Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

no he wasn’t convicted of sexual assault

he was found liable

No.....he was found guilty of being an enemy of the democrat party.....

The democrat party knows how to use party juries in the south used to love convicting innocent black the democrats are using juries to go after all of their political enemies...
Clinton has adamantly denied all four accusations.

Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones' legal fees. Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.

Now compare that to going to trial and being found guilty and having to pay $5 million. LOL
yes we know he lied under oath and likely didn’t want to get caught committing perjury again thus finally owned up to what he did
yes we know he lied under oath and likely didn’t want to get caught committing perjury again thus finally owned up to what he did

What I have in my favor is Clinton isn't running again. Trump is. So my question to you is this. Is that how you see all these cases where Trump settled? Was he owning up to what he did when he settled all these times?

What I have in my favor is Clinton isn't running again. Trump is. So my question to you is this. Is that how you see all these cases where Trump settled? Was he owning up to what he did when he settled all these times?

where did he settle a case of sexual harassment?

name it
where did he settle a case of sexual harassment?

name it

This case was settled

In court, Zervos said Trump “ambushed” her on “more than one occasion” — repeatedly kissing her on the mouth, touching her breast and pressing his genitals up against her.

Listen idiot. We now know Trump does this to women. Stop pretending he doesn't or that you care if he does. You don't.
This case was settled

In court, Zervos said Trump “ambushed” her on “more than one occasion” — repeatedly kissing her on the mouth, touching her breast and pressing his genitals up against her.

Listen idiot. We now know Trump does this to women. Stop pretending he doesn't or that you care if he does. You don't.
that was a defamation suit…that’s not that i asked for
where did he settle a case of sexual harassment?

name it

After nearly five years of bureaucratic gridlock, “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos settled her civil lawsuit against Donald Trump one week after the 45th president’s attorneys filed anti-SLAPP counterclaims against the accuser.

I know. You're being very specific. How much evidence do you need? You remind me of an OJ Juror.
well I am being specific because you were the one that made the specific claim about sexual assault settlements.
mmm no…Paula Jones had nothing to do with that
So how did the Paula Jones situation get tied up into the Whitewater investigation?

I mean, it was just a guy lying under oath about getting his dick big deal right? And besides, Clinton was like a celebrity..and we all know, women let you do anything to them if you are a celebrity...

Is this why you folks were so scared to death of Trump ever testifying under oath about anything? Because you knew he would lie?
So how did the Paula Jones situation get tied up into the Whitewater investigation?

I mean, it was just a guy lying under oath about getting his dick big deal right? And besides, Clinton was like a celebrity..and we all know, women let you do anything to them if you are a celebrity...

Is this why you folks were so scared to death of Trump ever testifying under oath about anything? Because you knew he would lie?
Because Ken Starr was appointed to investigate more then Whitewater. Ken Starr - Wikipedia

Expansion of the investigation[edit]​

The law conferred broad investigative powers on Starr and the other independent counsels named to investigate the administration, including the right to subpoena nearly anyone who might have information relevant to the particular investigation.[36] Starr would later receive authority to conduct additional investigations, including the firing of White House Travel Office personnel, potential political abuse of confidential FBI files, Madison Guaranty, Rose Law Firm, Paula Jones lawsuit and, most notoriously, possible perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up President Clinton's sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.[37] The Lewinsky portion of the investigation included the secret taping of conversations between Lewinsky and coworker Linda Tripp, requests by Starr to tape Lewinsky's conversations with Clinton, and requests by Starr to compel Secret Service agents to testify about what they might have seen while guarding Clinton. With the investigation of Clinton's possible adultery, critics of Starr believed that he had crossed a line and was acting more as a political hit man than as a prosecutor.[36][38]
This case was settled

In court, Zervos said Trump “ambushed” her on “more than one occasion” — repeatedly kissing her on the mouth, touching her breast and pressing his genitals up against her.

Listen idiot. We now know Trump does this to women. Stop pretending he doesn't or that you care if he does. You don't.
yeah, he was so guilty, she got nothing, repeat NOTHING except 5 years of lawyer expenses, stupid idiot

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