Armed thugs intimidate woman and child

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
Were they violent, or did they just peacefully exercise their right to protest without hurting anyone or destroying any property?
Threatening violence and death can be construed to mean violence and death is in the future. It is wrong and
not peaceful.
If you had been denouncing this behavior when democrats did it (and FAR worse things), then we might listen to you, but as it stands, youre a fucking hypocrite, so how about you shut your bitch ass up?
As a matter of fact, asshole, I have consistently denounced rioting, protests, violence, and destruction no matter what their political preference is. So shut your fucking face, you low-life, uninformed, uneducated worm.
You just support people who support it and threaten more.
I support nobody who gives support to violence. Get it yet, hotshot?
so youre not an american,, cause we exist today because of violence against tyranny
what are you--some kind of an idiot? Where is the tyranny? There is none except in your undeveloped little mind.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
Were they violent, or did they just peacefully exercise their right to protest without hurting anyone or destroying any property?
Threatening violence and death can be construed to mean violence and death is in the future. It is wrong and
not peaceful.
If you had been denouncing this behavior when democrats did it (and FAR worse things), then we might listen to you, but as it stands, youre a fucking hypocrite, so how about you shut your bitch ass up?
As a matter of fact, asshole, I have consistently denounced rioting, protests, violence, and destruction no matter what their political preference is. So shut your fucking face, you low-life, uninformed, uneducated worm.
You just support people who support it and threaten more.
I support nobody who gives support to violence. Get it yet, hotshot?
so youre not an american,, cause we exist today because of violence against tyranny
what are you--some kind of an idiot? Where is the tyranny? There is none except in your undeveloped little mind.
my bad,,, I didnt realize you are an ignorant fool,,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
Of course it is hypocrite thats what we have been telling you wackos for months when you were doing it in every idiot liberal city across America.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
You won't be allowed into the state without a special pass from the Gestapo Governor.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
Of course it is hypocrite thats what we have been telling you wackos for months when you were doing it in every idiot liberal city across America.
Now you are doing it in liberal cities, yes? Cities become liberal when people riot, I guess. Listen fool, it doesn't matter who, what, where, or why. It is WRONG. Get it? And you are WRONG to support such activity.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
At least they showed some convictions. That is much more than can be said for most liberal trash. BTW genius, you need to get into a rudimentary spelling/grammar class. "Classy behavior from Donny's storm troopers". There! I fixed that for u. Gratis!

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
Of course it is hypocrite thats what we have been telling you wackos for months when you were doing it in every idiot liberal city across America.
Now you are doing it in liberal cities, yes? Cities become liberal when people riot, I guess. Listen fool, it doesn't matter who, what, where, or why. It is WRONG. Get it? And you are WRONG to support such activity.
Waah waah waah whiner go cry elsewhere

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.

Meh... who cares?

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
At least they showed some convictions. That is much more than can be said for most liberal trash. BTW genius, you need to get into a rudimentary spelling/grammar class. "Classy behavior from Donny's storm troopers". There! I fixed that for u. Gratis!
They showed me nothing but ignorance and stupidity. Conviction about what---that they are going to kill an elected official? That is conviction in that they will receive a felony conviction.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
Of course it is hypocrite thats what we have been telling you wackos for months when you were doing it in every idiot liberal city across America.
Now you are doing it in liberal cities, yes? Cities become liberal when people riot, I guess. Listen fool, it doesn't matter who, what, where, or why. It is WRONG. Get it? And you are WRONG to support such activity.
what was wrong??? theres no evidence anything happened,,
What I want to know is whether or not these dirty thugs were arrested. The scum who would do something like this are prime examples of why people should not have children unless they intend to raise them properly. People who would show up at somebody's house with guns and shout obscenities are the offspring of biological parents who just didn't give a damn. They are a disgrace to the USA and to their communities. My parents were Republicans and I was raised in a predominantly Republican community, all were respectable, but now this party is nothing but a garbage dump.
What I want to know is whether or not these dirty thugs were arrested. The scum who would do something like this are prime examples of why people should not have children unless they intend to raise them properly. People who would show up at somebody's house with guns and shout obscenities are the offspring of biological parents who just didn't give a damn. They are a disgrace to the USA and to their communities. My parents were Republicans and I was raised in a predominantly Republican community, all were respectable, but now this party is nothing but a garbage dump.
Oh spare us hypocrite whiner.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?

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