Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?


Perhaps it was like that episode from series M*A*S*H when a nutty Dr. Frank Burns goes on a recon mission to prove himself and left the 4077th only to capture a South Korean family. Perhaps a disgruntled Burgdahl left post to be a "big man"...and got captured by Taliban. Idiot.
Iraq & Afghanistan vets are surprised and offended at the Republican efforts to smear one of their own, especially now that more information has come out. No one is saying that Bergdahl was a hero, but hasty propaganda at the guy's expense isn't going down so well with the people that have actually experienced combat situations anything like the ones he did.

The hypocrisy of the Republicans who tie those yellow ribbons and sport those flag pins but block money for veterans' care and lie shamelessly about some confused kid who put it on the line for the rich chicken hawks back home is looming larger and larger in the public mind.
Bergdahl is a disgrace to the country, the Army, his outfit, his family and to himself. He should spend at least 20 years in Leavenworth for the deaths of his comrades in arms.

Perhaps it was like that episode from series M*A*S*H when a nutty Dr. Frank Burns goes on a recon mission to prove himself and left the 4077th only to capture a South Korean family. Perhaps a disgruntled Burgdahl left post to be a "big man"...and got captured by Taliban. Idiot.


One of the things he talked about was hunting Taliban.

“He didn’t understand why we were doing more humanitarian aid drops, setting up clinics, and helping the populous instead of hunting the Taliban,” Full told a House Foreign Affairs panel.

Bergdahl was a “good soldier” during military training in California, but shortly after arriving in Afghanistan he started voicing disagreements with the way missions were conducted, Full said
Fellow soldier says Bowe Bergdahl upset he wasn?t allowed ?to hunt and kill? the Taliban

Who knows?


He seems to have had some mental issues.
The Army said Bergdahl committed no misconduct while in captivity. Were the men who served with him in captivity with him?

As for "walking off the base", an Army investigator said there was no proof Bergdahl had no intention of coming back.

A soldier who leaves his weapon and armor and walks off has no intention of coming back.

Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.
So, the Army has cleared Bergdahl of helping or providing military information to his captors. Too bad John McCain can't say the same.
Well...he's already been tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion, what the hell do we need a military investigation for :dunno:
I've read dozens of posts about this but NONE of them refer to any comments or findings from the panel headed by the Major General charged with investigation this case!

I cannot find the army press release or anything other than the SWJ article.

To remind everyone, military investigations, especially those headed by general officers, never reach their conclusion until after months and months of activity. He has a corps of officers that will spend hundreds of hours going into every single item they can find to determine, one way or the other, the circumstances of his leaving and what he did or did not due while in the hands of the group.

Also, I have yet to see anything reporting about what command he is currently assigned to, where he is living, what is his duty status, and any limitations his current command officer has placed upon him.

if you've noticed opinion trumps facts and reality on this board. It's very likely your post will receive little or no response from the judgmental military pundits ..

thank you for your service .. and your input/post.

Perhaps it was like that episode from series M*A*S*H when a nutty Dr. Frank Burns goes on a recon mission to prove himself and left the 4077th only to capture a South Korean family. Perhaps a disgruntled Burgdahl left post to be a "big man"...and got captured by Taliban. Idiot.

I really think something like that happened. He was an idealist fool that thought he could somehow convince the Taliban they were in the wrong and therefore save all the civilians he felt bad about harming.
Bergdahl is a disgrace to the country, the Army, his outfit, his family and to himself. He should spend at least 20 years in Leavenworth for the deaths of his comrades in arms.

I'm going to keep from making an assumption. With that said, I'm going to state my opinion about what you just said.

As the old saying goes which is attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

The point is there is no hard evidence that Sgt Bergdahl deserted, regardless of what some of his fellow soldiers might personally believe. That means I think it's a disservice and disrespectful to Sgt Bergdahl not to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers or to other soldiers from other conflicts who served in an active war zone. I give a little less credence to soldiers who served but not in a time of war. That's my category. But even those soldiers' opinions mean more to me than the opinions of civilians.

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.

With THAT said, I think it's disgraceful for any civilian who has never served in the military at all to sit in judgement of Sgt Bergdahl and find him lacking when they don't even know the facts. If that's you, then you are a disgrace!
A soldier who leaves his weapon and armor and walks off has no intention of coming back.

Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.

Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.
Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.

Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.

He made the mistake of being released by Obama. If Putin had negotiated his release he would be a rightwing hero
Bergdahl was not captured. He voluntarily left his post. Asked to talk to Taliban...then was shocked when the took him as a ransomed hostage.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.

Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.

He made the mistake of being released by Obama. If Putin had negotiated his release he would be a rightwing hero

No, but I bet Vlad the Impaler would not have released 5 Chechen terrorist for his sorry ass.
Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.

Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.

LOL! I know. It's funny as hell.

Nobody can (or will) throw someone under a bus faster than conservatives will. I mean, look at what a lot of conservatives are now saying about Thad Cochran despite his lifetime conservative rating by various organizations.

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