Armed illegals try to take over several farms in Texas

View attachment 118359
Armed Illegals Try To Take Over Several Farms In Texas — Get Met With ALL OUT WAR By Pissed Off Cowboys – 24/7 News Media

the video conveniently cuts off probably how many people are murdered along the way as well
If I remember correctly I saw this same exact story years ago when I was living in Northern Virginia (left there in 2012). Same exact story.......
Probably a Russian bot found it and saw that it was due for a recycling
View attachment 118359
Armed Illegals Try To Take Over Several Farms In Texas — Get Met With ALL OUT WAR By Pissed Off Cowboys – 24/7 News Media

the video conveniently cuts off probably how many people are murdered along the way as well
And so it begins....Dust off the muskets and keep your powder dry, Remember the Alamo....

And so it begins, the end of America you mean. This country doesn't have the balls to do anything of any substance regarding this issue.
Maybe you liberals are ready to put your hands up, like the French, and give up this country, but you will find out that with over 200 million US citizens that are armed, Mexico is going to wake the sleeping giant up, and rue the day. Maybe a few "I'm with Her" bumpersticker drivers may be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers and get a few rounds too... You libs better worry about what happens at the border , because it was you who voted for the homosexual bi-racial president who stirred up this shit..

wow you're a real toughguy!

them Mexicans and lib'ruls better watch out for some dope in cammies with his shiny new AR stumbling around the country shooting up the rat bastids while the gub'mint supples all the ammo and artillery support

something like that corporal?
many of those guys are not like that.....i saw this first hand in OC on an invite by a guy i worked with who was one and was seeing if i wanted to join the club and do some shooting with fun war type games........those guys were just about all ex- military and or current cops.....they knew how to shoot and did not stumble sure other "militia" like clubs who are like these guys are out there ...they told me there are 2-3 more like them in S.Cal....
Take away the cartels source of income. Stop the war on American Citizens who use the non government approved recreational substances.
When ICE released the first 'Declined Detainer Outcome Report', in compliance with President Trump's Executive Order titled "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States," ANP reported that 118 sanctuary jurisdictions had released 206 of some of the most violent criminal aliens that had been charged and/or convicted of heinous crimes, despite U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement having placed detain orders on those illegal immigrants. (Report embedded in ANP article titled "Citizens Rise Up Against City Officials As ICE Releases List Of 118 Sanctuary Cities That Are Not Complying With The Law")

Texas Showdown: Will Governor Arrest Sanctuary Sheriff For Releasing Nearly 70 Percent Of Violent Criminal Aliens Nationwide?

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