No more funny than white, racist trash like you.

You are the racist here Buck wheat.

Buck wheat? Is that the best you could come up with internet tough guy.
You act like a human and I'll treat you like one. You act like rioting, looting N**gra and that's how I'll treat you.

So we should treat you like the white, racist POS you are. Ok.

I'll tell you where I am boi....come get some.
You'll have to call your boyfriend over for that.

I didn't think so Junior.
Even if you have a reliable source – which you don’t – the thread premise still fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

You fail as a small black child who can't think for itself.
Unreliable source, rightwing fake news site.

Overall, we rate Neon Nettle a Tin Foil Hat level Conspiracy website based on the promotion of numerous conspiracy theories and the publishing of fake news.

The SPLC gets it.



Neon Nettle is a British website that posts inflammatory political stories, many with misinformation, about the U.S. and U.K. — it has a “conspiracy” section in its “news” category. It says on its “About Us” page:

“At Neon Nettle, we believe the mainstream has become less valid as it continues its ongoing practices of censorship and engineered narratives.”

The site is registered through Tucows, a company that hides the identity and location of the owner of the website. But incorporation papers filed in the U.K. show that Neon Nettle is based on the outskirts of London.
That second paragraph is one of the more accurate things I've seen in a while.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
Unreliable source, rightwing fake news site.

Overall, we rate Neon Nettle a Tin Foil Hat level Conspiracy website based on the promotion of numerous conspiracy theories and the publishing of fake news.

Says the guy wearing a tin-foil hat.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
Shooting at someone who is shooting back is a very big difference from shooting at a target doubtful most of those turds have done that.

I give you Diallo
4 TRAINED and EXPERIENCED officer fired 41 shots from around 15 at their target framed in a well lit doorway.
They hit him 19 times.

Doubt seriously any of you clowns in a pressure situation could hit the broad side of a barn

"Winning" is about trading pain. He/she who is willing to endure the most wins. It's just that simple.
Says the idiots who
can't stand getting a shot
are deathly afraid of masks
can't live with the idea that they lost ANOTHER election


Armed Leftist Group Warns: 'We Will Kill Everything White in Sight'​


I will fucking kill every goddamn one of the those worthless shits and they won't even see me.


...and I will sleep like a baby after watching the red spray as their fucking heads explode from the impact.
Over the summer white racist groups kept spreading rumors over social media that “blacks was commin’ to the burbs to kill white folk”. Same show different channel.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.
Nah... just another hate-filled Democrat. They talk a LOT of shit but know where they have to draw the line...
You gotta just love all the denial.....


Just came across this over on .

Can you believe this?

‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’​

For every black, there are about 6 whites. Whites can kill everything black a whole lot quicker than blacks can kill everything white. Blacks may want to rethink that position...
My, I am so impressed with your desire to kill, is that mandated by Jesus or just Satan?
Neither. It is an instinct in all living things. It is called self-preservation.
There will never come a time when I would want to kill anything black insight. I am the mother bear of 2 white, loving children. I will kill anything that tries to harm them.

The desire to kill everything white, is that mandated by Jesus or just Satan? I missed your critique on that desire...
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Just came across this over on .

Can you believe this?

‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’​

For every black, there are about 6 whites. Whites can kill everything black a whole lot quicker than blacks can kill everything white. Blacks may want to rethink that position...
My, I am so impressed with your desire to kill, is that mandated by Jesus or just Satan?
Neither. It is an instinct in all living things. It is called self-preservation.
There will never come a time when I would want to kill anything black insight. Nonetheless, I am the mother bear of 2 white, loving children. I will kill anything that tries to harm them.

The desire to kill everything white, is that mandated by Jesus or just Satan? I missed your critique on that aspiration...
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‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’
Probably some drug dealer never showed up on the block when and where he was supposed to, or else there was bad dope, and the addicts in the neighborhood didn't get their proper heroin fix …
If I was not a white gun owner I would take this as a warning and buy some firearms and ammo for self protection.

I would also get a concealed carry permit if one was required in my state. I would get firearm safety training and take a concealed weapons course to learn the laws for self defense in my state.

Then I would practice until I became proficient with my new firearms.

The problem right now is that it is hard to find firearms and ammo is scarce. Lots of people are now first time firearm owners as they realize the cops today are more reactive than proactive. Many city police departments are seeing a large number of cops quitting and having problems finding replacements.

It also might b worth considering moving if you live in a city run by democrats who want to defund the police department and refuse to back their police but instead throw them under the bus even when they have done nothing wrong.
At this point I am almost sorry to say this. I never liked hurting people and I hope I can go the rest of my life without doing it again and I wish people would just mind their own business instead of always stirring the pot.

But we're at the point now all I feel like saying to them is, bring it on.

They can try it if they want but I will not hesitate and I will not sacrifice the safety of my wife, my grandmother, or myself. They can run their mouths all they want but they should understand there are many much like myself that have seen, heard, and lived through what real violence is and they have no understanding of it and by the time they understand it, it will be too late by then for them to learn from it.
Their "talking" is a way to build their courage to act .............

"blacks in tulsa threatening to kill whites"​

How did that work out for them last time?
they sdid it before there?

Yes. In 1921 a mob of drunken doped up blacks tried to storm the city courthouse in Tulsa firing guns, and got their asses handed to them. Now the media is running all the usual lies and distorted propaganda about it on PBS and in newspapers. Even the WSJ is running a pity party saga version of it in the Weekend edition.

"blacks in tulsa threatening to kill whites"​

How did that work out for them last time?
they sdid it before there?

Yes. In 1921 a mob of drunken doped up blacks tried to storm the city courthouse in Tulsa firing guns, and got their asses handed to them. Now the media is running all the usual lies and distorted propaganda about it on PBS and in newspapers. Even the WSJ is running a pity party saga version of it in the Weekend edition.
Sorry Dumb Dudley folks are not buying His-Story any more.

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