Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

I don't presume to know what they went through on the front line. But I DO have more than just a passing knowledge of military discipline, military training, and life in the military along with the camaraderie, etc. I also know about scuttlebutt, barracks lawyers, and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in almost any unit with the possible exception of the most elite fighters who won't tolerate it. That's why I can say with some authority that it's quite possible that the rumors got WAY ahead of the facts.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bergdahl was tortured for all kinds of reasons. Military information. General information. Hell, they probably tortured him for kicks like a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a frog in a pond. There's no doubt in my mind that he probably experienced several mock executions. But we've still never seen a propaganda video from him, have we? Sgt Bergdahl has probably gone through more hell in some 1,800 days than most of us can possibly imagine. So, I get pretty goddamn worked up when civvies who have never served and who've lived in comfort here at home almost every day of their lives deign that their opinions on Sgt Bergdahl in a war zone have some kind of merit when they don't even know the facts.
Sorry, the question is not what Bergdahl went through. Rather, it is a the question and consequences of his actions. It is at this point I find the testimony of his fellow soldiers in arms instead of those who demand legitimacy and respect because they spent a couple of years as low-level flunkies in the military.

I do not suffer low-level flunkies gladly.

What testimony? I'm not aware of any trial or any oath being taken by anyone regarding Bergdahl's actions PRIOR to Pvt Bergdahl leaving his post since they certainly couldn't testify to anything he did after he was gone.
I normally limit myself to things like ditzy and the like, but fuck off! The asshole deserted his unit and almost doubtless soldiers died trying to find his sorry ass. I don't give a rat's ass what he did after that.
The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.

Okay...compared to how deserters have been being punished, what more would you like to see done to the young man?
If he's found guilty of desertion, he should be stripped of rank, all pay & privileges, and decades in Ft. Leavenworth.

The liberal punishment for Bowehammed Bergdahl.

I think he has been punished enough

Unless there's some real evidence of treasonous activity, undoubtedly any military review will reach the same conclusion.
The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.

You keep stating this as if it were already proven in a court of law.

U.S. concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl walked away

The Pentagon knows more about it than you do. You're dismissed.
Looks like they are laying the groundwork...
They will come back and say he did nothing wrong...
He's done it before...No one broke his balls about it..

Looks like pressure from the WH is getting through.
Uh, weren't those 'reports' based on what the Taliban themselves said about Sgt. Bergdahl?

Imagine that! Sgt Bergdahl made no propaganda videos nor did the US Army determine that he did anything to aid and/or assist the Taliban and/or al Qaeda in their insurgency, yet that's not good enough for American conservatives?

Again, the anti-American conservative movement shows that they'll take the word of the enemy over that of their own countrymen.

I hope America is paying attention.

Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.

I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.
News flash: Not liking Obama is not the same as not liking America.

Obama is not the nation. You can love one and hate the other. Progressives do.
Sorry, the question is not what Bergdahl went through. Rather, it is a the question and consequences of his actions. It is at this point I find the testimony of his fellow soldiers in arms instead of those who demand legitimacy and respect because they spent a couple of years as low-level flunkies in the military.

I do not suffer low-level flunkies gladly.

What testimony? I'm not aware of any trial or any oath being taken by anyone regarding Bergdahl's actions PRIOR to Pvt Bergdahl leaving his post since they certainly couldn't testify to anything he did after he was gone.
I normally limit myself to things like ditzy and the like, but fuck off! The asshole deserted his unit and almost doubtless soldiers died trying to find his sorry ass. I don't give a rat's ass what he did after that.

YOU don't KNOW what the fuck you're talking about, pure and simple.

Soldiers die. Actually, they get killed. I thought everyone knew that. They go on missions. Those missions are dangerous. Chances are even if those missions weren't specifically put together to look for Pvt Bergdahl, they STILL looked for him just like they would look for ANY American who had disappeared 'in country.'

The soldiers were killed because they enlisted and they followed orders. Everyone knows it's going to happen. They just hope it won't happen to them.

And it doesn't surprise me one goddamn bit that you "don't give a rat's ass what he did after that" because I don't think most conservatives give a shit about Sgt Bergdahl one way or the other. He's just yet one more avenue with which to launch an attack on Obama. He's just a pawn in the conservative lovefest with hating Obama. As for me, I'm not motivated by defending Obama at all. I'm just glad that an American soldier that was a POW for five years is now home. Hopefully he's getting the care he needs, and he can salvage something of a life for himself in his remaining years as long as he doesn't have to associate with uberpatriotic supercitizens like yourself who think they're keeping America's shores safe by going to the beach on the weekend.
Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.

I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.
News flash: Not liking Obama is not the same as not liking America.

Obama is not the nation. You can love one and hate the other. Progressives do.

I didn't mention Obama.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

Yeah, he didn't show half the valor you showed on Level 43!!!!!

Oh, wait. No, he was in a real war dealing with real consequences.

Okay, to the point, obviously, the only thing they can prove about what happened during his capitivity is that he made a propaganda tape. Lots of POW's do and none of them have been held accountable for doing so.

Clearly, the Army wants this mess to go away. Understandably so. They don't want to talk about the fact that 1 out of five new recruits in the Mid-Oughts were given waivers for crimes, drug use, or psychological unsuitability. (Bergdahl had been discharged from the Coast Guard for psych reasons, and the Army took him anyway.) They probably don't want to talk about how they were pumping these kids full of Go/No Go pills, or how the NCODP had degraded to the point where the clowns on Faux News ever got stripes before their OTH discharges.
What testimony? I'm not aware of any trial or any oath being taken by anyone regarding Bergdahl's actions PRIOR to Pvt Bergdahl leaving his post since they certainly couldn't testify to anything he did after he was gone.
I normally limit myself to things like ditzy and the like, but fuck off! The asshole deserted his unit and almost doubtless soldiers died trying to find his sorry ass. I don't give a rat's ass what he did after that.

YOU don't KNOW what the fuck you're talking about, pure and simple.

Soldiers die. Actually, they get killed. I thought everyone knew that. They go on missions. Those missions are dangerous. Chances are even if those missions weren't specifically put together to look for Pvt Bergdahl, they STILL looked for him just like they would look for ANY American who had disappeared 'in country.'

The soldiers were killed because they enlisted and they followed orders. Everyone knows it's going to happen. They just hope it won't happen to them.

And it doesn't surprise me one goddamn bit that you "don't give a rat's ass what he did after that" because I don't think most conservatives give a shit about Sgt Bergdahl one way or the other. He's just yet one more avenue with which to launch an attack on Obama. He's just a pawn in the conservative lovefest with hating Obama. As for me, I'm not motivated by defending Obama at all. I'm just glad that an American soldier that was a POW for five years is now home. Hopefully he's getting the care he needs, and he can salvage something of a life for himself in his remaining years as long as he doesn't have to associate with uberpatriotic supercitizens like yourself who think they're keeping America's shores safe by going to the beach on the weekend.
OK, you've left reason behind and become a complete prick. Bergdahl was and is a complete loser who never served his country or his fellow comrades. The truth is you wouldn't give a rat's ass about Bergdahl if it weren't for colossal fuck up in letting five terrorists go for a bonafide deserter.
I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

Do you think Fox News was going to bring you reports from soldiers who contradict the narrative they want you to drink?


It was reported years ago that the Army had no evidence of Bergdahl intending to desert. Now you rubes are suffering from collective amnesia.
Then you shouldn't have any problem finding links to other media outlets to back up your claims.

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