Arming teachers bad cus in Parkand a singlular example exists of a cowardly RO not doing job, WTF?

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals.......

Bullshit ^ :rolleyes-41:

That is from the CDC moron. And that is only one study that shows a number that large...

The moron is gonna keep making you work to prove he's wrong.
He's unwilling to do ANY research on his own

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals.......

Bullshit ^ :rolleyes-41:

That is from the CDC moron. And that is only one study that shows a number that large...

The moron is gonna keep making you work to prove he's wrong.
He's unwilling to do ANY research on his own

Sorry, not up to me to prove that his supposed "1.1m CDC stat" is bullshit.
The studies vary, but the most generous stat I can come up with is around 100k successful defensive or crime stop uses per year.
Is it possible that we're getting a disparate message re. guns here... For instance, Lebron James recently came out against guns / 2A but also recently hired x 10 armed bodyguards to protect his home. All the plutocrats (aka Bloomberg) and 'Feinstein-ian' proponents of gun restrictions seem to have a double standard for themselves when their safety is involved, up in their ivory towers. The thing is, I'm applauding their decision to protect themselves and theirs via firearms; I'm just taking umbrage with the double standard that exists when it comes to what they seek to legislate for us the citizenry!

When it comes to school safety, what are the safest schools and why are they safe. There are the 'hoyty toyty' private, prep schools with armed guards that are quite safe. There are small town rural schools in the center of homogeneous communities, such as mine, where virtually everyone in the vicinity of the school has access to guns. Then there is everyone else out there with antithetical safety / firearm philosophies. The schools with guns in them and schools where the community is relatively armed are where I would send my children (if I had children).

Both ideological camps seem to have a fundamental disconnect when it comes to firearms. I have plenty of friends who get a visceral reaction when a inanimate firearm comes into view as they walk into my home. They may have never held or fired a firearm but they have this strong sense of apprehension and loathing by the mere thought or sight of one. Then there are those who are familiar with firearms, grown up with them or are just generally familiarized with them & view them as harmless chunks of metal and polymer inert / inanimate until manipulated into functionality.

The thing for the 1st camp to realize is that it is a tool, and like any unfamiliar tool it just takes a modicum of familiarization to utilize it safely and with rudimentary efficacy; it is not some monumental hurdle to be overwhelmed by. 2nd camp (myself included) needs to try to step into the shoes of camp #1 and realize that what is as common & familiar to us as the i-phone on our hip is really a misunderstood & formidable mental hurdle for others to wrap their heads around & even for the willing it doesn't happen over night. I've tought grandmothers and all sorts of a-typical firearm 'candidates' to shoot safely and effectively, though few are what I would call adroit or 'naturals', lol. Follow x 4 simple rules and in less than 5 min. of firearm familiarization the most unlikely novice should be shooting safely with some measure of efficacy, 'destroying' their target and nothing else.
- treat all guns as if they are loaded (even when you know they are not)
- never point gun at anything you are not willing to destroy
- keep your finger off the trigger until you have acquired your target
- make sure of your target and what is behind it

No one with an iota of sanity or credibility has proposed arming all teachers! Rather, allow voluntary carry of those teachers that come forward, have been vetted thoroughly & have demonstrated the rudimentary skills to be safe (note I said nothing about being an expert shot). The thing is, not every school in a given county might have such a teacher coming forth and being armed & this doesn't negate the efficacy of passing such legislation. Would be school shooters (cowards mostly) don't know if a given school would be a soft or hard target & believe me, that is HUGE... IMHO!
Fake rightwing news. Lebon didnt come out against guns. He said there was no need for people to carry them in public. He has guns of his own at home. He hired a security detail to protect his family due to his name being found on a list to be robbed. You people lie for no good reason or you stupidly believe the stuff you read at Breitbarf and Faux News.

Yeah it makes sense for a kid to trust some out of shape teachers that would probably shoot their eye out when a trained officer didnt do what he was trained to do and was his full time job.

There are already a lot of school districts that have armed teachers and your argument holds no weight....
My argument was that a kid is not going to trust some overweight teacher.

I dont care if there are already some schools with armed teachers. They are just accidents waiting to happen.
Arming teachers is bad because it's a bad idea, not because of one particular incident.

Even some conservatives think it's a dumb idea.

Rubio breaks with Trump, doesn't support arming teachers

Look, suppose we arm a bunch of teachers. They're carrying out their class, trying to teach a bunch of kids, while carrying a firearm. What do you think is more likely to happen?

A) A psychotic shooter comes in. Teacher steps in, shoots the intruder and saves the day.
B) The gun is discharged accidentally.

This isn't going to go over like some Hollywood movie of a Language Arts teacher going commando and, against all odds, taking out the Colombine assholes. This is just going to result in a lot of really, really dumb and unnecessary accidents. These are TEACHERS. Not SWAT officers. I honestly think you're just going to compound the problem.

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student
Have you noticed, or have you not noticed that all of these mass shootere pick out soft targets?

Simple question....

You think that is a factor? Or do you think that is a mere coincidence?

IF teachers are armed and students who would plan a mass shooting. Do you think those people would choose a target knowing it is protected and not a soft target?

That is the issue you liberals don't seem to get. Its easy for most of you wealthy white bread lefties living in private gated communities and private schools cause you know in all likelihood you have nothing to worry about.

The question is out there. Do you think these shooters consider their targets based on whether or not they are soft targets (gun free zones?)


Is it just a coincidence that they just so happen to choose gun free zones to commit mass murder?

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals.......

Bullshit ^ :rolleyes-41:

That is from the CDC moron. And that is only one study that shows a number that large...

The moron is gonna keep making you work to prove he's wrong.
He's unwilling to do ANY research on his own

Sorry, not up to me to prove that his supposed "1.1m CDC stat" is bullshit.
The studies vary, but the most generous stat I can come up with is around 100k successful defensive or crime stop uses per year.
The cdc never did such a study. He is full of shit as always.

We need to arm these Antifa communist union bastards who are brainwashing our children to become marxists that we call "teachers"!
Many school shootings have had armed defenders who either got shot or did nothing.

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control continue to not have school shootings...
There are some fundamental flaws in your logic.
- we do have millions of firearms in our nation and a Constitution that will render any meaningful reduction unconstitutional (Thank God) so lets start with that reality
- What is the better scenario, hypothetically, having an armed defender who fails or not having the armed defender in the first place?

What 'should' happen and what will happen re. school safety protocol will NEVER be fully realized. My local HS has a few hundred students with exactly x 21 doors or access points including shop doors where students learn to work on tractors, implements etc. These schools struggle to minimize the times where even a majority of these access points are sealed off at any given time. The majority of these schools in 'middle America' should, but won't, be seeing metal detectors, bullet proof glass and live stream security cameras any time soon, that's the reality.
We might have to choose between protecting our children or easy access to guns. Choice easy for me.

Moron....schools are safer now than they were in the 90s...... school shootings are rare ... like unicorns.
School shootings happen regularly. How many unicorns have your seen nut?

They don't happen regularly, and they have gone down as more Americans own and carry guns....
Every year multiple times. Countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem.
Arming teachers is bad because it's a bad idea, not because of one particular incident.

Even some conservatives think it's a dumb idea.

Rubio breaks with Trump, doesn't support arming teachers

Look, suppose we arm a bunch of teachers. They're carrying out their class, trying to teach a bunch of kids, while carrying a firearm. What do you think is more likely to happen?

A) A psychotic shooter comes in. Teacher steps in, shoots the intruder and saves the day.
B) The gun is discharged accidentally.

This isn't going to go over like some Hollywood movie of a Language Arts teacher going commando and, against all odds, taking out the Colombine assholes. This is just going to result in a lot of really, really dumb and unnecessary accidents. These are TEACHERS. Not SWAT officers. I honestly think you're just going to compound the problem.

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student
Have you noticed, or have you not noticed that all of these mass shootere pick out soft targets?

Simple question....

You think that is a factor? Or do you think that is a mere coincidence?

IF teachers are armed and students who would plan a mass shooting. Do you think those people would choose a target knowing it is protected and not a soft target?

That is the issue you liberals don't seem to get. Its easy for most of you wealthy white bread lefties living in private gated communities and private schools cause you know in all likelihood you have nothing to worry about.

The question is out there. Do you think these shooters consider their targets based on whether or not they are soft targets (gun free zones?)


Is it just a coincidence that they just so happen to choose gun free zones to commit mass murder?
Yeah group of cops real soft.
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Most are suicidal, they simply don’t care.
If lots of guns and weak gun laws was a recipe for low homicide rates we’d have the lowest rates in the world. Instead we have rates 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control.
And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals.......

Bullshit ^ :rolleyes-41:

That is from the CDC moron. And that is only one study that shows a number that large...

The moron is gonna keep making you work to prove he's wrong.
He's unwilling to do ANY research on his own

Sorry, not up to me to prove that his supposed "1.1m CDC stat" is bullshit.
The studies vary, but the most generous stat I can come up with is around 100k successful defensive or crime stop uses per year.
The cdc never did such a study. He is full of shit as always.

Yep, I knew it the second I saw it. Barrel Boy seems to have gone missing - wonder why? :D
Bullshit ^ :rolleyes-41:

That is from the CDC moron. And that is only one study that shows a number that large...

The moron is gonna keep making you work to prove he's wrong.
He's unwilling to do ANY research on his own

Sorry, not up to me to prove that his supposed "1.1m CDC stat" is bullshit.
The studies vary, but the most generous stat I can come up with is around 100k successful defensive or crime stop uses per year.
The cdc never did such a study. He is full of shit as always.

Yep, I knew it the second I saw it. Barrel Boy seems to have gone missing - wonder why? :D
He’ll be back, lying is his thing.
Is it possible that we're getting a disparate message re. guns here... For instance, Lebron James recently came out against guns / 2A but also recently hired x 10 armed bodyguards to protect his home. All the plutocrats (aka Bloomberg) and 'Feinstein-ian' proponents of gun restrictions seem to have a double standard for themselves when their safety is involved, up in their ivory towers. The thing is, I'm applauding their decision to protect themselves and theirs via firearms; I'm just taking umbrage with the double standard that exists when it comes to what they seek to legislate for us the citizenry!

When it comes to school safety, what are the safest schools and why are they safe. There are the 'hoyty toyty' private, prep schools with armed guards that are quite safe. There are small town rural schools in the center of homogeneous communities, such as mine, where virtually everyone in the vicinity of the school has access to guns. Then there is everyone else out there with antithetical safety / firearm philosophies. The schools with guns in them and schools where the community is relatively armed are where I would send my children (if I had children).

Both ideological camps seem to have a fundamental disconnect when it comes to firearms. I have plenty of friends who get a visceral reaction when a inanimate firearm comes into view as they walk into my home. They may have never held or fired a firearm but they have this strong sense of apprehension and loathing by the mere thought or sight of one. Then there are those who are familiar with firearms, grown up with them or are just generally familiarized with them & view them as harmless chunks of metal and polymer inert / inanimate until manipulated into functionality.

The thing for the 1st camp to realize is that it is a tool, and like any unfamiliar tool it just takes a modicum of familiarization to utilize it safely and with rudimentary efficacy; it is not some monumental hurdle to be overwhelmed by. 2nd camp (myself included) needs to try to step into the shoes of camp #1 and realize that what is as common & familiar to us as the i-phone on our hip is really a misunderstood & formidable mental hurdle for others to wrap their heads around & even for the willing it doesn't happen over night. I've tought grandmothers and all sorts of a-typical firearm 'candidates' to shoot safely and effectively, though few are what I would call adroit or 'naturals', lol. Follow x 4 simple rules and in less than 5 min. of firearm familiarization the most unlikely novice should be shooting safely with some measure of efficacy, 'destroying' their target and nothing else.
- treat all guns as if they are loaded (even when you know they are not)
- never point gun at anything you are not willing to destroy
- keep your finger off the trigger until you have acquired your target
- make sure of your target and what is behind it

No one with an iota of sanity or credibility has proposed arming all teachers! Rather, allow voluntary carry of those teachers that come forward, have been vetted thoroughly & have demonstrated the rudimentary skills to be safe (note I said nothing about being an expert shot). The thing is, not every school in a given county might have such a teacher coming forth and being armed & this doesn't negate the efficacy of passing such legislation. Would be school shooters (cowards mostly) don't know if a given school would be a soft or hard target & believe me, that is HUGE... IMHO!
Fake rightwing news. Lebon didnt come out against guns. He said there was no need for people to carry them in public. He has guns of his own at home. He hired a security detail to protect his family due to his name being found on a list to be robbed. You people lie for no good reason or you stupidly believe the stuff you read at Breitbarf and Faux News.


See, this is what they do -
Suggest that someone is "against guns" or wants to "grab guns" simply because they made a rational statement of some sort.
The NRA taught them, and they taught them well!

As for LeBron hiring additional security detail after finding out he was targeted for robbery or after finding racist crap spray painted on his home?
LeBron James' house vandalized with racist graffiti - CNN
Hell yes, I would too!
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If lots of guns and weak gun laws was a recipe for low homicide rates we’d have the lowest rates in the world. Instead we have rates 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control.

Right because it can't be the people that are responsible for that. It must be how many guns they don't have.

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