Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

miss?: lmao:

how did you "thump" me in your o/p, dear?

you didn't.

there is no misconduct...

there is no desertion...

there is nothing but your speculation

now run along, little boy
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What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

That's what you don't get.
'Liberals' aren't arguing that he's not guilty of desertion.
They're arguing that he should get his day in court before he's convicted and his family shamefully hounded.

The howling for his blood before he's even got back into the country let alone questioned is disgraceful .
you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

miss?: lmao:

how did you "thump" me in your o/p, dear?

you didn't.

there is no misconduct...

there is no desertion...

there is nothing but your speculation

now run along, little boy

What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

That's what you don't get.
'Liberals' aren't arguing that he's not guilty of desertion.
They're arguing that he should get his day in court before he's convicted and his family shamefully hounded.

The howling for his blood before he's even got back into the country let alone questioned is disgraceful .

You're kidding,r ight? When have liberals ever wanted t wait for a court hearing? They had George Zimmerman convicted and hung before the first witness was called. And Zimmerman was innocent.
Bergdahl is a traitor and probably a psychotic as well. He needs to be in Leavenworth for the rest of his life.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".
"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

That's what you don't get.
'Liberals' aren't arguing that he's not guilty of desertion.
They're arguing that he should get his day in court before he's convicted and his family shamefully hounded.

The howling for his blood before he's even got back into the country let alone questioned is disgraceful .

You're kidding,r ight? When have liberals ever wanted t wait for a court hearing? They had George Zimmerman convicted and hung before the first witness was called. And Zimmerman was innocent.
Bergdahl is a traitor and probably a psychotic as well. He needs to be in Leavenworth for the rest of his life.

We're not talking about Zimmerman...and you've proven my point.
Now he's probably psychotic...sheesh!
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

That's the problem when it gets to this point
If he's found not guilty it'll prove the vicious haters right because it'll obviously be a whitewash.
If he's found guilty it'll prove that they were right about him all along.

Bowe's biggest crime was being released during the tenure of a Democrat president.
Especially THIS Democrat president.
The poor bastard had no hope.
I'm here to bring you hope that you might yet have the public execution you pray for TK.
The article says that he is cleared of misconduct while captured.
It doesn't say that he's cleared of desertion.

Be patient...they might even bring back the punishment of hanging, drawing and quartering for your amusement.
And what would be your idea of punishment be for a coward and trader if be the case with this person ? None of the above ? If this man deserted as is claimed, and he tried to join the enemy, then a firing squad is appropriate in this case. Now if he suffers from some sort of mental condition or prior trauma in his life, then all that should be considered in his case as well. The sad thing today, is that no one seems to know right from wrong anymore, and unless we all get that straightened back out in life, then there will probably be more defecting going on by some easily confused individuals in their life these days and times.
I'm here to bring you hope that you might yet have the public execution you pray for TK.
The article says that he is cleared of misconduct while captured.
It doesn't say that he's cleared of desertion.

Be patient...they might even bring back the punishment of hanging, drawing and quartering for your amusement.
And what would be your idea of punishment be for a coward and trader if be the case with this person ? None of the above ? If this man deserted as is claimed, and he tried to join the enemy, then a firing squad is appropriate in this case. Now if he suffers from some sort of mental condition or prior trauma in his life, then all that should be considered in his case as well. The sad thing today, is that no one seems to know right from wrong anymore, and unless we all get that straightened back out in life, then there will probably be more defecting going on by some easily confused individuals in their life these days and times.

I have no idea... what is the range of punishments if he's found guilty?
Is that what you're asking me?
you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.
Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

miss?: lmao:

how did you "thump" me in your o/p, dear?

you didn't.

there is no misconduct...

there is no desertion...

there is nothing but your speculation

now run along, little boy

How did I thump you? This response tells me how. Have a good morning, little lass.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

No we are not.

We are seeing the unpacking of the lies conservatives told.

Republicans have shown a spotlight on the really incredible and intricate working of government and made it negative. Negative to the point where utilizing power, even if it's to the benefit of people, is completely wrong. They've upped the ante on their anti government meme to the point where they've paralyzed it. And THEN? They blame their opposition for ANY outcome.

This young man, while serving his country in a remote and thankless country, and suffering from mental issues, may have had a momentarily lapse of reason. Something that happens to even normal people under stress. It's the type of thing that gets swept under the rug when it works itself out. But in this case? It didn't because the poor guy got captured.

And thanks to shit flinging Republicans? This guy's nightmares aren't over.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord?

Oh, he was lying.

Joshua Korder, who once served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl — and who made the false claim in an interview on CNN that at least six good men had died searching for Bergdahl – is not the squeaky clean all-American soldier that he presented himself to be. It turns out that Korder has some skeletons in his own closet as well.
It turns out, Korder was recently discharged under “other than honorable” conditions.
There are many reasons that one might receive such a discharge and it’s not the same as a “dishonorable discharge” — which is reserved for the most serious violations of conduct and military law — however, it does indicate that the recipient was no longer welcome in the military and would not be accepted if he or she wished to re-enlist.
With this new information is more damning evidence against Korder, who has already been shown to be a liar when he made his false accusations that Bergdahl was responsible for the deaths of six soldiers who were looking for him.
The army has said that no patrol was sent out for the specific purpose of finding Bergdahl, but that the regular patrols that would have gone out (whether there was a missing man or not) were told to keep an eye out for him as they went about their duties. In other words, those soldiers died on routine patrols in an area that is known to be a hotbed of Taliban activity.

Soldier Attacking Bowe Bergdahl Left Army with ?Other Than Honorable? Discharge | Atlas Left

"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

And you don't want him to be found guilty by the sound of it. The desertion part is quite rather hard to ignore. You won't be pleased by anything other than "not guilty." You folks already think he has "served with honor and distinction" so you must go into panegyrics and pay obeisance to him anyway, "he's not guilty of anything!"

Heh. Talk about 'fair and balanced' my friend.
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"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

Horse crap, just listen to the facts of the case for once.

If the investigation finds him guilty, you can completely and blithely throw your support behind it an applaud the effort as "fair and balanced".

And you don't want him to be found guilty by the sound of it. The desertion part is quite rather hard to ignore. You won't be pleased by anything other than "not guilty."

Heh. Talk about 'fair and balanced' my friend.

You make a supposition about cabbie's motivation and then use it to claim victory.
"Look what happens when you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park."

We are seeing the white washing of yet another Obama calamity. Bowe will be exhonerated. Hell, he might end up with a medal. No one is going to judge that Obama traded 5 high level terrorists for a psycho traitor who converted to Islam and joined with the Taliban. They'll recover Lois Lerner's emails before that happens.

That's what you don't get.
'Liberals' aren't arguing that he's not guilty of desertion.
They're arguing that he should get his day in court before he's convicted and his family shamefully hounded.

The howling for his blood before he's even got back into the country let alone questioned is disgraceful .

You're kidding,r ight? When have liberals ever wanted t wait for a court hearing? They had George Zimmerman convicted and hung before the first witness was called. And Zimmerman was innocent.
Bergdahl is a traitor and probably a psychotic as well. He needs to be in Leavenworth for the rest of his life.

Wait, what?

What "liberals" were calling for was a TRIAL. The police just let him go and the Florida justice department wasn't going to try him. It was people like Sharpton that got him to a Trial in the first place.

And nothing about Bergdhal, including the lies says "traitor".

You folks are something else.

This really is spitting on the know.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I agree. Although how anyone can know what he did during captivity is beyond me. He can say he did nothing, didn't collaborate but who's to say differently?? I'm sure his captors aren't around to verify anyting he did or didn't do and who the hell would believe them anyway??

Of course if found guilty desertion he'll be court marshalled and probably spend time in Leavenworth.

Good place for that zero.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

The Pentagon already concluded he walked away.

U.S. concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl walked away
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

Oh, and Zimmerman's jury had didn't?
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

So, in Oz it's no big deal to break an oath you've sworn and a contract you've signed?
In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?

So TK, how is it not tolerated? What is the punishment for deserters? Do you know? Here's an article from 2007 about deserters.

Military Makes Little Effort to Punish Deserters

By the way, TK, we haven't put anyone to death for desertion since the Civil War. looks like the maximum punishment he'd get would be 5 years in a military prison. He spent at least that as a tortured POW. Don't you think he's served his sentence now?

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