Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

I predict that we will see Mr. Bergdahl acquitted and vindicated...for mental issues.

He already had problems while serving in the Coast Guard...they sent him home. Then the Army picked him up because they needed boots filled. So they really can't do anything to him because they already knew he was squirrely. At worst, he will have to return money he was paid while a captive if they determine that he walked off his post. Key word... IF
If he deserts his post on the battlefield he should be lined up on a wall and shot.

TK has already convicted him because he saw stuff on telly.
There's no "if" in his mind.

Gee, where else do you liberals get your talking points?

No, because "if" is a scapegoat, a means of misdirection, a way to cause confusion. It's either guilty or not guilty, details must be given for either. But "if" is only speculation. I don't speculate.

No..."if" is a placeholder before all the facts are known and any proper investigation has been completed.
Your conclusion is purely speculation.

Your outrage in this thread demonstrates that you reach your conclusions on false, incomplete or misunderstood information.
I suggest that you read the article in your OP properly and use basic comprehension techniques.
As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit

In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity.

Perhaps you were speed reading or something?

And apparently you can't read fucking English. Maybe this will help you.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:
"We have no reason to believe that he engaged in any misconduct."
Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

He would be put to death for walking away?

Seriously, your country is so fucked up its a wonder it hasn't self combusted.
Unless he confessed to something or you got hold of one of his captors and they claimed he did that would be almost impossible to prove the major question here is did he desert his unit? In my opinion it seems like he did.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?
Bergdahl's history reminds me of a flower child who should never have been sent into a combat zone - and his superiors surely knew that.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared....

you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

At least you've stopped digging...but now you're thrashing around like a fish on a hook.
What about the men who served with him who said he walked off the base of his own accord? In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity. This is contrary to testimonials given by his fellow soldiers who claimed he walked off the base unprovoked and sought out the Taliban. This is also contrary to reports that say he fraternized with Taliban fighters, played Soccer and even participated in firing exercises with the Taliban. So, did his fellow soldiers willfully lie on national television? Did they perpetrate a hoax? Were those reports wrong? I personally don't think so. These were men who served in the same hell he did, why would they take this chance to lie about a fellow comrade in this manner? If you really want to know what I think, I think this decision is politically expedient for our President, who traded for Bergdahl five of the most dangerous men in the world, this decision would seem to justify his decision to some, but to me it doesn't change a thing.

As the Army continues to investigate whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is guilty of deserting his unit, this afternoon they said there is no reason to believe that Bergdahl engaged in any misconduct during his five years in captivity.

In fact, that's all that the Army said:Bergdahl electrified the national discourse last month after he was freed in a prisoner swap involving five members of the Taliban held at Guantanamo Bay. As charges against his character emerged, the narrative quickly shifted from Bergdahl as POW to Bergdahl as despicable deserter, unworthy bargaining chip, unwitting endangerer of America, and worse.

Here's what else we're learning about Bergdahl:
-- For now, he's on full Army pay, including $200,000 during his time in captivity, all of which he may ultimately have to return.
-- Military investigators have not read Bergdahl his rights.
-- Bergdahl has not yet spoken to his parents.

He is currently in an outpatient facility in Texas. The Army investigation is expected to conclude in mid-August. If charged with desertion, Bergdahl could face court-martial, prison, and even the death penalty.
Army Clears Bergdahl of Any Misconduct During Captivity

He would be put to death for walking away?

Seriously, your country is so fucked up its a wonder it hasn't self combusted.

Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?
you might want to go back and read the article. it starts off by saying "AS" they continue to investigate whether he walked off of his base, the army cleared him of wrongdoing DURING CAPTIVITY.

so you can await the decision of the military before you faux rage.

you do understand, though, that he may well be cleared totally. while that might upset you, i'd think they have evidence...

you don't.

I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam during his captivity, declaring himself a 'mujahid', or warrior for the faith according to once-secret documents revealed today.

Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.

Psychologists who spoke to Fox News' James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl's imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome - the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive.

However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors.
Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

At least you've stopped digging...but now you're thrashing around like a fish on a hook.

Are you going to contribute something to this discussion or not?
I love how you proceeded to cherry pick my post. First of all, I spoke of his captivity first in the article. Then I spoke of his desertion, i.e. "The reports" Second, I tend to think the desertion is a form of misconduct as well. Even you want him to be cleared of any and all wrongdoing pre or post desertion.

And if anyone loves to rage, it's you, jillian. When you get whomped in an argument you lash out with venom like a Cobra. Do not lecture me, miss.

The evidence is the Taliban themselves saying they 'treated him well' during his captivity. Normally, we call that fraternizing with the enemy. Or are we forgetting something?

Stockholm Syndrome my ass. His declaring jihad against the US is a full blown declaration of war against his country. Sigh....

At least you've stopped digging...but now you're thrashing around like a fish on a hook.

Are you going to contribute something to this discussion or not?

How many times does it have to be explained to you?
You misunderstood the article.
I will claim mea culpa in misreading the article.

But I still believe this decision helps the president. Besides, the Army missed a slew of evidence pointing to actual misconduct during captivity. 'Checkered relationship' this 'Stockholm Syndrome' that. I cannot believe what I am hearing.
Don't have to tell me twice. Kangaroo court indeed.

You have a serious problem with reading comprehension. They're only talking about while in captivity. Although I'm sure he'll be exonerated for other charges too.
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