Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

The Army said Bergdahl committed no misconduct while in captivity. Were the men who served with him in captivity with him?

As for "walking off the base", an Army investigator said there was no proof Bergdahl had no intention of coming back.

A soldier who leaves his weapon and armor and walks off has no intention of coming back.

Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.

Did you ever see or hear of a lone soldier going out in hostile territory without his weapon?
A soldier who leaves his weapon and armor and walks off has no intention of coming back.

Actually....this is not true.

When in a military zone, leaving your base without a weapon can be deemed foolish, but a move to show "no threat" to locals if you are not anticipating combat....

Especially in a military zone that is within a civilian neighborhood.

Did you ever see or hear of a lone soldier going out in hostile territory without his weapon?

no. But there is logic to doing it when attempting to solidify relationships with the locals.

His leaving his weapon at home does not prove he had no intentions to return.

However, it is irrelevant because "intentions" are not at play unless they try to prove desertion.....or worse.....treason.

But AWOL is AWOL......and intentions play no role in basic AWOL charges.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:
"We have no reason to believe that he engaged in any misconduct."
Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

[CORRECTION] Just to clarify, his desertion is still being investigated. This is reference to his activities during his captivity.

Uh, weren't those 'reports' based on what the Taliban themselves said about Sgt. Bergdahl?

Imagine that! Sgt Bergdahl made no propaganda videos nor did the US Army determine that he did anything to aid and/or assist the Taliban and/or al Qaeda in their insurgency, yet that's not good enough for American conservatives?

Again, the anti-American conservative movement shows that they'll take the word of the enemy over that of their own countrymen.

I hope America is paying attention.
What's worse: a guy who walks off his post, or a corporation that deliberately dumps chemicals into rivers, ground, etc.?

Better yet..

Did the Bush administration lie to protect Pat Tillman's conservative murderers?

Sure looks like it.


In the IRS thread you talked about the GOP and the NAACP during the Bush administration.

In this thread you talk about Bush and Tillman.

You said Bush was the worst president in history yet you continually show us how Obama is just as bad as Bush.

SO I guess you see Obama ALSO as the worst president.

As for "walking off the base", an Army investigator said there was no proof Bergdahl had no intention of coming back.

"intentions" :cuckoo:

His "intentions" aren't relevant to the real world. His actions are.

He was away from his quarters and his post without permission in a combat zone.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL?
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:
Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

[CORRECTION] Just to clarify, his desertion is still being investigated. This is reference to his activities during his captivity.

Uh, weren't those 'reports' based on what the Taliban themselves said about Sgt. Bergdahl?

Imagine that! Sgt Bergdahl made no propaganda videos nor did the US Army determine that he did anything to aid and/or assist the Taliban and/or al Qaeda in their insurgency, yet that's not good enough for American conservatives?

Again, the anti-American conservative movement shows that they'll take the word of the enemy over that of their own countrymen.

I hope America is paying attention.

Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.
As for "walking off the base", an Army investigator said there was no proof Bergdahl had no intention of coming back.

"intentions" :cuckoo:

His "intentions" aren't relevant to the real world. His actions are.

He was away from his quarters and his post without permission in a combat zone.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL? you DID lie about being retired military.

For if you were?

You would not be asking those questions. You would know the answers.

One is not classified as a deserter until a courts martial finds one as such.

One is not classified as AWOL if deemed a POW.
Bottom line: "He walked away from his post in a war zone." (emphasis on period) that's desertion and dereliction of duty. It's not like the Taliban crept into his foxhole and captured him. Two Afghan boys saw this idiot crawling in the bushes on the way to school in the morning and reported it the American's at the post. Read the Rolling Stones article. The Taliban captured him while he was taking a shit in some bushes. What a complete moron.
This is news to me that a soldier can leave his unit and just take off and it's perfectly fine.

As for "walking off the base", an Army investigator said there was no proof Bergdahl had no intention of coming back.

"intentions" :cuckoo:

His "intentions" aren't relevant to the real world. His actions are.

He was away from his quarters and his post without permission in a combat zone.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL?

You're asking me?
You sound like a child.."Why"?....."but why?"..."tell me why"? Write the sec. of defense...don't ask me.

He wasn't on base. He wasn't at his post. He left on his own. All of those things he did without permission. Those are facts.

This is what is known specifically...throw in the peripherals and the picture gets a little clearer.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

[CORRECTION] Just to clarify, his desertion is still being investigated. This is reference to his activities during his captivity.

Uh, weren't those 'reports' based on what the Taliban themselves said about Sgt. Bergdahl?

Imagine that! Sgt Bergdahl made no propaganda videos nor did the US Army determine that he did anything to aid and/or assist the Taliban and/or al Qaeda in their insurgency, yet that's not good enough for American conservatives?

Again, the anti-American conservative movement shows that they'll take the word of the enemy over that of their own countrymen.

I hope America is paying attention.

Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.

I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.
Do we have another coverup here?
What's the chance of the military saying this guy did nothing wrong because
he had every intention of coming back.

It seems now like walking off and leaving his unit is no big deal?

Will the parade in his hometown now go forward and Obama shows up to march with him....

To make the Democrats giddy beyond all measure is this guy goes on the Today show and

This is news to me that a soldier can leave his unit and just take off and it's perfectly fine.

"intentions" :cuckoo:

His "intentions" aren't relevant to the real world. His actions are.

He was away from his quarters and his post without permission in a combat zone.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL?

You're asking me?
You sound like a child.."Why"?....."but why?"..."tell me why"? Write the sec. of defense...don't ask me.

He wasn't on base. He wasn't at his post. He left on his own. All of those things he did without permission. Those are facts.

This is what is known specifically...throw in the peripherals and the picture gets a little clearer.

I answered him in post 231.

But he should have known the answers because he claims to be retired military.
Uh, weren't those 'reports' based on what the Taliban themselves said about Sgt. Bergdahl?

Imagine that! Sgt Bergdahl made no propaganda videos nor did the US Army determine that he did anything to aid and/or assist the Taliban and/or al Qaeda in their insurgency, yet that's not good enough for American conservatives?

Again, the anti-American conservative movement shows that they'll take the word of the enemy over that of their own countrymen.

I hope America is paying attention.

Apparently, you misread his post and made a total ass of yourself.

You are pretty good at that.

I didn't misread anything at all.

The new conservative right is fundamentally anti-American at its core.

Want some evidence?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about loving the US Constitution but always talks about numerous amendments to change it?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about secession?

Which political movement in this country routinely talks about revolution and/or civil war?

Which political party had a candidate on the national ballot who disparaged large segments of America and the citizenship of millions of Americans by claiming she was in the REAL America when she attended a rally of like-minded thinkers?

Which political movement in this country essentially has control of AM radio and basically uses that medium to undermine the gov't at every turn by fanning the flames of fear and mistrust? (In an earlier time, this would be referred to as sedition)

It's the modern-day conservative movement.

Didn't read your childish rant. Not worth my time.

But as for what you inferred from the post you quoted?

You misread it.

Go home little boy. Play with children your own age. Us adults are making you look silly.
"intentions" :cuckoo:

His "intentions" aren't relevant to the real world. His actions are.

He was away from his quarters and his post without permission in a combat zone.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL? you DID lie about being retired military.

For if you were?

You would not be asking those questions. You would know the answers.

One is not classified as a deserter until a courts martial finds one as such.

Wrong. Anyone AWOL more than 30 days is classified as a deserter. Or if someone is determined to leave with no intention of returning, they are classified as a deserter. Which is exactly why I stated the Army investigator said there was no evidence Bergdahl had no intention of not returning. If there was such evidence, he would have been classified as having deserted.

AWOL takes effect immediately. As soon as you fail to show up at muster.
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This is news to me that a soldier can leave his unit and just take off and it's perfectly fine.

Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL?

You're asking me?
You sound like a child.."Why"?....."but why?"..."tell me why"? Write the sec. of defense...don't ask me.

He wasn't on base. He wasn't at his post. He left on his own. All of those things he did without permission. Those are facts.

This is what is known specifically...throw in the peripherals and the picture gets a little clearer.

I answered him in post 231.

But he should have known the answers because he claims to be retired military.

Theoreticians...they know how everything SHOULD work...unfortunately, reality trumps "theory" every time.
Then why didn't the Army classify him as a deserter? Why was he not reported as AWOL? you DID lie about being retired military.

For if you were?

You would not be asking those questions. You would know the answers.

One is not classified as a deserter until a courts martial finds one as such.

Wrong. Anyone AWOL more than 30 days is classified as a deserter.

AWOL takes effect immediately. As soon as you fail to show up at muster.

Oh Jeez.

Stop digging your hole child.

Anyone AWOL for 30 days or more can/will be brought up on charges of desertion in absentia.

You are a fucking liar asshole.

You were NEVER military.

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