Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?


In an interesting decision, the Army has cleared Bowe Bergdahl of any misconduct during his captivity.
Perhaps you were speed reading or something?

And apparently you can't read fucking English. Maybe this will help you.

And apparently you didn't see my admission. You have zero manners. Perhaps this will help you, personally. Perhaps you'll learn from it.

Child Behavior Modification Program for Defiant Children and Teens

Calling me names like 'fatty' and acting like a child will not get me to admit my mistake.
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He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

That's a valid point and it historically has been addressed by "conscientious objector" regulations in times when a draft is forcing men (strangely, though, not women) into military service. Absent a draft then one simply need not volunteer.

But does anybody know what, if any provisions exist for people who enlisted and who experience what I'll call a religious conversion. I'd hope they could be shifted to a non-combatant role but really have no idea. Of course if such provisions exist one would be at the mercy of the command structure that might not always be "into" playing by the rules.
When was that Article 32 hearing?

There wasn't one. Bergdahl hasn't been cleared of anything. He was released from a hospital in San Antonio and will continue outpatient care at a facility near Ft. Sam Houston. He is receiving psychiatric care. There will be no hearing nor will he be cleared until he is psychiatrically stable meaning never.

Bowe Bergdahl is the recipient of the obama method of problem solving. Hide it until it's forgotten.
Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?

You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!
And you're missing 9 rep points. Can you possibly try to be civilized?

I thought I was being extremely fair while you were being wrong.

Sure, so do I ignore your repeated attempts to antagonize me? Right.

Antagonise you?!
You were raging and you were wrong.
You were making a fool of yourself and none of us want that for you.

By the way...I don't know who you sent the negs to but it wasn't me.
I'm here to bring you hope that you might yet have the public execution you pray for TK.
The article says that he is cleared of misconduct while captured.
It doesn't say that he's cleared of desertion.

Be patient...they might even bring back the punishment of hanging, drawing and quartering for your amusement.

If he deserts his post on the battlefield he should be lined up on a wall and shot.

He should be treated like criminal corporations are treated (since they're like people): given a fine that amounts to a day's pay.
Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?
You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.

Perhaps you missed all of those liberals bashing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan then, bashing the soldiers, spitting on them in Vietnam, or my personal favorite, Westboro Baptist Church picketing the funerals of dead soldiers. My oh my, what an acute case of selective outrage you have.
Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?
You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.

One other thing. Do you think anyone up there in Washington is motivated by 'Justice'?
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.
The article says that he is cleared of misconduct while captured.
It doesn't say that he's cleared of desertion. ...

^ This. ^

So, I guess fraternizing with the enemy isn't considered 'misconduct'? What about declaring holy war against the United States? Or am I missing something here?

I won't be the least bit surprised to hear that he did either of those things, yeah.

But I will wait for the Pentagon to pass judgment before I do.

The truth will eventually come out.

The soldiers who allege that Bergdahl betrayed them will have their official say.
Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?
You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.

Perhaps you missed all of those liberals bashing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan then, bashing the soldiers, spitting on them in Vietnam, or my personal favorite, Westboro Baptist Church picketing the funerals of dead soldiers. My oh my, what an acute case of selective outrage you have.

That's a tactic known as 'deflection' TK.
I'm onto you.

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