Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....
^^^^ speculative
Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

Um, Noomi..I loves ya...but that post is just....weird.

I would never sign up to the military. It'd be a bloody death sentence.
You do know, don't you, the majority of military members never see combat, right?
"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

He left his weapon and body armor on the base and walked off. That is indisputable. That is also an act of desertion. Whether he actively supported the Taliban, there is some evidence but not as clear.

What punishment do you propose?
You mean like the mainstream News did, who Convicted Gov. Chris Christie over the bridge scandal?

Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.

They had no facts on Christie just innuendos and hearsay and the investigation proved no wrong doing.

We shall see what the investigation says about Burgdahl's desertion.

Oh, you mean like Fox with Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, etc, etc.?

Fox has been convicting the President of treason since before he took office. This Burgdahl "issue" is just another case of ODS engineered by Fox and Friends. That's obvious by how quickly they turned on soon as President Obama got him released.

GOP: Release Burgdahl!!
Obama: Okay, I got him released so he can go on trial
GOP: Impeach Obama for releasing Burgdahl!

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

He left his weapon and body armor on the base and walked off. That is indisputable. That is also an act of desertion. Whether he actively supported the Taliban, there is some evidence but not as clear.

What punishment do you propose?

Imprisonment in a terrorist camp and torture!

I feel sorry for Bergdahl

Five years of horror as a Taliban prisoner and you finally make it home and face a Conservative lynch mob
Conservatives demand their pound of flesh

The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.

Okay...compared to how deserters have been being punished, what more would you like to see done to the young man?
He left his weapon and body armor on the base and walked off. That is indisputable. That is also an act of desertion. Whether he actively supported the Taliban, there is some evidence but not as clear.

What punishment do you propose?

Imprisonment in a terrorist camp and torture!


As Daveman said, we do not sub out military justice to the Taliban.
I'd say years in Leavenworth. If it turns out he actually is an agent of the Taliban then that is treason, as defined by the Constitution.
The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.

Okay...compared to how deserters have been being punished, what more would you like to see done to the young man?

Same as Pvt. Eddie Slovik.
You mean like the mainstream News did, who Convicted Gov. Chris Christie over the bridge scandal?

Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.

They had no facts on Christie just innuendos and hearsay and the investigation proved no wrong doing.

We shall see what the investigation says about Burgdahl's desertion.

Wait what?

What "investigation"?

Christie had his OWN LAWYER conduct an investigation on the tax payer's dime.

That's the one that cleared him.

We have emails of people that were IN HIS OFFICE, were HIRED by him, and were in his INNER CIRCLE, confirming that they did something wrong.

They are 2 investigations that are on-going. One at the state level and one at the Federal level. And they seem to be conducting this is a professional manner, as they are not leaking stuff every day to the media.

We will see what it turns up.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.

Okay...compared to how deserters have been being punished, what more would you like to see done to the young man?

Same as Pvt. Eddie Slovik.

The military hasn't executed anyone for desertion since WWII. And even then? It was one guy out of like 80,000 cases.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

He would be put to death for walking away?

Seriously, your country is so fucked up its a wonder it hasn't self combusted.

Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?


Let me explain why most liberals on this board consider you to be the biggest rightwing asshole there is

Most conservatives on this board post from a viewpoint of "I earned mine, why can't everyone else do the same?" I may not agree with their perspective, but I know where they are coming from.

You, however, have never earned anything. You live with your grandmother. You have a ready made safety net so you do not have to venture out in the world unless someone gives you a job worthy of your stature

Yet, you post day after day condemning those who need government programs as their safety net

You have never served your country or engaged in any serious volunteer work.

Yet you have posted numerous threads demanding punishment for this young soldier. At 19 he volunteered to serve his country. He was posted to Afghanistan where we don't know what went on with him. Over time, the facts will come out

But the reason most liberals consider TK to be such an asshole is that he shows no compassion for others. He demands it in his everyday life but mocks others who receive it
Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.

They had no facts on Christie just innuendos and hearsay and the investigation proved no wrong doing.

We shall see what the investigation says about Burgdahl's desertion.

Oh, you mean like Fox with Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, etc, etc.?

Fox has been convicting the President of treason since before he took office. This Burgdahl "issue" is just another case of ODS engineered by Fox and Friends. That's obvious by how quickly they turned on soon as President Obama got him released.

GOP: Release Burgdahl!!
Obama: Okay, I got him released so he can go on trial
GOP: Impeach Obama for releasing Burgdahl!


Amazing isn't it?

And when the Military and the Bush administration LIED about Pat Tillman..

Conservatives were like..what lie?

Tillman and the other guys were watching this show from above. Tillman’s sergeant, Matthew Weeks, ordered him and Bryan O’Neal and an Afghan named Thani to go down on foot closer to the road, which they did. The lead Humvee came within view of Tillman and from a range of about one hundred feet, opened up on him and the two others, killing the Afghan and wounding Tillman after he waved his arms at them not to shoot. They dove behind a couple of one-foot high rocks and O’Neal asked if he was okay. One of Tillman’s legs was severely wounded. He threw a purple smoke grenade to show they were Americans and kept yelling at the nearby Humvee shooters. Both Tillman and O’Neal waved their arms at the Humvee. The Rangers in the Humvees stopped shooting for a minute. Tillman and O’Neal thought it was safe to show themselves.

Tillman identified himself loudly, saying “Hold your fire! I’m Pat f****** Tillman!” Specialist Trevor Alders opened up again with his .223 machine gun and hit Pat Tillman from about one hundred feet away. Now, both Tillman and O’Neal were in the same uniforms as the other Rangers, wearing the distinctive Kevlar helmets, carrying the same M-4 rifles. The Humvee guys knew that the other guys were up ahead and still they did this.

Here’s where it gets strange. The autopsy photos supposedly show three .223 holes in Tillman’s forehead, in a two- to three-inch group. I haven’t seen the photos. It is not possible to shoot a three-inch group into a guy’s forehead with a machine gun from one hundred feet, for several reasons. Number one, high-power rounds do not follow each other single file into the target; they veer off a little from the recoil of the one just before. Yes, once you get the gun settled down from the first few rounds, you can bring it to bear pretty closely but not that closely. A look at the rock next to Tillman’s position with about twenty hits on it shows the shotgun-like spread resulting from the weapons jumping around slightly. A hundred foot range allows a pretty good spread from any machine gun.
Killing Pat Tillman | Veterans Today

Alot of folks think he was "fragged". :mad:
He would be put to death for walking away?

Seriously, your country is so fucked up its a wonder it hasn't self combusted.

Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?


Let me explain why most liberals on this board consider you to be the biggest rightwing asshole there is

Most conservatives on this board post from a viewpoint of "I earned mine, why can't everyone else do the same?" I may not agree with their perspective, but I know where they are coming from.

You, however, have never earned anything. You live with your grandmother. You have a ready made safety net so you do not have to venture out in the world unless someone gives you a job worthy of your stature

Yet, you post day after day condemning those who need government programs as their safety net

You have never served your country or engaged in any serious volunteer work.

Yet you have posted numerous threads demanding punishment for this young soldier. At 19 he volunteered to serve his country. He was posted to Afghanistan where we don't know what went on with him. Over time, the facts will come out

But the reason most liberals consider TK to be such an asshole is that he shows no compassion for others. He demands it in his everyday life but mocks others who receive it

TK should enlist.

It would probably be the best thing for him.
"We have no reason to believe that he engaged in any misconduct" is merely a statement to keep the news flow going.

The Article 32b hearing is not completed.

Only then can be cleared, charged, or offered nonjudicial punishment.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:
"We have no reason to believe that he engaged in any misconduct."
Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

[CORRECTION] Just to clarify, his desertion is still being investigated. This is reference to his activities during his captivity.

Before passing judgement, familarize yourselves with the code of conduct for POWs:

Code of Conduct In-Depth (

"3. ..Such enemies have attempted to lure American POWs into accepting special favors or privileges in exchange for statement, acts, or information. Unless it is essential to the life or welfare of the person or another prisoner of war or to the success of efforts to resist or escape, a POW must neither seek nor accept special favors or privileges."

Important to remember that this is all wrapped up in the Geneva Conventions which I'm fairly sure Afganistan isn't a signatory nation to. Though worrying about legal matters re: wars is insane to begin with, any prosecution of Bergdahl will be done according to them.
If they are going to charge him with desertion, they'll need more than hearsay evidence.

But I doubt that matters to conservatives. Obama wanted to get Bergdahl out so that the release Taliban officials could infiltrate America and instill Sharia Law so the Kenyan Muslim can be the supreme leader of the land and kill all white southern Christians. That's what Rush told me ;)
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:
"We have no reason to believe that he engaged in any misconduct."
Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

[CORRECTION] Just to clarify, his desertion is still being investigated. This is reference to his activities during his captivity.

So? He was held captive and not collaborating. Why would the army charge him falsely?
Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.

They had no facts on Christie just innuendos and hearsay and the investigation proved no wrong doing.

We shall see what the investigation says about Burgdahl's desertion.

Wait what?

What "investigation"?

Christie had his OWN LAWYER conduct an investigation on the tax payer's dime.

That's the one that cleared him.

We have emails of people that were IN HIS OFFICE, were HIRED by him, and were in his INNER CIRCLE, confirming that they did something wrong.

They are 2 investigations that are on-going. One at the state level and one at the Federal level. And they seem to be conducting this is a professional manner, as they are not leaking stuff every day to the media.

We will see what it turns up.

Yes, traffic-cones.

What did they use to destroy Sarah Palin?

An army of lawyers looking for dirt, yet never finding any.

Now the IRS destroying hard-drives is nothing to worry about. Only shows massive corruption in the most powerful agency in the government.

No problem. Not even a smidge.

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