Arming teachers bad cus in Parkand a singlular example exists of a cowardly RO not doing job, WTF?

I say it'd be a good idea to allow some teachers to arm themselves, but definitely not most of them.
How about commercial pilots? "300 guns used in the federally administered program to arm commercial airline pilots were lost in one 60 day period in 2004 according to pilot organizations."

The problem with that instance, is there's the Fed involved with it. One is guaranteed inefficiency and blundering with the Fed.
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Parkland had one armed resource officer for 3,100 students....with 12 buildings on campus.....
And he could have helped but didn’t.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have school shootings...

Britain had almost zero school shootings before they banned guns........and their laws haven't stopped any since....

Good luck does not mean your gun control laws stopped school these examples show....

Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.

Here is the updat, the original is below..

Yep.....this 19 year old got bombs and a glock 19 and 94 rounds of 9mm ammo on the dark web in Britain in order to murder people at the University he used to attend..........

I guess their gun control laws stopped him...right? Or was it pure, dumb luck.....?


British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Children among 10 people in hospital after mass shooting in Manchester
We have 4x more homicides that britain.

So? We have lower levels of gun murder after more Americans own and carry guns....they have more gun crime after they banned and confiscated guns.... you have to hide behind their gun murder rate because you know it was always low...even when they had access to guns...meaning their gun control laws had nothing to do with their gun murder rate.....
Homicide went down drastically after we got background checks.

Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.

Moron.....that isn't your anti gun extremist anti gunners tell us that if more Americans own and carry guns there will be more gun more Americans own and carry guns that didn't happen, the exact opposite happened....our gun crime rate went down 75%, our gun murder rate went down 49%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%...showing you are wrong.

Our knife murder rate is higher than Britains total murder rate......the tool isn't the cause.

Facts, truth and reality do not support anything you claim in the gun debate.....they show the exact opposite of what you believe.
In an interview with Variety Parkland gun control activist Emma Gonzalez suggested arming teachers is a bad idea because her school had “a resource officer and he didn’t do jack sh*t.”
The resource officer referenced by Gonzalez is former Broward County deputy Scot Peterson, who arrived outside the scene of the Parkland attack roughly 90 seconds after it began and stayed outside until it was over, instead of going in to confront the gunman.

Lost on Gonzalez is the fact that armed teachers are there as a last resort. They are there to shoot the attacker if the deputy will not go in or in the event that the deputy cannot go in.

Are the anti 2Aers so simple minded as to think that the almighty 'Nanny State' is the best defense against unleashed homicidal terror. Is the notion of 'Personal Responsibility' so repugnant that it extends to the very lives of their children. What the F, If the principle tells a parent that he has an AR locked up in his office I would expect parents to be thrilled, wouldn't U!

Emma Gonzalez: Don't Arm Teachers, 'We Had a Resource Officer and He Didn't Do Jack Sh*t' | Breitbart

Many school shootings have had armed defenders who either got shot or did nothing.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control continue to not have school shootings...
There are some fundamental flaws in your logic.
- we do have millions of firearms in our nation and a Constitution that will render any meaningful reduction unconstitutional (Thank God) so lets start with that reality
- What is the better scenario, hypothetically, having an armed defender who fails or not having the armed defender in the first place?

What 'should' happen and what will happen re. school safety protocol will NEVER be fully realized. My local HS has a few hundred students with exactly x 21 doors or access points including shop doors where students learn to work on tractors, implements etc. These schools struggle to minimize the times where even a majority of these access points are sealed off at any given time. The majority of these schools in 'middle America' should, but won't, be seeing metal detectors, bullet proof glass and live stream security cameras any time soon, that's the reality.
We might have to choose between protecting our children or easy access to guns. Choice easy for me.

Moron....schools are safer now than they were in the 90s...... school shootings are rare ... like unicorns.
School shootings happen regularly. How many unicorns have your seen nut?

They don't happen regularly, and they have gone down as more Americans own and carry guns....
Parkland had one armed resource officer for 3,100 students....with 12 buildings on campus.....
And he could have helped but didn’t.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have school shootings...

Britain had almost zero school shootings before they banned guns........and their laws haven't stopped any since....

Good luck does not mean your gun control laws stopped school these examples show....

Teenage boys planned to 'kill everyone' at Yorkshire school in Columbine-style gun and bomb massacre, court hears

Two teenage boys planned to “kill everyone” at their Yorkshireschool in a Columbine-style massacre using bombs and guns, a court has heard.


The document said the boy would “lay low” in Catterick before murdering his ex-girlfriend’s parents and stealing her father’s guns, the court heard.

“I’ll make some explosives then well find a way back to Northallerton and well begin our assault on that f****** school,” it continued


"This was no teenage fantasy; it was real,” he added. “They intended a re-enactment of the Columbine High School Massacre although fortunately, in the result, they were stopped before their plans were put into action.”


Doctor found with stash of guns and NHS hitlist jailed

A former doctor has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for stockpiling guns with the intent to endanger life.

Martin Watt was found with three submachine guns, two pistols and 1,500 live cartridges at a property in Cumbernauld, Scotland, last year.

The 62-year-old had lost his job at Monklands hospital in North Lanarkshire in 2012 after disciplinary hearings. His marriage broke down around the same time, the high court in Glasgow was told.

Watt had compiled a list of names and addresses of some colleagues involved in the disciplinary process, which the judge, Valerie Stacey, said Watt had referred to as an assassination list.

Here is the updat, the original is below..

Yep.....this 19 year old got bombs and a glock 19 and 94 rounds of 9mm ammo on the dark web in Britain in order to murder people at the University he used to attend..........

I guess their gun control laws stopped him...right? Or was it pure, dumb luck.....?


British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

Despite some of the tightest gun control on the planet, a British man was able to acquire a handgun, extended mags and explosives as part of a plot to attack his former school.

Liam Lyburd, 19, of Newcastle upon Tyne, was sentenced to life imprisonment this week on eight charges of possessing weapons with intent to endanger life.

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

According to court documents, Lyburd planned to use the weapons in an attack on Newcastle College, from which he had been expelled two years prior for poor attendance. He was arrested last November after two Northumbria Police constables visited him at his home on a tip from an individual who encountered threats and disturbing pictures posted by Lyburd online.

Despite a defense that portrayed the reclusive man as living in a fantasy world, Lyburd was found guilty in July.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

====Teenage boy 'took shotgun to school after being bullied for being fat'

15-year-old boy arrested for taking shotgun and ammunition into school did it because he was being bullied for being too fat, fellow pupils said.


'Gunman' walks into Liverpool nursery school as children were playing inside

Police have sealed off a children's nursery in Liverpool amid reports a gunman walked into the building while youngsters were inside.

Officers were called to Childs Play Nursery in Wavertree, Merseyside, at around 8am this morning.

The man, who is believed to have been carrying what looked like a firearm, walked into the nursery and approached another man.

He then left with a second man on the back of a motorbike.

What kept this from becoming a mass shooting?

Children among 10 people in hospital after mass shooting in Manchester
We have 4x more homicides that britain.

So? We have lower levels of gun murder after more Americans own and carry guns....they have more gun crime after they banned and confiscated guns.... you have to hide behind their gun murder rate because you know it was always low...even when they had access to guns...meaning their gun control laws had nothing to do with their gun murder rate.....
Violent crime has been higher the last few years as carry has increased...

Wrong, violent crime went up in 2015 when obama and the black lives matter movement attacked the is now going back down as Trump and his Department of Justice give police the support they need.
In an interview with Variety Parkland gun control activist Emma Gonzalez suggested arming teachers is a bad idea because her school had “a resource officer and he didn’t do jack sh*t.”
The resource officer referenced by Gonzalez is former Broward County deputy Scot Peterson, who arrived outside the scene of the Parkland attack roughly 90 seconds after it began and stayed outside until it was over, instead of going in to confront the gunman.

Lost on Gonzalez is the fact that armed teachers are there as a last resort. They are there to shoot the attacker if the deputy will not go in or in the event that the deputy cannot go in.

Are the anti 2Aers so simple minded as to think that the almighty 'Nanny State' is the best defense against unleashed homicidal terror. Is the notion of 'Personal Responsibility' so repugnant that it extends to the very lives of their children. What the F, If the principle tells a parent that he has an AR locked up in his office I would expect parents to be thrilled, wouldn't U!

Emma Gonzalez: Don't Arm Teachers, 'We Had a Resource Officer and He Didn't Do Jack Sh*t' | Breitbart

Many school shootings have had armed defenders who either got shot or did nothing.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control continue to not have school shootings...
There are some fundamental flaws in your logic.
- we do have millions of firearms in our nation and a Constitution that will render any meaningful reduction unconstitutional (Thank God) so lets start with that reality
- What is the better scenario, hypothetically, having an armed defender who fails or not having the armed defender in the first place?

What 'should' happen and what will happen re. school safety protocol will NEVER be fully realized. My local HS has a few hundred students with exactly x 21 doors or access points including shop doors where students learn to work on tractors, implements etc. These schools struggle to minimize the times where even a majority of these access points are sealed off at any given time. The majority of these schools in 'middle America' should, but won't, be seeing metal detectors, bullet proof glass and live stream security cameras any time soon, that's the reality.
We might have to choose between protecting our children or easy access to guns. Choice easy for me.
It is not a zero sum scenario as you postulate! The firearms will always be here in this country even if there were to be an unconstitutional 'brown shirt' / draconian gun grab by our state and fed. gov.
As long as we can’t protect our children we are in a sorry state.

Hey, genius...what kept the 7 terrorists in France from walking into 7 separate schools instead of the Rock Concert with their fully automatic military weapons and explosives? Which French gun law stopped them? Dittos the rest of Europe.......
TEACHERS don't want to arm teachers and neither do students.
Emma probably could have made her point better.
She's young and smart - give her time.

Six minutes and twenty seconds - Sometimes silence is more powerful than words

wrong...there are teachers all over the country who sign up for these programs when they are offered.
Arming teachers is bad because it's a bad idea, not because of one particular incident.

Even some conservatives think it's a dumb idea.

Rubio breaks with Trump, doesn't support arming teachers

Look, suppose we arm a bunch of teachers. They're carrying out their class, trying to teach a bunch of kids, while carrying a firearm. What do you think is more likely to happen?

A) A psychotic shooter comes in. Teacher steps in, shoots the intruder and saves the day.
B) The gun is discharged accidentally.

This isn't going to go over like some Hollywood movie of a Language Arts teacher going commando and, against all odds, taking out the Colombine assholes. This is just going to result in a lot of really, really dumb and unnecessary accidents. These are TEACHERS. Not SWAT officers. I honestly think you're just going to compound the problem.

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student

Why does the teacher have to carry the firearm? You are making a gross assumption. Why can't the gun be locked away in the classroom?

Also, many teachers are veterans and others have experience with firearms.

I am a veteran with extensive training. When we did active shooter training, the principal even told the entire faculty he would be staying with me where he knew he would be safe. My assistant principal at one of the schools where I worked was a deputy sheriff before he became a teacher.

Try coming into my school if I and my fellow teachers were armed and see how long you last. I give you two minutes of walking around checking locked classroom doors before you bleed out on the floor.

Yea? Well the link that you accused me of not reading said that the person who accidentally discharged their gun happened to also be a reserve police officer trained in firearm use.

What happened there? Why was the gun not locked away in a non-emergency situation? Was that teacher more likely to kill a school shooter or an innocent student?

Is an unarmed teacher likely to kill a school shooter or get killed along with the students if they have no gun at all?

Unlike your supposition, mine has an almost 100% certainty, whereas your scenario has a microscopic chance of occurring.

Teachers are armed.

A) A psychotic shooter comes in. Teacher steps in, shoots the intruder and saves the day.
B) The gun is discharged accidentally.

Which is more likely to happen?
Around 600 people a year die just in accidental shootings in this country. Thousands injured. Guns make us safer?

Wrong..... As more Americans own and carry guns our gun accidental death rate has gone down... and cars kill more people accidentally than guns do, even with 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense....

17.25 million people carrying guns..... 495 accidental gun deaths, with the vast majority coming from illegal gun users, criminals.

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
The "nanny state" and "unleashed homicidal terror"? What is this person talking about? It sounds like a drunken rant by another TDS victim.
Columbine had armed officers at the school who shot at the gunmen, but it changed nothing. More guns means more shootings. Dancing FBI agent shoots innocent man.

And you ignore the other armed people at schools who did stop school shooters.....or the other armed people who also stopped mass public shooters in other locations...

It is hard to use a gun to stop a mass shooter when you are required, by law, to leave your legal gun at home....
Yeah it makes sense for a kid to trust some out of shape teachers that would probably shoot their eye out when a trained officer didnt do what he was trained to do and was his full time job.
Nope. Unlike, say, the boys in the black ghetto who think the best way to shoot a handgun is with it turned sideways like their heroes in rap videos, permitted teachers, or anyone else, have to know how to properly handle a gun before said permit is granted.

Nice try, albeit really lame.
The main flaw with the entire argument against armed teachers is assuming that all teachers are generically the same. They are not.
There are some teachers who would pose a danger to others holding a dart. Likewise, there are teachers with military or law enforcement experience or basic personality characteristics who might be better equipped to deal with an active shooter situation than some Police officers, such as the one who failed to go into the parkland school.

Another poor assumption is that every student in every school is just waiting for such a teacher to accidentally drop a gun, or find one hidden by a teacher so they can start shooting others when the reality is it is VERY rare that any given student would have any such tendencies. Fortunately, the propensity to shoot others for non self defense situations is a relatively rare, mental disorder.
The main flaw with the entire argument against armed teachers is assuming that all teachers are generically the same. They are not.
There are some teachers who would pose a danger to others holding a dart. Likewise, there are teachers with military or law enforcement experience or basic personality characteristics who might be better equipped to deal with an active shooter situation than some Police officers, such as the one who failed to go into the parkland school.

Another poor assumption is that every student in every school is just waiting for such a teacher to accidentally drop a gun, or find one hidden by a teacher so they can start shooting others when the reality is it is VERY rare that any given student would have any such tendencies. Fortunately, the propensity to shoot others for non self defense situations is a relatively rare, mental disorder.

And considering there are already states that allow this, they have no argument based in facts or reality.
If any of you people really cared about your kids you would NOT send them to public school
wrong...there are teachers all over the country who sign up for these programs when they are offered.

I'm talking about teachers in general - not the barrel strokers.
Sure, you'll find a few teachers who think that strapping up is a FINE idea.
Most think it sucks donkey dong.

President Trump and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos may support arming teachers, but the majority of educators are opposed to the idea of their colleagues having guns in the classroom, saying it would make them feel less safe.

That’s according to a new poll released Friday from Gallup, which surveyed 497 K-12 educators this month about their attitudes toward guns in schools. Surveyors found that 73 percent of teachers opposed being trained to use firearms while 20 percent favored it.
wrong...there are teachers all over the country who sign up for these programs when they are offered.

I'm talking about teachers in general - not the barrel strokers.
Sure, you'll find a few teachers who think that strapping up is a FINE idea.
Most think it sucks donkey dong.

President Trump and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos may support arming teachers, but the majority of educators are opposed to the idea of their colleagues having guns in the classroom, saying it would make them feel less safe.

That’s according to a new poll released Friday from Gallup, which surveyed 497 K-12 educators this month about their attitudes toward guns in schools. Surveyors found that 73 percent of teachers opposed being trained to use firearms while 20 percent favored it.

again....there are already states that allow this and they haven't had problems.....but keep lying....

Here’s all the states where teachers already carry guns in the classroom

Florida is on the verge of becoming the 15th state to arm teachers after Gov. Rick Scott signed an omnibus bill Friday allowing school staff to undergo law enforcement training to carry guns in the classroom.

Although the notion may seem radical, at least 14 states already arm teachers, according to a VICE News review of state laws and interviews with education department officials and school board associations around the country. Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Another 16 states give local school boards the authority to decide whether school staff can carry guns, either explicitly or through legal loopholes, but officials said they didn’t know of any instances of armed teachers in those states.

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