Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.

True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

If I was a phony, I would have claimed to have served in a combat zone or a forward area. I was stateside my whole tour.

It's little pissants like you that tick me off no end. You think that waving a flag or setting off fireworks makes you a great American. Nonsense. It just makes you someone who benefits from the service of others you see fit to denigrate. It's idiots like you I see with flags in their yards or on their houses after dark without properly lighting it, or hanging the flag on a wall with the union on the wrong side. They THINK they're respecting the flag when they're not treating it the way it's supposed to be which anyone would know if they actually took the time and bothered to look it up.

My feeling is that guys like you should be rounded up and dropped in the middle of Afghanistan somewhere with a compass and a ruck sack of supplies and told that you've got enough provisions to march out in three days. My guess is that you guys would piss your pants the first time you heard a bird screech.
If you never left the States, why would you presume to know what Bergdahl, or anyone else went through on the front line? I know you may find this hard to understand, but most would take the word of those who had similar experiences than someone whose most dangerous moments were shopping off base, or like Gay Sailor Biker, going to the USO.

It is a shame you cannot ingest the shit you spew.
Get off your low horse. Bergdahl has been judged by those who actually served with him and did not desert their units. They are the ones that knew the facts, not Ambassador Rice, not Obama and not you. They are the ones I respect and they are the ones I chose to believe.

"Served with honor and distinction", indeed.

Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.
I have never served nor deserted. Additionally, I have never been responsible for the lose of lives of others because of my stupidity. Joining the military is not tantamount to heroism, something which is doubtless lost on you. Furthermore, judging from your comments, it would be very likely had you been in Bergdahl's position your performance would have been equally disgraceful, although Bergdahl was special in that his actions cost the lives of his comrades.

I certainly agree that joining the military is not tantamount to heroism. In fact, one of the problems I've had in recent years is how some people have referred to anyone who has served as a hero. Balderdash. Probably more than half the men who enlist are primarily motivated by a job or educational benefits or some other self-serving reason. Furthermore, from everything I've been told, soldiers fight for one another and to stay alive, not for some lofty goals of spreading freedom and democracy.

As for me, I couldn't tell you what I would do if I was in Bergdahl's boots. No one who was honest could tell you what they would do or how they would hold up. My guess is he did the best he could day to day for five years which is about 1,800 days more than you've got experience doing it, despite the fact that you seem to feel you have a right to sit in judgement of the man. While you may have the right to your own opinion, you have no right to judge him.
True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

Keep dreaming, tard.

The Army has made the determination that Bergdahl was not guilty of misconduct while in captivity, thus blowing one assertion by the lynch mob out of the water. I have yet to hear one person admit they were wrong about that. So we know who the piss guzzling phonies are.

Hmmm, if all the manufactured bullshit about Bergdahl being a Taliban stooge were wrong, I wonder what else the assholes who manufactured bullshit were wrong about?

This would be a good time to finally discover some critical thinking skills, Jarhead.

I wonder what you dipshits will be saying if and when he is cleared of the desertion charge.
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Did you even read what I wrote?

I STATED that I give a little leeway to his fellow soldiers and more credence to soldiers who served in a combat zone in general. I just don't think they necessarily know the facts surrounding why Bergdahl left or the circumstances surrounding his capture. I also said the following:

It's the opinions of people who have never served that I give little credence to when it comes to matters of life and death in a combat environment.​

It seems to me that IF you had served, you would have mentioned it in your post. Therefore, I can only assume you're the disgrace I believed you to be. You're a coward that stays at home but still judges others in a war zone without even knowing the facts. You're not even fit to polish Sgt Bergdahl's boots.
I have never served nor deserted. Additionally, I have never been responsible for the lose of lives of others because of my stupidity. Joining the military is not tantamount to heroism, something which is doubtless lost on you. Furthermore, judging from your comments, it would be very likely had you been in Bergdahl's position your performance would have been equally disgraceful, although Bergdahl was special in that his actions cost the lives of his comrades.

I certainly agree that joining the military is not tantamount to heroism. In fact, one of the problems I've had in recent years is how some people have referred to anyone who has served as a hero. Balderdash. Probably more than half the men who enlist are primarily motivated by a job or educational benefits or some other self-serving reason. Furthermore, from everything I've been told, soldiers fight for one another and to stay alive, not for some lofty goals of spreading freedom and democracy.

As for me, I couldn't tell you what I would do if I was in Bergdahl's boots. No one who was honest could tell you what they would do or how they would hold up. My guess is he did the best he could day to day for five years which is about 1,800 days more than you've got experience doing it, despite the fact that you seem to feel you have a right to sit in judgement of the man. While you may have the right to your own opinion, you have no right to judge him.
I have the right to chose who I believe. And while you may be confused, I am not under the impression that I am spreading gospel. I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

I give you absolutely no credence in this matter because you shopped off base or went to the USO.

Sorry, I understand you want more respect, but it is not forthcoming.
Keep in mind that the U.S. Army brass also still claim that the terrorist attack at Fort Hood was "workplace violence" and won't grant purple hearts to the soldiers who were wounded in the attack.

It sickens me to see what political correctness is doing to our military.
I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

Do you think Fox News was going to bring you reports from soldiers who contradict the narrative they want you to drink?


It was reported years ago that the Army had no evidence of Bergdahl intending to desert. Now you rubes are suffering from collective amnesia.
True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

Keep dreaming, tard.

The Army has made the determination that Bergdahl was not guilty of misconduct while in captivity, thus blowing one assertion by the lynch mob out of the water. I have yet to hear one person admit they were wrong about that. So we know who the piss guzzling phonies are.

Hmmm, if all the manufactured bullshit about Bergdahl being a Taliban stooge were wrong, I wonder what else the assholes who manufactured bullshit were wrong about?

This would be a good time to finally discover some critical thinking skills, Jarhead.

I wonder what you dipshits will be saying if and when he is cleared of the desertion charge.

They will be saying "it's all Obama's fault".

Lot's of eazy-recliner Quarterbacks here in USMB who have no idea how the military works. Let the US military justice system do it's job.

It's really that simple.
Keep in mind that the U.S. Army brass also still claim that the terrorist attack at Fort Hood was "workplace violence" and won't grant purple hearts to the soldiers who were wounded in the attack.

It sickens me to see what political correctness is doing to our military.

I'm gonna buy some stocks in vomit bags. USMB nutters are sickened by so much, so often....I'll make a mint.
A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The issue is murky, the report said, in light of Sergeant Bergdahl’s previous episodes of walking off. The report cites accounts from his unit mates that in their predeployment exercise at the Army’s National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif., he sneaked or crawled off a designated course or range either to see how far he could go or to see a sunrise or sunset.

This is a very important distinction. Under Article 85 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a soldier is guilty of desertion if he leaves his unit “with intent to remain away therefrom permanently” or leaves his unit “with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service.”

Jarhead's ignorance of this fact led him to believe I have never served. :lol:

There is no evidence Berghdal did not intend to return. All the rubes have is carefully filtered hearsay bullshit.
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I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

Do you think Fox News was going to bring you reports from soldiers who contradict the narrative they want you to drink?


It was reported years ago that the Army had no evidence of Bergdahl intending to desert. Now you rubes are suffering from collective amnesia.
This Fox News is something I cannot understand. I left the US in 1990 and have never watched Fox News. It can only be a tiresome mindless reflex action by simple-minded hacks.
I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

Do you think Fox News was going to bring you reports from soldiers who contradict the narrative they want you to drink?


It was reported years ago that the Army had no evidence of Bergdahl intending to desert. Now you rubes are suffering from collective amnesia.
This Fox News is something I cannot understand. I left the US in 1990 and have never watched Fox News. It can only be a tiresome mindless reflex action by simple-minded hacks.

Then you are getting your misinformed opinions third hand from the 100+ topics about Bergdahl on this forum.
True military does not demean those that have never served.

Another g5000

If I was a phony, I would have claimed to have served in a combat zone or a forward area. I was stateside my whole tour.

It's little pissants like you that tick me off no end. You think that waving a flag or setting off fireworks makes you a great American. Nonsense. It just makes you someone who benefits from the service of others you see fit to denigrate. It's idiots like you I see with flags in their yards or on their houses after dark without properly lighting it, or hanging the flag on a wall with the union on the wrong side. They THINK they're respecting the flag when they're not treating it the way it's supposed to be which anyone would know if they actually took the time and bothered to look it up.

My feeling is that guys like you should be rounded up and dropped in the middle of Afghanistan somewhere with a compass and a ruck sack of supplies and told that you've got enough provisions to march out in three days. My guess is that you guys would piss your pants the first time you heard a bird screech.
If you never left the States, why would you presume to know what Bergdahl, or anyone else went through on the front line? I know you may find this hard to understand, but most would take the word of those who had similar experiences than someone whose most dangerous moments were shopping off base, or like Gay Sailor Biker, going to the USO.

It is a shame you cannot ingest the shit you spew.

I don't presume to know what they went through on the front line. But I DO have more than just a passing knowledge of military discipline, military training, and life in the military along with the camaraderie, etc. I also know about scuttlebutt, barracks lawyers, and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in almost any unit with the possible exception of the most elite fighters who won't tolerate it. That's why I can say with some authority that it's quite possible that the rumors got WAY ahead of the facts.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bergdahl was tortured for all kinds of reasons. Military information. General information. Hell, they probably tortured him for kicks like a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a frog in a pond. There's no doubt in my mind that he probably experienced several mock executions. But we've still never seen a propaganda video from him, have we? Sgt Bergdahl has probably gone through more hell in some 1,800 days than most of us can possibly imagine. So, I get pretty goddamn worked up when civvies who have never served and who've lived in comfort here at home almost every day of their lives deign that their opinions on Sgt Bergdahl in a war zone have some kind of merit when they don't even know the facts.
I have never served nor deserted. Additionally, I have never been responsible for the lose of lives of others because of my stupidity. Joining the military is not tantamount to heroism, something which is doubtless lost on you. Furthermore, judging from your comments, it would be very likely had you been in Bergdahl's position your performance would have been equally disgraceful, although Bergdahl was special in that his actions cost the lives of his comrades.

I certainly agree that joining the military is not tantamount to heroism. In fact, one of the problems I've had in recent years is how some people have referred to anyone who has served as a hero. Balderdash. Probably more than half the men who enlist are primarily motivated by a job or educational benefits or some other self-serving reason. Furthermore, from everything I've been told, soldiers fight for one another and to stay alive, not for some lofty goals of spreading freedom and democracy.

As for me, I couldn't tell you what I would do if I was in Bergdahl's boots. No one who was honest could tell you what they would do or how they would hold up. My guess is he did the best he could day to day for five years which is about 1,800 days more than you've got experience doing it, despite the fact that you seem to feel you have a right to sit in judgement of the man. While you may have the right to your own opinion, you have no right to judge him.
I have the right to chose who I believe. And while you may be confused, I am not under the impression that I am spreading gospel. I simply chose to believe those who were actually there. I have yet to hear from someone who actually was on the ground with Bergdahl in afghanistan who believes otherwise.

I give you absolutely no credence in this matter because you shopped off base or went to the USO.

Sorry, I understand you want more respect, but it is not forthcoming.

Nobody went to the USO, you dipshit. That shows what you know. And most soldiers shopped at the BX or PX because it was cheaper.

If you don't swallow the rube party line, you must not have served on active duty. :lol:

If you wait for FACTS, you must be a phony. :lol:
If I was a phony, I would have claimed to have served in a combat zone or a forward area. I was stateside my whole tour.

It's little pissants like you that tick me off no end. You think that waving a flag or setting off fireworks makes you a great American. Nonsense. It just makes you someone who benefits from the service of others you see fit to denigrate. It's idiots like you I see with flags in their yards or on their houses after dark without properly lighting it, or hanging the flag on a wall with the union on the wrong side. They THINK they're respecting the flag when they're not treating it the way it's supposed to be which anyone would know if they actually took the time and bothered to look it up.

My feeling is that guys like you should be rounded up and dropped in the middle of Afghanistan somewhere with a compass and a ruck sack of supplies and told that you've got enough provisions to march out in three days. My guess is that you guys would piss your pants the first time you heard a bird screech.
If you never left the States, why would you presume to know what Bergdahl, or anyone else went through on the front line? I know you may find this hard to understand, but most would take the word of those who had similar experiences than someone whose most dangerous moments were shopping off base, or like Gay Sailor Biker, going to the USO.

It is a shame you cannot ingest the shit you spew.

I don't presume to know what they went through on the front line. But I DO have more than just a passing knowledge of military discipline, military training, and life in the military along with the camaraderie, etc. I also know about scuttlebutt, barracks lawyers, and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in almost any unit with the possible exception of the most elite fighters who won't tolerate it. That's why I can say with some authority that it's quite possible that the rumors got WAY ahead of the facts.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bergdahl was tortured for all kinds of reasons. Military information. General information. Hell, they probably tortured him for kicks like a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a frog in a pond. There's no doubt in my mind that he probably experienced several mock executions. But we've still never seen a propaganda video from him, have we? Sgt Bergdahl has probably gone through more hell in some 1,800 days than most of us can possibly imagine. So, I get pretty goddamn worked up when civvies who have never served and who've lived in comfort here at home almost every day of their lives deign that their opinions on Sgt Bergdahl in a war zone have some kind of merit when they don't even know the facts.
Sorry, the question is not what Bergdahl went through. Rather, it is a the question and consequences of his actions. It is at this point I find the testimony of his fellow soldiers in arms far more credible than those who demand legitimacy and respect because they spent a couple of years as low-level flunkies in the military.

I do not suffer low-level flunkies gladly.
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If you never left the States, why would you presume to know what Bergdahl, or anyone else went through on the front line? I know you may find this hard to understand, but most would take the word of those who had similar experiences than someone whose most dangerous moments were shopping off base, or like Gay Sailor Biker, going to the USO.

It is a shame you cannot ingest the shit you spew.

I don't presume to know what they went through on the front line. But I DO have more than just a passing knowledge of military discipline, military training, and life in the military along with the camaraderie, etc. I also know about scuttlebutt, barracks lawyers, and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in almost any unit with the possible exception of the most elite fighters who won't tolerate it. That's why I can say with some authority that it's quite possible that the rumors got WAY ahead of the facts.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bergdahl was tortured for all kinds of reasons. Military information. General information. Hell, they probably tortured him for kicks like a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a frog in a pond. There's no doubt in my mind that he probably experienced several mock executions. But we've still never seen a propaganda video from him, have we? Sgt Bergdahl has probably gone through more hell in some 1,800 days than most of us can possibly imagine. So, I get pretty goddamn worked up when civvies who have never served and who've lived in comfort here at home almost every day of their lives deign that their opinions on Sgt Bergdahl in a war zone have some kind of merit when they don't even know the facts.
Sorry, the question is not what Bergdahl went through. Rather, it is a the question and consequences of his actions. It is at this point I find the testimony of his fellow soldiers in arms instead of those who demand legitimacy and respect because they spent a couple of years as low-level flunkies in the military.

I do not suffer low-level flunkies gladly.

What testimony? I'm not aware of any trial or any oath being taken by anyone regarding Bergdahl's actions PRIOR to Pvt Bergdahl leaving his post since they certainly couldn't testify to anything he did after he was gone.
If you never left the States, why would you presume to know what Bergdahl, or anyone else went through on the front line? I know you may find this hard to understand, but most would take the word of those who had similar experiences than someone whose most dangerous moments were shopping off base, or like Gay Sailor Biker, going to the USO.

It is a shame you cannot ingest the shit you spew.

I don't presume to know what they went through on the front line. But I DO have more than just a passing knowledge of military discipline, military training, and life in the military along with the camaraderie, etc. I also know about scuttlebutt, barracks lawyers, and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in almost any unit with the possible exception of the most elite fighters who won't tolerate it. That's why I can say with some authority that it's quite possible that the rumors got WAY ahead of the facts.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Bergdahl was tortured for all kinds of reasons. Military information. General information. Hell, they probably tortured him for kicks like a bunch of kids throwing rocks at a frog in a pond. There's no doubt in my mind that he probably experienced several mock executions. But we've still never seen a propaganda video from him, have we? Sgt Bergdahl has probably gone through more hell in some 1,800 days than most of us can possibly imagine. So, I get pretty goddamn worked up when civvies who have never served and who've lived in comfort here at home almost every day of their lives deign that their opinions on Sgt Bergdahl in a war zone have some kind of merit when they don't even know the facts.
Sorry, the question is not what Bergdahl went through. Rather, it is the question it is the question and consequences of his actions. It is at this point I find the testimony of his fellow soldiers in arms instead of those who demand legitimacy and respect because they spent a couple of years as low-level flunkies in the military.

I do not suffer low-level flunkies gladly.

How would his fellow platoon members know how he conducted himself while he was in captivity. They weren't there and none of them know how they themselves would have reacted while in captivity because they have never been in captivity? Have any of them even commented about his behavior while he was in captivity?
Why are people using what they believe is data about his activities before he became a captive or the reasons for his captivity to judge his conduct DURING his captivity.
Sounds like hate induced lying to me. Kick and spit on the POW while he is down.

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