Arming people in movie theaters

Man's gun goes off in theater, hits woman

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. PT at the Regal Cinemas at The Landing in Renton.

According to Renton police, a man who appeared intoxicated went to the showing of 13 Hours. Police say the man walked inside the theater with a gun and "accidentally" discharged his weapon, hitting a woman in the theater.

The woman was transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition, according to firefighters

in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second

Wrong….90% of people who use guns to murder other people and to commit crime have long histories of violence and long criminal arrest records. It is a lie to say that the owners of over 357 million guns are just a split second away from shooting people…….

There were 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority were violent criminals murdering other violent criminals…..

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives…according to bill clinton and barak obama research…..

which number is bigger….can you tell?

Normal gun owners do not just shoot people…..a violent criminal sub culture in our inner cities, nurtured by democrat social and law enforcement policy does…..
A normal gun owner dropped his gun in a theater and DID shoot someone who is in critical condition. Granted he was drunk, but that's not abnormal (at least not around here). He was not a violent criminal in your inner city nurtured by Democrats. I think the point is, it is not as absolute as your posts sometimes seem to be. The OP is one example of what gun grabbers fear if more and more of the population is armed.

Wrong….if he is an alcoholic he is not a normal gun owner….and how do you know if he was a criminal or not, it is not stated anywhere in the story.

And gun grabbers are wrong……there are 13 million people carrying guns. They are do not do so drunk, and they do not shoot other people.

There were 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013 when there were 320 million guns in private hands, and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense….

Not one statistic in this debate on gun control supports any proposal made by the anti gunners. And this rare occurrence means nothing to the overall picture of gun ownership in this country.
Oh for heaven's sake, Guy, now he's an alcoholic and you're praying he's one of your gang members. Just let the rare occurrence be.
in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second

Wrong….90% of people who use guns to murder other people and to commit crime have long histories of violence and long criminal arrest records. It is a lie to say that the owners of over 357 million guns are just a split second away from shooting people…….

There were 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority were violent criminals murdering other violent criminals…..

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives…according to bill clinton and barak obama research…..

which number is bigger….can you tell?

Normal gun owners do not just shoot people…..a violent criminal sub culture in our inner cities, nurtured by democrat social and law enforcement policy does…..
A normal gun owner dropped his gun in a theater and DID shoot someone who is in critical condition. Granted he was drunk, but that's not abnormal (at least not around here). He was not a violent criminal in your inner city nurtured by Democrats. I think the point is, it is not as absolute as your posts sometimes seem to be. The OP is one example of what gun grabbers fear if more and more of the population is armed.

Wrong….if he is an alcoholic he is not a normal gun owner….and how do you know if he was a criminal or not, it is not stated anywhere in the story.

And gun grabbers are wrong……there are 13 million people carrying guns. They are do not do so drunk, and they do not shoot other people.

There were 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013 when there were 320 million guns in private hands, and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense….

Not one statistic in this debate on gun control supports any proposal made by the anti gunners. And this rare occurrence means nothing to the overall picture of gun ownership in this country.
Oh for heaven's sake, Guy, now he's an alcoholic and you're praying he's one of your gang members. Just let the rare occurrence be.

No…..because we don't know who this guy is. He may have a long history of violence and be an alcoholic……..that would not be a normal person….and if you give these anti gunners one example they will extrapolate it to the entire gun owning population…they already do that despite the actual statistics...
Quite a few of the mass shootings in the last few years have been DHS staged of the ways you can always tell is that they were running mass shooter/casualty drills mere days or on the day that this event occurred. Sandy Hook was a massive DHS drill that was presented as a live event. Same with Charleston, S.C and the Virginia TV reporter and they are so poorly pulled of that anyone with a little common sense could see that they were fake.
That's some world class tin foil hat stuff right there.

I want to get you on record...are you going to proclaim that this corporate "gubermint" has never been in involved in false flag attacks? Because I have some really good ones for you that have been de-classified.....what say ye?
Post em up.

Start with Operation Gladio and Operation Northwoods...let me know what you come up with...I will start you off "simple".
There's no content there at all. You posted a big blank. That's as simple as it gets.
Man's gun goes off in theater, hits woman

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. PT at the Regal Cinemas at The Landing in Renton.

According to Renton police, a man who appeared intoxicated went to the showing of 13 Hours. Police say the man walked inside the theater with a gun and "accidentally" discharged his weapon, hitting a woman in the theater.

The woman was transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition, according to firefighters

in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second
So are you proposing that no one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint? Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?

Your last answer negates the validity of the first two.

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are guns taken from those found to be armed while drunk? Of course not

Our NRA will fight to the death for the rights of armed drunks

Yes…..if you are drunk and are caught in public with a gun a cop will take your gun… are a vile, twit.
A week?
A day?
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?


Problem is there were not enough guns in that theater to respond after the first shot was fired

It was an accident. Returning fire would be stupid as hell.
Having a bunch of guns in a dark theater when a shot goes off and idiots assuming a massacre is taking place then randomly shooting at everyone else with a gun is bound to happen.

And yet in crowd situations during mass shootings where the idiot mass shooter chose a non gun free zone…….there hasn't been the problem has there…….normal gun owners have reacted incredibly responsibly in mass shooting attacks……...
Quite a few of the mass shootings in the last few years have been DHS staged of the ways you can always tell is that they were running mass shooter/casualty drills mere days or on the day that this event occurred. Sandy Hook was a massive DHS drill that was presented as a live event. Same with Charleston, S.C and the Virginia TV reporter and they are so poorly pulled of that anyone with a little common sense could see that they were fake.

I'm sorry! Did you just post what I think you did? What kind of conspiracy nut are you?

You need serious psychiatric help!
Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.

Alas, the only thing that actually happened was a woman in critical condition because this 'good guy with a gun' shot her.

But tell us again about those imaginary muggers.

You don't know that he was a good guy………odds are he isn't since he was drunk in public…..odds are he has a long history of bad behavior and may even have carried the gun illegally…the story doesn't tell us anything about him……try finding that out first...
Should he be banned from owning a gun or not?
Quite a few of the mass shootings in the last few years have been DHS staged of the ways you can always tell is that they were running mass shooter/casualty drills mere days or on the day that this event occurred. Sandy Hook was a massive DHS drill that was presented as a live event. Same with Charleston, S.C and the Virginia TV reporter and they are so poorly pulled of that anyone with a little common sense could see that they were fake.
That's some world class tin foil hat stuff right there.

I want to get you on record...are you going to proclaim that this corporate "gubermint" has never been in involved in false flag attacks? Because I have some really good ones for you that have been de-classified.....what say ye?

Like those you listed? Nope! Sorry! No whackjobs need apply.
We need a law about public intoxication…..oh yeah……we already have those don't we……and did they work here?
Right. But if the guy had been unarmed and drunk, we wouldn't have an innocent theater goer in critical condition. Maybe puke on her shoes, but nothing worse.

And how does that change anything. There are good odds the theater was a gun free zone…..all of the ones around here are. So he broke the law……right? He was intoxicated while in public…he broke the law…right?

Not one gun law on the books or one proposed by the anti gunners would have stopped this event….not licensing all gun owners, not registering all guns or Universal Background checks or magazine limits.

What has actually worked….all the laws we currently have. He has been arrested, he will go to court, he will be stripped of his Right to carry a gun if he was even doing it legally to begin with. He will also be sued by the woman.

All of those things are happening now under current law. There is no need for any of the others…right?
See my earlier response about MORE guns for MORE people....
Man's gun goes off in theater, hits woman

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. PT at the Regal Cinemas at The Landing in Renton.

According to Renton police, a man who appeared intoxicated went to the showing of 13 Hours. Police say the man walked inside the theater with a gun and "accidentally" discharged his weapon, hitting a woman in the theater.

The woman was transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition, according to firefighters

in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second
So are you proposing that no one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint? Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?

Your last answer negates the validity of the first two.
A better reply might be to enlighten me, as if you cared.
Quite a few of the mass shootings in the last few years have been DHS staged of the ways you can always tell is that they were running mass shooter/casualty drills mere days or on the day that this event occurred. Sandy Hook was a massive DHS drill that was presented as a live event. Same with Charleston, S.C and the Virginia TV reporter and they are so poorly pulled of that anyone with a little common sense could see that they were fake.
That's some world class tin foil hat stuff right there.

I want to get you on record...are you going to proclaim that this corporate "gubermint" has never been in involved in false flag attacks? Because I have some really good ones for you that have been de-classified.....what say ye?

Like those you listed? Nope! Sorry! No whackjobs need apply.
You've never checked out the conspiracy theories forum? Interesting on a slow news day.
in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second
So are you proposing that no one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint? Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?

Your last answer negates the validity of the first two.
A better reply might be to enlighten me, as if you cared.

Look at your answers to the questions.

No one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? You said, "yes".

Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint?
You said, "yes".

Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?
You said, "no".

If you do not know what register means, how can you support the other two proposals? You admit your own ignorance.

Sorry if the truth hurts!
Quite a few of the mass shootings in the last few years have been DHS staged of the ways you can always tell is that they were running mass shooter/casualty drills mere days or on the day that this event occurred. Sandy Hook was a massive DHS drill that was presented as a live event. Same with Charleston, S.C and the Virginia TV reporter and they are so poorly pulled of that anyone with a little common sense could see that they were fake.
That's some world class tin foil hat stuff right there.

I want to get you on record...are you going to proclaim that this corporate "gubermint" has never been in involved in false flag attacks? Because I have some really good ones for you that have been de-classified.....what say ye?

Like those you listed? Nope! Sorry! No whackjobs need apply.
You've never checked out the conspiracy theories forum? Interesting on a slow news day.

Thanks for the advice.
Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?
Do we need more gov regulation to keep our streets/theaters/etc safe for the general public?
And our homes safe from phone marketers, scammers, & hackers?

It's sad that we, the RESPONSIBLE citizens, are losing our personal freedoms due to the recklessness & stupidity of small minorities.
Each mature citizen should have full freedom ... until convicted of crime.
Innocent until proven guilty.
However, catching a criminal is not always easy ...

With tech advancements, and the trend toward IoT (Internet of Things), i can see law enforcement improving with "smart chips". Guns could be sold with tiny smart chips that would match a chip ID in a driver's license or permit.
Of course, this does not prevent criminals from using unregistered guns, until old guns are discovered & removed from societies ... in a few hundred years ... and we continue to lose our privacy.

Just enjoying random thoughts about how tech is changing our lives, for better and worse.

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are guns taken from those found to be armed while drunk? Of course not

Our NRA will fight to the death for the rights of armed drunks

Yes…..if you are drunk and are caught in public with a gun a cop will take your gun… are a vile, twit.
A week?
A day?

For a guy who carried a gun drunk, and shot a woman……permanently……maybe after 10 years of sobriety and a clean record he might appeal it……
if he has any money left after she sues him and takes everything he owns….. which I also support.

But keep in mind…odds are this guy has problems not mentioned…odds are this is not the first time he was drunk, drunk in public and odds are he may not even be carrying that gun legally…..
Love to watch a bunch of people shooting at each other in a dark room. Only you can't see anything.
Love to watch a bunch of people shooting at each other in a dark room. Only you can't see anything.

Depends on if the movie is playing….and if it is an indoor scene, outdoor scene, at night or during the day………and the flashes of the guns will cause night blindness as well if the theater goes dark….something to keep in mind if you ever find yourself in a gun free zone theater with an active shooter….

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think it's in Texas where you can carry in bars.

there are lots of links showing so

here is just a random one

by Monica Steiner, Contributing Author

It is almost always a crime to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. Many states also prohibit people from carrying a firearm into establishments that serve liquor (such as bars and nightclubs), even with a concealed carry permit, and even if you are not drinking.
The laws that apply to you depend on the state in which you live. To learn more about the gun laws in your state, see Gun Control Laws, and click the link to your state under the section entitled “Gun Laws by State”.

But I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry my weapon while intoxicated?

Having a concealed carry permit does not give you free reign to carry your weapon at any time or under every circumstance that you wish. Most permits come with a set of places or circumstances where you may not carry your gun, and one circumstance is usually while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This is the case in Tennessee, where as a concealed carry permit holder, you may have your license suspended for up to three years (in addition to fines and possible jail time) for drinking in an establishment that sells liquor while in possession of your firearm.

[FONT=Proxima Nova Rg Regular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Is it illegal to possess a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? | Criminal Law[/FONT]

I looked it up.

It is illegal to carry in a bar in Washington state, but I see no mention of it being illegal to carry while drunk.

Gun laws in Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think it's in Texas where you can carry in bars.

Virginia passed concealed carry in bars,a,year ago......the anti gunners were weepy thinking about all the gun violence from drunk red necks shooting each other....

Do you know what happened......crime in bars went down.........

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