Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

There has to be huge pressure coming from Valerie Jarrett at the WH...
They need to get this guy as squeeky clean as possible because Obama has taken it in the
shorts for releasing 5 dangerous terrorists for 1 deserter....

How to fix it and make Obama look not so bad.

Make it seem like this guy did nothing wrong....
In order to prove that he collaborated with the enemy while in captivity we would have to ask his captors. The question concerning whether he deserted or not is more obvious. you DID lie about being retired military.

For if you were?

You would not be asking those questions. You would know the answers.

One is not classified as a deserter until a courts martial finds one as such.

Wrong. Anyone AWOL more than 30 days is classified as a deserter.

AWOL takes effect immediately. As soon as you fail to show up at muster.

Oh Jeez.

Stop digging your hole child.

Anyone AWOL for 30 days or more can/will be brought up on charges of desertion in absentia.

You are a fucking liar asshole.

You were NEVER military.

If a person goes AWOL and there is evidence they have no intention of returning, they can be classified as a deserter before the 30 day period.

Which is why I specifically mentioned the Army investigator said there was no evidence Bergdahl had no intention of returning. Ergo, there is no evidence he was deserting.

Pull your head out of your ass.
You're asking me?
You sound like a child.."Why"?....."but why?"..."tell me why"? Write the sec. of defense...don't ask me.

He wasn't on base. He wasn't at his post. He left on his own. All of those things he did without permission. Those are facts.

This is what is known specifically...throw in the peripherals and the picture gets a little clearer.

I answered him in post 231.

But he should have known the answers because he claims to be retired military.

Theoreticians...they know how everything SHOULD work...unfortunately, reality trumps "theory" every time.

He is spewing the talking poinjt arguments and showing absolutely no knowledge of the military.

Kind of insulting.

But whatever.
After Obama made an asshole of himself with the Rose Garden ceremony they are going to sugarcoat this any way they can. THE SOLDIER WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ASSIGNED POST, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMBAT ZONE...1st General Order
"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."
After Obama made an asshole of himself with the Rose Garden ceremony they are going to sugarcoat this any way they can. THE SOLDIER WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ASSIGNED POST, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMBAT ZONE...1st General Order
"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."
Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.

I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.

Didn't read your childish rant. Not worth my time.

But as for what you inferred from the post you quoted?

You misread it.

Go home little boy. Play with children your own age. Us adults are making you look silly.

Well, an adult with a decent education should know that the proper English would be the followiing:

"WE adults are making you look silly."​

Apparently, you've spent an inordinate amount of time forming your opinions instead of educating yourself. My guess is that's one of the main reasons that conservatives seem to believe so many things despite evidence to the contrary while also rejecting valid ideas that are beyond their comprehension just because they don't understand the evidence. My suggestion is that you go back to school to get an education in critical thinking. While you're there, you can learn to use the English language properly. Maybe by then you can fill your jarhead with something other than the nonsensical opinions of others.
After Obama made an asshole of himself with the Rose Garden ceremony they are going to sugarcoat this any way they can. THE SOLDIER WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ASSIGNED POST, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMBAT ZONE...1st General Order
"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."

And the serving with honor and distinction was a bit much...
Even for the Obama regime...
Wrong. Anyone AWOL more than 30 days is classified as a deserter.

AWOL takes effect immediately. As soon as you fail to show up at muster.

Oh Jeez.

Stop digging your hole child.

Anyone AWOL for 30 days or more can/will be brought up on charges of desertion in absentia.

You are a fucking liar asshole.

You were NEVER military.

If a person goes AWOL and there is evidence they have no intention of returning, they can be classified as a deserter before the 30 day period.

Which is why I specifically mentioned the Army investigator said there was no evidence Bergdahl had no intention of returning. Ergo, there is no evidence he was deserting.

Pull your head out of your ass.

Wrong again liar.

If a person is missing the evidence is reviewed and presented to the XO. The XO then determines whether the soldier is a victim of foul play (be it friendly or enemy) or if it was a personal decision.

If it is deemed a personal decision, he is classified as AWOL.....BUT NOT UNTIL IT WAS DEEMED A PERSONAL DECISION.

If, after 30 days, he does not return, it is presented to CO of that theatre who presents it to the military justice system who determines whether charges should be desertion or treason.

Pull my head out of my ass?

Pull your out of the hole you are digging.

You were never military you fucking liar.
I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.

Didn't read your childish rant. Not worth my time.

But as for what you inferred from the post you quoted?

You misread it.

Go home little boy. Play with children your own age. Us adults are making you look silly.

Well, an adult with a decent education should know that the proper English would be the followiing:

"WE adults are making you look silly."​

Apparently, you've spent an inordinate amount of time forming your opinions instead of educating yourself. My guess is that's one of the main reasons that conservatives seem to believe so many things despite evidence to the contrary while also rejecting valid ideas that are beyond their comprehension just because they don't understand the evidence. My suggestion is that you go back to school to get an education in critical thinking. While you're there, you can learn to use the English language properly. Maybe by then you can fill your jarhead with something other than the nonsensical opinions of others.


Whatever makes you feel better.
After Obama made an asshole of himself with the Rose Garden ceremony they are going to sugarcoat this any way they can. THE SOLDIER WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ASSIGNED POST, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMBAT ZONE...1st General Order
"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."

And the serving with honor and distinction was a bit much...
Even for the Obama regime...

Has there ever been a POW where they didn't make a similar statement upon his return?
As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit

Fail? Is desertion not a form of 'misconduct' or have they updated the dictionary lately?


Don't quit your day job, kid.......or don't find a job and then quit it.......or something like that.

major MAJOR fail
After Obama made an asshole of himself with the Rose Garden ceremony they are going to sugarcoat this any way they can. THE SOLDIER WALKED AWAY FROM HIS ASSIGNED POST, OF HIS OWN FREE WILL, IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMBAT ZONE...1st General Order
"I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved."

And the serving with honor and distinction was a bit much...
Even for the Obama regime...

Has there ever been a POW where they didn't make a similar statement upon his return?

He was not a POW.

Nice try with the spin.

She was responding to the fact that he voluntarily left his post.
I don't believe the guys that surrendered at Bataan quit their post. They followed orders and were out of food, ammo, and medicine. This dickhead put men in danger to go search for him because he voluntarily left a secured post.
What's worse: a guy who walks off his post, or a corporation that deliberately dumps chemicals into rivers, ground, etc.?

Better yet..

Did the Bush administration lie to protect Pat Tillman's conservative murderers?

Sure looks like it.


In the IRS thread you talked about the GOP and the NAACP during the Bush administration.

In this thread you talk about Bush and Tillman.

You said Bush was the worst president in history yet you continually show us how Obama is just as bad as Bush.

SO I guess you see Obama ALSO as the worst president.


The Obama administration lied to defend the murderer of an American Ranger?


Here's mine.

Killing Pat Tillman | Veterans Today
Bowe was captured, the Taliban implanted a nuclear bomb in his body cavity, and returned him.

Didn't read your childish rant. Not worth my time.

But as for what you inferred from the post you quoted?

You misread it.

Go home little boy. Play with children your own age. Us adults are making you look silly.

Well, an adult with a decent education should know that the proper English would be the followiing:

"WE adults are making you look silly."​

Apparently, you've spent an inordinate amount of time forming your opinions instead of educating yourself. My guess is that's one of the main reasons that conservatives seem to believe so many things despite evidence to the contrary while also rejecting valid ideas that are beyond their comprehension just because they don't understand the evidence. My suggestion is that you go back to school to get an education in critical thinking. While you're there, you can learn to use the English language properly. Maybe by then you can fill your jarhead with something other than the nonsensical opinions of others.


Whatever makes you feel better.

Ignorance doesn't bother me in and of itself. That's because education can alleviate ignorance the way that food alleviates hunger. However, willful ignorance does bother me. That's because willfully ignorant people will cling to their ignorance despite all evidence to the contrary. That's why I'm bothered by the ignorance of so many conservatives.

So, instead of just making an assumption, I'll ask you a question which you can feel free to answer or ignore as you prefer. Ready?

Now that you know that "Us adults" is grammatically correct, and "We adults" is the proper English, will you change the way you speak and write? Or will you continue to do it the way you have up to this point? Keep in mind that educated people may very well view the content of what you write and say less favorably if you use improper English to express yourself.

I look forward to your response.
I've read dozens of posts about this but NONE of them refer to any comments or findings from the panel headed by the Major General charged with investigation this case!

I cannot find the army press release or anything other than the SWJ article.

To remind everyone, military investigations, especially those headed by general officers, never reach their conclusion until after months and months of activity. He has a corps of officers that will spend hundreds of hours going into every single item they can find to determine, one way or the other, the circumstances of his leaving and what he did or did not due while in the hands of the group.

Also, I have yet to see anything reporting about what command he is currently assigned to, where he is living, what is his duty status, and any limitations his current command officer has placed upon him.
I've read dozens of posts about this but NONE of them refer to any comments or findings from the panel headed by the Major General charged with investigation this case!

I cannot find the army press release or anything other than the SWJ article.

To remind everyone, military investigations, especially those headed by general officers, never reach their conclusion until after months and months of activity. He has a corps of officers that will spend hundreds of hours going into every single item they can find to determine, one way or the other, the circumstances of his leaving and what he did or did not due while in the hands of the group.

Also, I have yet to see anything reporting about what command he is currently assigned to, where he is living, what is his duty status, and any limitations his current command officer has placed upon him.

The Army determination that there was no evidence Bergdahl had no intention of returning was made years ago.
And the serving with honor and distinction was a bit much...
Even for the Obama regime...

Has there ever been a POW where they didn't make a similar statement upon his return?

He was not a POW.

Nice try with the spin.

She was responding to the fact that he voluntarily left his post.


Same old Bullshit where we play around with the designations of who we are fighting. Can't call him a POW, it would give the Taliban legitimacy

If every returning POW had to pass a board of inquiry when they returned, very few would come out squeaky clean. You can always find something they did wrong that contributed to their capture, some place where they didn't follow orders to the letter, something they did while in captivity that was less than "by the book"

Yet we tend to look the other way with POWs and treat them with honor and dignity when they return

Bergdahl is facing a rightwing lynch mob
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