Arming people in movie theaters

I think the theater should offer a premium ticket....

A deposit of $500 for a handgun.
If there is no incident then you get the deposit back when you return the gun minus a $15.00 charge.
If something happens and you need to discharge your weapon then you get charged for the rounds you used.

Think of the peace of mind this provides the theater goer....
Some whack job get's all Allah Ark-bar or those people who love to yell at the screen get on your last nerve well then you have the option to take of business.
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Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?
Do we need more gov regulation to keep our streets/theaters/etc safe for the general public?
And our homes safe from phone marketers, scammers, & hackers?

It's sad that we, the RESPONSIBLE citizens, are losing our personal freedoms due to the recklessness & stupidity of small minorities.
Each mature citizen should have full freedom ... until convicted of crime.
Innocent until proven guilty.
However, catching a criminal is not always easy ...

With tech advancements, and the trend toward IoT (Internet of Things), i can see law enforcement improving with "smart chips". Guns could be sold with tiny smart chips that would match a chip ID in a driver's license or permit.
Of course, this does not prevent criminals from using unregistered guns, until old guns are discovered & removed from societies ... in a few hundred years ... and we continue to lose our privacy.

Just enjoying random thoughts about how tech is changing our lives, for better and worse.
Do we need drunken assholes thinking they need to protect us filling our movie theaters?

No, but normal gun owners would be helpful since these mass shooters target gun free the Colorado theater shooter...who chose the theater because his initial choice of Airport...had armed security..the theater did not and was a gun free zone. You can read it in his notes which the police released....
Our drunken movie goer is a normal gun owner because the NRA will defend his rights to keep him from losing his gun privileges.

They will also defend his right to enter a movie theater armed to the teeth "just to be safe"

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think it's in Texas where you can carry in bars.

a bunch of other states allow cc in restaurants that serve alcohol

Yes.....wasn't it the Luby's Cafe shooting and Suzanah Gratia Hupp who lost her parent's in the shooting who lobbied the Texas legislature to change the concealed carry law?

She was required by law to leave her gun in her car because Luby's served alcohol.....making it one of the first big cases of a gun free zone becoming a killing zone, when the guy drove his truck through the window and came out of his truck murdering people....including her 2 parents....

She also said had she had her gun, she had a direct opportunity to shoot the guy, but couldn't because the gun free zone disarmed her.....
Lubys in Killeen did not serve alcohol

The fantasy that this woman could have stopped the massacre if only she had her trusty shoot'n iron is an NRA fantasy
Another 2aguy follower saving lives. Hope she lives and sues this clown for a lot of money.

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think it's in Texas where you can carry in bars.

a bunch of other states allow cc in restaurants that serve alcohol

Yes.....wasn't it the Luby's Cafe shooting and Suzanah Gratia Hupp who lost her parent's in the shooting who lobbied the Texas legislature to change the concealed carry law?

She was required by law to leave her gun in her car because Luby's served alcohol.....making it one of the first big cases of a gun free zone becoming a killing zone, when the guy drove his truck through the window and came out of his truck murdering people....including her 2 parents....

She also said had she had her gun, she had a direct opportunity to shoot the guy, but couldn't because the gun free zone disarmed her.....

So it's safe to assume that you are going to post a direct rebuttal to my statement and stop comparing apples to oranges...or not.

What are you talking about……most theaters are gun free zones……like the Colorado theater shooting so no one except the shooter had a gun……but at the gabby giffords shooting….a very crowded event…you had two concealed carry gun owners and neither one of them just blasted away, or shot innocent people……

Actual mass shooter events with concealed carry permit holders, in the few places that were not gun grabber created gun free zones did not result in people just firing randomly…you are wrong.
Slow down are confusing yourself. Stop comparing apples to oranges, Gabby was not in a dark crowded theater, your propaganda que card is wrong.
A crowded dark theater full of people with an unknown number of them firing is a recipe for disaster...regardless of how you want to bend common sense.
Here's another asshole who almost got himself and another killed because he substituted his brain with his gun:

"I came out of that store, I clicked the safety off, and I was ready," he explained on Fox and Friends. "I had my hand on my gun. I had it in my jacket pocket here. And I came around the corner like this." Zamudio demonstrated how his shooting hand was wrapped around the weapon, poised to draw and fire. As he rounded the corner, he saw a man holding a gun. "And that's who I at first thought was the shooter," Zamudio recalled. "I told him to 'Drop it, drop it!' "
But the man with the gun wasn't the shooter. He had wrested the gun away from the shooter. "Had you shot that guy, it would have been a big, fat mess," the interviewer pointed out.

The Arizona Daily Star, based on its interview with Zamudio, adds two details to the story. First, upon seeing the man with the gun, Zamudio "grabbed his arm and shoved him into a wall" before realizing he wasn't the shooter. And second, one reason why Zamudio didn't pull out his own weapon was that "he didn't want to be confused as a second gunman."
This is a much more dangerous picture than has generally been reported. Zamudio had released his safety and was poised to fire when he saw what he thought was the killer still holding his weapon. Zamudio had a split second to decide whether to shoot. He was sufficiently convinced of the killer's identity to shove the man into a wall. But Zamudio didn't use his gun. That's how close he came to killing an innocent man. He was, as he acknowledges, "very lucky."

Yeah....and notice the whole point.....he didn't shoot.....let me repeat that again twit.......he came out and did not shoot the guy he thought was the shooter, he calmly disarmed him....and let me the midst of the chaos of a political meet and greet with people running away from the shooter, he sees someone with a gun who could be the shooter.......and did not shoot him...

This shows that you are wrong.....he did not shoot even in the midst of all that chaos with an actual shooter on the loose....he reacted responsibly and took care of the situation....and did not shoot the other guy......

Everything he did shows that you are wrong...he took into account the situation, did not increase the problem and had the guy been the shooter he would have dealt with him...

So how does this post in any way support your point?
The Arizona Daily Star, based on its interview with Zamudio, adds two details to the story. First, upon seeing the man with the gun, Zamudio "grabbed his arm and shoved him into a wall" before realizing he wasn't the shooter.

Yes, very idiot, a gun is no excuse for you to be this stupid.
Stupid people like you would do as this idiot did, walk around with his finger on the trigger and assume the first person he saw with a gun must be the criminal, he failed to shoot, not as claim, was due to hos calm under pressure, it was because he thought some other idiot like himself and you with a finger on the trigger might blow him away.

His stupidity drew a lucky break that day and you claim it was due to his superior situational awareness.
Stop masturbating to firearms...they can't stroke you back.

What part of the story is just not getting through to claimed that concealed carry gun owners would just start blazing away and no one would know who was who and bullets would be flying.

You point to this guy at the Giffords shooting to make your point....but you simply show there were two concealed carry shooters....both of them had their guns ready to go...assessed the situation, and neither one of them started blasting away, they both decided not to shoot which was the appropriate thing to do....

They did the right thing in both cases, which completely negates the point you were trying to make.

He wasn't stupid, neither of them was, they both did the right thing in the middle of chaos, which you said was not possible for normal people in that situation.

Pick your examples better because this one proves you wrong...twice.
You are the type that is either too stupid to comprehend a news article or simply afraid to admit your stance lacks common sense.
First, I claimed nothing happened in a theatre, if you have to lie in order to prop up your tactless position so be it.
Secondly an idiot with his finger on the trigger ready to shoot the wrong man and then assaulting the wrong man is a rational course of action in your deluded mind.
There are venues where you can pretend to be a wild west gun slinger, stop endangering sane people with your stupidity.
You can call people wrong all you want while your arguments amount to two plus two equals three.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?


Problem is there were not enough guns in that theater to respond after the first shot was fired
Bringing concealed weapons into bars and sporting events seems like a really good idea too.
Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second
So are you proposing that no one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint? Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?

Your last answer negates the validity of the first two.
A better reply might be to enlighten me, as if you cared.

Look at your answers to the questions.

No one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? You said, "yes".

Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint?
You said, "yes".

Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?
You said, "no".

If you do not know what register means, how can you support the other two proposals? You admit your own ignorance.

Sorry if the truth hurts!
Still holding on to that secret definition, hey? Actually, your questions don't make sense, since if I said yes to the first question, the second and third question wouldn't even apply. So, fixing my initial response: Yes. N/A N/A
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?


Problem is there were not enough guns in that theater to respond after the first shot was fired
Bringing concealed weapons into bars and sporting events seems like a really good idea too.
How else can you be safe against the bad guys?

I'd rather be around armed people in a bar than armed people in a sporting event

Those fuckers are crazy
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?


Problem is there were not enough guns in that theater to respond after the first shot was fired
Bringing concealed weapons into bars and sporting events seems like a really good idea too.
How else can you be safe against the bad guys?

I'd rather be around armed people in a bar than armed people in a sporting event

Those fuckers are crazy
Children should be required to carry concealed handguns to birthday parties at Chuckie Cheese....because you just can't be too careful.
Ma'am, when you "register" something with this corporate "gubermint", you are making them the actually owners of said property and they can assume ownership over it at their whelm. We do not own anything....not even our homes. Don't pay your property taxes? They can confiscate it because you do not have allodial rights......don't pay car registration fees? They can confiscate and impound it and only give you so much time to come up with the funds before they can sell it at an auction. Reister your gun and right to protect yourself, then they have the right to impose fees and conditions and if you don't pay them? Well, they know right where you are and can come and get them....
Ma'am, when you "register" something with this corporate "gubermint", you are making them the actually owners of said property and they can assume ownership over it at their whelm. We do not own anything....not even our homes. Don't pay your property taxes? They can confiscate it because you do not have allodial rights......don't pay car registration fees? They can confiscate and impound it and only give you so much time to come up with the funds before they can sell it at an auction. Reister your gun and right to protect yourself, then they have the right to impose fees and conditions and if you don't pay them? Well, they know right where you are and can come and get them....
I register my car, nobody has come to take it
I register to vote and the evil government hasn't come to take me to FEMA death camps.
Ma'am, when you "register" something with this corporate "gubermint", you are making them the actually owners of said property and they can assume ownership over it at their whelm. We do not own anything....not even our homes. Don't pay your property taxes? They can confiscate it because you do not have allodial rights......don't pay car registration fees? They can confiscate and impound it and only give you so much time to come up with the funds before they can sell it at an auction. Reister your gun and right to protect yourself, then they have the right to impose fees and conditions and if you don't pay them? Well, they know right where you are and can come and get them....
Thank you, Dale, for explaining that! My dream world, we don't own guns, but I always like learning new stuff.
Ma'am, when you "register" something with this corporate "gubermint", you are making them the actually owners of said property and they can assume ownership over it at their whelm. We do not own anything....not even our homes. Don't pay your property taxes? They can confiscate it because you do not have allodial rights......don't pay car registration fees? They can confiscate and impound it and only give you so much time to come up with the funds before they can sell it at an auction. Reister your gun and right to protect yourself, then they have the right to impose fees and conditions and if you don't pay them? Well, they know right where you are and can come and get them....
Thank you, Dale, for explaining that! My dream world, we don't own guns, but I always like learning new stuff.
I don't own a gun either....but I do know how the system works.....
Ma'am, when you "register" something with this corporate "gubermint", you are making them the actually owners of said property and they can assume ownership over it at their whelm. We do not own anything....not even our homes. Don't pay your property taxes? They can confiscate it because you do not have allodial rights......don't pay car registration fees? They can confiscate and impound it and only give you so much time to come up with the funds before they can sell it at an auction. Reister your gun and right to protect yourself, then they have the right to impose fees and conditions and if you don't pay them? Well, they know right where you are and can come and get them....
I register my car, nobody has come to take it
I register to vote and the evil government hasn't come to take me to FEMA death camps.
Let's keep it fair. I was driving around with an expired registration once and the cop who pulled me over said he could impound my car. He cut me a break and gave me a ticket, but I think Dale's right about that. I know he's right about property taxes, it's happened to a neighbor. Funny about the FEMA death camps. You think anyone dreams of those at night?
Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?
Do we need more gov regulation to keep our streets/theaters/etc safe for the general public?
And our homes safe from phone marketers, scammers, & hackers?

It's sad that we, the RESPONSIBLE citizens, are losing our personal freedoms due to the recklessness & stupidity of small minorities.
Each mature citizen should have full freedom ... until convicted of crime.
Innocent until proven guilty.
However, catching a criminal is not always easy ...

With tech advancements, and the trend toward IoT (Internet of Things), i can see law enforcement improving with "smart chips". Guns could be sold with tiny smart chips that would match a chip ID in a driver's license or permit.
Of course, this does not prevent criminals from using unregistered guns, until old guns are discovered & removed from societies ... in a few hundred years ... and we continue to lose our privacy.

Just enjoying random thoughts about how tech is changing our lives, for better and worse.
Do we need drunken assholes thinking they need to protect us filling our movie theaters?

No, but normal gun owners would be helpful since these mass shooters target gun free the Colorado theater shooter...who chose the theater because his initial choice of Airport...had armed security..the theater did not and was a gun free zone. You can read it in his notes which the police released....
Our drunken movie goer is a normal gun owner because the NRA will defend his rights to keep him from losing his gun privileges.

They will also defend his right to enter a movie theater armed to the teeth "just to be safe"

And of course that is a lie...the NRA actually wants to stop criminals from using prosecutors, judges and politicians keep letting gun criminals out and they keep refusing to prosecute them....I have posted the stories from the democrat cities riddled with democrat gun crime where they keep letting known felons caught with guns go free.....

Why is that?
Another 2aguy follower saving lives. Hope she lives and sues this clown for a lot of money.

Fuck you morons are the ones who create the gun free killing zones and keep letting the convicted felons caught with guns go free......

Why is that?
What are you talking about……most theaters are gun free zones……like the Colorado theater shooting so no one except the shooter had a gun……but at the gabby giffords shooting….a very crowded event…you had two concealed carry gun owners and neither one of them just blasted away, or shot innocent people……

Actual mass shooter events with concealed carry permit holders, in the few places that were not gun grabber created gun free zones did not result in people just firing randomly…you are wrong.
Slow down are confusing yourself. Stop comparing apples to oranges, Gabby was not in a dark crowded theater, your propaganda que card is wrong.
A crowded dark theater full of people with an unknown number of them firing is a recipe for disaster...regardless of how you want to bend common sense.
Here's another asshole who almost got himself and another killed because he substituted his brain with his gun:

"I came out of that store, I clicked the safety off, and I was ready," he explained on Fox and Friends. "I had my hand on my gun. I had it in my jacket pocket here. And I came around the corner like this." Zamudio demonstrated how his shooting hand was wrapped around the weapon, poised to draw and fire. As he rounded the corner, he saw a man holding a gun. "And that's who I at first thought was the shooter," Zamudio recalled. "I told him to 'Drop it, drop it!' "
But the man with the gun wasn't the shooter. He had wrested the gun away from the shooter. "Had you shot that guy, it would have been a big, fat mess," the interviewer pointed out.

The Arizona Daily Star, based on its interview with Zamudio, adds two details to the story. First, upon seeing the man with the gun, Zamudio "grabbed his arm and shoved him into a wall" before realizing he wasn't the shooter. And second, one reason why Zamudio didn't pull out his own weapon was that "he didn't want to be confused as a second gunman."
This is a much more dangerous picture than has generally been reported. Zamudio had released his safety and was poised to fire when he saw what he thought was the killer still holding his weapon. Zamudio had a split second to decide whether to shoot. He was sufficiently convinced of the killer's identity to shove the man into a wall. But Zamudio didn't use his gun. That's how close he came to killing an innocent man. He was, as he acknowledges, "very lucky."

Yeah....and notice the whole point.....he didn't shoot.....let me repeat that again twit.......he came out and did not shoot the guy he thought was the shooter, he calmly disarmed him....and let me the midst of the chaos of a political meet and greet with people running away from the shooter, he sees someone with a gun who could be the shooter.......and did not shoot him...

This shows that you are wrong.....he did not shoot even in the midst of all that chaos with an actual shooter on the loose....he reacted responsibly and took care of the situation....and did not shoot the other guy......

Everything he did shows that you are wrong...he took into account the situation, did not increase the problem and had the guy been the shooter he would have dealt with him...

So how does this post in any way support your point?
The Arizona Daily Star, based on its interview with Zamudio, adds two details to the story. First, upon seeing the man with the gun, Zamudio "grabbed his arm and shoved him into a wall" before realizing he wasn't the shooter.

Yes, very idiot, a gun is no excuse for you to be this stupid.
Stupid people like you would do as this idiot did, walk around with his finger on the trigger and assume the first person he saw with a gun must be the criminal, he failed to shoot, not as claim, was due to hos calm under pressure, it was because he thought some other idiot like himself and you with a finger on the trigger might blow him away.

His stupidity drew a lucky break that day and you claim it was due to his superior situational awareness.
Stop masturbating to firearms...they can't stroke you back.

What part of the story is just not getting through to claimed that concealed carry gun owners would just start blazing away and no one would know who was who and bullets would be flying.

You point to this guy at the Giffords shooting to make your point....but you simply show there were two concealed carry shooters....both of them had their guns ready to go...assessed the situation, and neither one of them started blasting away, they both decided not to shoot which was the appropriate thing to do....

They did the right thing in both cases, which completely negates the point you were trying to make.

He wasn't stupid, neither of them was, they both did the right thing in the middle of chaos, which you said was not possible for normal people in that situation.

Pick your examples better because this one proves you wrong...twice.
You are the type that is either too stupid to comprehend a news article or simply afraid to admit your stance lacks common sense.
First, I claimed nothing happened in a theatre, if you have to lie in order to prop up your tactless position so be it.
Secondly an idiot with his finger on the trigger ready to shoot the wrong man and then assaulting the wrong man is a rational course of action in your deluded mind.
There are venues where you can pretend to be a wild west gun slinger, stop endangering sane people with your stupidity.
You can call people wrong all you want while your arguments amount to two plus two equals three. are the one who said normal people can't handle themselves in a mass shooting event, then you post the story where two concealed carriers are on the scene of a mass shooting, the both assessed the situation and did not shoot because they didn't have are the twit.....

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