Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?


This is what Bowehammed needs.
Are you a member of the Taliban?
Bergdahl is a disgrace to the country, the Army, his outfit, his family and to himself. He should spend at least 20 years in Leavenworth for the deaths of his comrades in arms.

I'm going to keep from making an assumption. With that said, I'm going to state my opinion about what you just said.

As the old saying goes which is attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

The point is there is no hard evidence that Sgt Bergdahl deserted, regardless of what some of his fellow soldiers might personally believe. That means I think it's a disservice and disrespectful to Sgt Bergdahl not to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers or to other soldiers from other conflicts who served in an active war zone. I give a little less credence to soldiers who served but not in a time of war. That's my category. But even those soldiers' opinions mean more to me than the opinions of civilians.

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.

With THAT said, I think it's disgraceful for any civilian who has never served in the military at all to sit in judgement of Sgt Bergdahl and find him lacking when they don't even know the facts. If that's you, then you are a disgrace!
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.
From what I understand, he wasn't allowed to take his weapon with him. He apparently asked in advance.

Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.

LOL! I know. It's funny as hell.

Nobody can (or will) throw someone under a bus faster than conservatives will. I mean, look at what a lot of conservatives are now saying about Thad Cochran despite his lifetime conservative rating by various organizations.

That's the problem with people like you.

You will never see fault in anyone with your ideology. If they think like you, they must be as good as you.

They could be thieves, killers, liars.....whatever.

But you will refuse to see them in that light, so they can get away with it.
Has there ever been a POW where they didn't make a similar statement upon his return?

He was not a POW.

Nice try with the spin.

She was responding to the fact that he voluntarily left his post.
What do you mean he wasn't a POW?

In military terms, he was not classified as a POW. He was classified as a hostage.

A POW is one who is captured while under the command of his/her commanding officer.

If the soldier opts to stray from his/her unit and is no longer following the orders of his/her CO, they are not given the military "advantages and benefits" a POW would get when released.

Although, from what I understand, they have made an exception with this one. But that is just rumor as of now.

But he was NEVER classified as a POW.
Bergdahl is a disgrace to the country, the Army, his outfit, his family and to himself. He should spend at least 20 years in Leavenworth for the deaths of his comrades in arms.

I'm going to keep from making an assumption. With that said, I'm going to state my opinion about what you just said.

As the old saying goes which is attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

The point is there is no hard evidence that Sgt Bergdahl deserted, regardless of what some of his fellow soldiers might personally believe. That means I think it's a disservice and disrespectful to Sgt Bergdahl not to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers or to other soldiers from other conflicts who served in an active war zone. I give a little less credence to soldiers who served but not in a time of war. That's my category. But even those soldiers' opinions mean more to me than the opinions of civilians.

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.

With THAT said, I think it's disgraceful for any civilian who has never served in the military at all to sit in judgement of Sgt Bergdahl and find him lacking when they don't even know the facts. If that's you, then you are a disgrace!
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.
Let us not forget the other side of the Great Traitorous Trade.

Rest assured those five have not forgotten where you live.

Five middle aged guys who have been in prison for 10 years and will be monitored? Ooh, scary.

I guess one can say it that way...


5 men still in their prime who were captured due to their being hell bent on killing Americans are now being monitored by...well....we really don't know.....and they are likely more angry at those that held them in captivity than ever before.

Which do you think may have more accuracy to it?
I'm going to keep from making an assumption. With that said, I'm going to state my opinion about what you just said.

As the old saying goes which is attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

The point is there is no hard evidence that Sgt Bergdahl deserted, regardless of what some of his fellow soldiers might personally believe. That means I think it's a disservice and disrespectful to Sgt Bergdahl not to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers or to other soldiers from other conflicts who served in an active war zone. I give a little less credence to soldiers who served but not in a time of war. That's my category. But even those soldiers' opinions mean more to me than the opinions of civilians.

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.

With THAT said, I think it's disgraceful for any civilian who has never served in the military at all to sit in judgement of Sgt Bergdahl and find him lacking when they don't even know the facts. If that's you, then you are a disgrace!
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.

True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000
I'm going to keep from making an assumption. With that said, I'm going to state my opinion about what you just said.

As the old saying goes which is attributed to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.

The point is there is no hard evidence that Sgt Bergdahl deserted, regardless of what some of his fellow soldiers might personally believe. That means I think it's a disservice and disrespectful to Sgt Bergdahl not to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers or to other soldiers from other conflicts who served in an active war zone. I give a little less credence to soldiers who served but not in a time of war. That's my category. But even those soldiers' opinions mean more to me than the opinions of civilians.

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.

With THAT said, I think it's disgraceful for any civilian who has never served in the military at all to sit in judgement of Sgt Bergdahl and find him lacking when they don't even know the facts. If that's you, then you are a disgrace!
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.
I have never served nor deserted. Additionally, I have never been responsible for the lose of lives of others because of my stupidity. Joining the military is not tantamount to heroism, something which is doubtless lost on you. Furthermore, judging from your comments, it would be very likely had you been in Bergdahl's position your performance would have been equally disgraceful, although Bergdahl was special in that his actions cost the lives of his comrades.
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.

True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

If I was a phony, I would have claimed to have served in a combat zone or a forward area. I was stateside my whole tour.

It's little pissants like you that tick me off no end. You think that waving a flag or setting off fireworks makes you a great American. Nonsense. It just makes you someone who benefits from the service of others you see fit to denigrate. It's idiots like you I see with flags in their yards or on their houses after dark without properly lighting it, or hanging the flag on a wall with the union on the wrong side. They THINK they're respecting the flag when they're not treating it the way it's supposed to be which anyone would know if they actually took the time and bothered to look it up.

My feeling is that guys like you should be rounded up and dropped in the middle of Afghanistan somewhere with a compass and a ruck sack of supplies and told that you've got enough provisions to march out in three days. My guess is that you guys would piss your pants the first time you heard a bird screech.
Here's the cool thing.

Bergdhal is your basic Ayn Rand lovin' Libertarian type home schooled Christian Conservative.

And his ilk are turning on him like rats in a cage.

He made the mistake of being released by Obama. If Putin had negotiated his release he would be a rightwing hero

No, but I bet Vlad the Impaler would not have released 5 Chechen terrorist for his sorry ass.

Putin is an asshole, he would have allowed him to die in captivity

The rightwing hatred of Bergdahl centers on Obamas role in securing his release.
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.

True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

True military doesn't have a problem with guys who have never served unless or until those guys start shooting off their mouths as if they were experts about things they don't even understand and spouting all kinds of bravado nonsense in the process.

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