Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?

So TK, how is it not tolerated? What is the punishment for deserters? Do you know? Here's an article from 2007 about deserters.

Military Makes Little Effort to Punish Deserters

By the way, TK, we haven't put anyone to death for desertion since the Civil War. looks like the maximum punishment he'd get would be 5 years in a military prison. He spent at least that as a tortured POW. Don't you think he's served his sentence now?

Conservatives demand their pound of flesh
As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit

In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity.

Perhaps you were speed reading or something?

Yes fat ass that means while he was a prisoner he didn't do anything know the logical conclusion to be captured...

You literally have nothing....this thread should of ended before you started it.
o please this is just more of tk being judge fucking mental from some relatives funny that those who do nothing sit so quickly in judgement of someone who at one time was willing to step up and serve....that is more than you can say for yourself isnt it tk?

i will wait for all the details....after all how long did it take the truth to come out about pat tillman.....
If he deserts his post on the battlefield he should be lined up on a wall and shot.

TK has already convicted him because he saw stuff on telly.
There's no "if" in his mind.

Gee, where else do you liberals get your talking points?

No, because "if" is a scapegoat, a means of misdirection, a way to cause confusion. It's either guilty or not guilty, details must be given for either. But "if" is only speculation. I don't speculate.
Well no you speculate all the time. We all do.
In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?

So TK, how is it not tolerated? What is the punishment for deserters? Do you know? Here's an article from 2007 about deserters.

Military Makes Little Effort to Punish Deserters

By the way, TK, we haven't put anyone to death for desertion since the Civil War. looks like the maximum punishment he'd get would be 5 years in a military prison. He spent at least that as a tortured POW. Don't you think he's served his sentence now?

Conservatives demand their pound of flesh

The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
So TK, how is it not tolerated? What is the punishment for deserters? Do you know? Here's an article from 2007 about deserters.

Military Makes Little Effort to Punish Deserters

By the way, TK, we haven't put anyone to death for desertion since the Civil War. looks like the maximum punishment he'd get would be 5 years in a military prison. He spent at least that as a tortured POW. Don't you think he's served his sentence now?

Conservatives demand their pound of flesh

The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.

He must pay a price for the Republican obsession with Obama
Facts are irrelevant. Fox News already convicted Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl & Obama.

You mean like the mainstream News did, who Convicted Gov. Chris Christie over the bridge scandal?

Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.
The choice is whether to walk into the recruiter's office or not.
i so disagree noomi....during the vietnam war a lot of nco's opted to retire with 20 in...instead of going to war....that sucked ...when it came time to fight..they retired instead of serving....once you opt for the military you get the good the bad and the ugly
So TK, how is it not tolerated? What is the punishment for deserters? Do you know? Here's an article from 2007 about deserters.

Military Makes Little Effort to Punish Deserters

By the way, TK, we haven't put anyone to death for desertion since the Civil War. looks like the maximum punishment he'd get would be 5 years in a military prison. He spent at least that as a tortured POW. Don't you think he's served his sentence now?

Conservatives demand their pound of flesh

The kid has given his pound of flesh. He fucked up and he has more than paid for it. Fox should leave this family the fuck alone now.
We haven't outsourced military justice to the Taliban. His captivity should have no bearing on the issue.

He CHOSE to walk away. What happened afterward is the result of HIS choice. It's not something that was done to him.
i so disagree noomi....during the vietnam war a lot of nco's opted to retire with 20 in...instead of going to war....that sucked ...when it came time to fight..they retired instead of serving....once you opt for the military you get the good the bad and the ugly

Looks like they made the right choice

An NCO who retired with 20 years at the start of the Vietnam war would have had to fight in WWII and Korea

I think they paid their dues
Facts are irrelevant. Fox News already convicted Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl & Obama.

You mean like the mainstream News did, who Convicted Gov. Chris Christie over the bridge scandal?

Yeah, kinda like that but with fewer actual facts. We have quite a few of the facts surrounding the Christie bridge scandal and they are doing an investigation. We have few, if any facts, surrounding the Burgdahl capture...but there will be an investigation. I'm glad on both accounts.

They had no facts on Christie just innuendos and hearsay and the investigation proved no wrong doing.

We shall see what the investigation says about Burgdahl's desertion.
Facts are irrelevant. Fox News already convicted Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl & Obama.

You mean like the mainstream News did, who Convicted Gov. Chris Christie over the bridge scandal?

Say what?

There really IS something there.

They have the emails to prove it. I sat in that fucking traffic as well.

Additionally, Christie diverted money for a train tunnel and used it on the Pulaski skyway.

Although both moves were scummy?

He's still the governor of New Jersey.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

He left his weapon and body armor on the base and walked off. That is indisputable. That is also an act of desertion. Whether he actively supported the Taliban, there is some evidence but not as clear.

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