Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

Close enough. Splitting hairs?

If Clinton was found liable of it would you be so petty?

Whatever, a jury believes he did it. I believe it. Voters believe it. Only you don't.
no apples and oranges…two very different things

clinton admitted it…it was much ado about nothing to dembots
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) urged his party to move on from Donald Trump hours after a civil jury found the former president liable for sexual abuse and defamation.
“I hope the jury of the American people reach the same conclusion about Donald Trump,” Romney told CNN. “He just is not suited to be president of the United States and to be the person who we hold up to our children and the world as the leader of the free world.”

“At some point when the people who work with you, your cabinet secretaries, and juries conclude that you’ve done something severely wrong, it’s time for us to recognize that the great majority of those who’ve worked with him are right and he’s wrong,” he added.

In 2016, Romney delivered a speech warning the party to turn away from Trump, whom he called a “phony” and a “fraud.” “He’s playing the American public for suckers,” he said.
he’s more then welcome to his opinion
Close enough. Splitting hairs?

If Clinton was found liable of it would you be so petty?

Whatever, a jury believes he did it. I believe it. Voters believe it. Only you don't.

What law school did you go to? I'd suggest you ask for your tuition back.

Words have meaning.

no he wasn’t convicted of sexual assault

he was found liable
Him and Clinton are both sexual assault professionals...guess that is why they were friends for so long...and I happen to think they are still very fond of each other....
Him and Clinton are both sexual assault professionals...guess that is why they were friends for so long...and I happen to think they are still very fond of each other....
Both are rich white powerful entitled men.

The only difference between them is Clinton was a drama free president who had to deal with GOP witch hunts and Trump was a very corrupt president who got away with murder.
no it’s literally a pretty famous case. educate yourself. not sure how old you are but most anyone alive on the 90s recalls it
You're remembering it wrong. It's like me saying Trump was found guilty of rape yesterday. That's not entirely true now is it? Neither is what you said about Clinton. Look it up. Or quote him???
You're remembering it wrong. It's like me saying Trump was found guilty of rape yesterday. That's not entirely true now is it? Neither is what you said about Clinton. Look it up. Or quote him???
what am i remembering wrong? Clinton settled the sexual harassment case after losing at the SCOTUS.
what am i remembering wrong? Clinton settled the sexual harassment case after losing at the SCOTUS.

Clinton has adamantly denied all four accusations.

Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones' legal fees. Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.

Now compare that to going to trial and being found guilty and having to pay $5 million. LOL
Now compare that to going to trial and being found guilty and having to pay $5 million. LOL
This is a lie.
Or impossible ignorance.
Trump was not found guilty of anything, as his was not a criminal trial.
Try to pay attention.

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