Army Clears Bowe Bergdahl of Misconduct. Really?

I thought I was being extremely fair while you were being wrong.

Sure, so do I ignore your repeated attempts to antagonize me? Right.

Antagonise you?!
You were raging and you were wrong.
You were making a fool of yourself and none of us want that for you.

By the way...I don't know who you sent the negs to but it wasn't me.

At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Unlike you and your liberal friends here, I take pride in honesty. I've edited my post, and posted an admission for all to see. Apparently, you are the one making a fool of yourself.
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

Um, Noomi..I loves ya...but that post is just....weird.
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

When you enlist, you agree to comply with any orders and commands given you while in service. The only orders you can willfully disobey are those which are unethical and inhumane or outside the scope of the authority granted your CO. At any rate, you surrender that 'choice' the moment you don that BDU and head out into theater. The one choice a person does have is to not enlist at all. Problem solved.
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He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

Um, Noomi..I loves ya...but that post is just....weird.

I would never sign up to the military. It'd be a bloody death sentence.
Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

Um, Noomi..I loves ya...but that post is just....weird.

I would never sign up to the military. It'd be a bloody death sentence.

Uh, that's a risk anyone who enlists takes. Nobody ever said war is easy. There is no 'disable blood and gore' setting on the battlefield.
Now, aside from people calling me fat, accusing me of being an idiot, or lacking any reading comprehension... would anyone care to discuss this thread in proper context?
In another thread a Republican said Bush was innocent of starting 2 allegedly illegal wars because he had not been convicted. His point was that we must respect the prevailing rule of law and live with its edicts. I said that when a judgment goes against the their agenda, Republicans typically don't respect the ruling. They tend to favor their political agenda over the law. This is why they are dangerous when they hold power.
Yeah, don't disrespect my country Noomi. In a time of war, desertion is not tolerated. Just what does your country do with deserters?
You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.

One other thing. Do you think anyone up there in Washington is motivated by 'Justice'?

Now you don't trust the Military. Is there such a thing as selective paranoia? And as to the previous post, ditto to idb--deflection.
Sure, so do I ignore your repeated attempts to antagonize me? Right.

Antagonise you?!
You were raging and you were wrong.
You were making a fool of yourself and none of us want that for you.

By the way...I don't know who you sent the negs to but it wasn't me.

At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Unlike you and your liberal friends here, I take pride in honesty. I've edited my post, and posted an admission for all to see. Apparently, you are the one making a fool of yourself.

You just can't help yourself can you?
You're the one dissing your country by questioning the honor of the Military and insinuating the conclusion was reached for political reasons and not in the service of Military Justice. Again without a shred of evidence. Just like in previous posts where we ask you why you don't wait for the facts to come out before you rush to judgement. Knucklehead.

One other thing. Do you think anyone up there in Washington is motivated by 'Justice'?

Now you don't trust the Military. Is there such a thing as selective paranoia? And as to the previous post, ditto to idb--deflection.

Just because you're in the military, it does not infer upon you some sort of god status now does it?
He JOINED the military.... he wasn't grabbed from his bed in his cushy home and dragged to Iraq. In THIS country, when you willingly JOIN, you take an oath that says you will defend against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic. He was a quack sympathizer before he ever got there and I fully believe he had a plan from the beginning.

And he wasn't there to MURDER anyone. He was there to protect innocent Iraqi's... he even said that himself!

Just because you sign up for the military doesn't mean you should be forced to go to war - especially one you don't believe in. Give them a choice.

Um, Noomi..I loves ya...but that post is just....weird.

Not really. There are conscientious objector laws Bergdahl should have been counseled on.
Antagonise you?!
You were raging and you were wrong.
You were making a fool of yourself and none of us want that for you.

By the way...I don't know who you sent the negs to but it wasn't me.

At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Unlike you and your liberal friends here, I take pride in honesty. I've edited my post, and posted an admission for all to see. Apparently, you are the one making a fool of yourself.

You just can't help yourself can you?

Oh, I believe I did. Nobody here has bothered to apprise me of my mistake civilly, but hey, I guess none of you could help yourselves.
Don't forget Bergdahl should have never been allowed to join the Army. But Bush needed bodies.
He was sent there, fighting a war he didn't believe in, he believed it was wrong, and he thought fuck it, and walked off.

Why should someone be sent to another country to murder its people when they don't believe in it?

You do understand he VOLUNTEERED to join the Army. Knowing he would go to Afghanistan.
At least I can admit when I'm wrong. Unlike you and your liberal friends here, I take pride in honesty. I've edited my post, and posted an admission for all to see. Apparently, you are the one making a fool of yourself.

You just can't help yourself can you?

Oh, I believe I did. Nobody here has bothered to apprise me of my mistake civilly, but hey, I guess none of you could help yourselves.

You might want to read back then.
This thread is been dripping with civility towards you...undeserved I'd suggest but...there ya go...we're nice people.

And just so you don't have to's undeserved because you're a low-information narcissistic idiot.
Don't forget Bergdahl should have never been allowed to join the Army. But Bush needed bodies.

And that statement is downright preposterous. Nadal Hasan (the guy who went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood) should never have been allowed to join the Army either, but I guess Obama needed a token Muslim to show tolerance.
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You just can't help yourself can you?

Oh, I believe I did. Nobody here has bothered to apprise me of my mistake civilly, but hey, I guess none of you could help yourselves.

You might want to read back then.
This thread is been dripping with civility towards you...undeserved I'd suggest but...there ya go...we're nice people.

And just so you don't have to's undeserved because you're a low-information narcissistic idiot.

Sure, Lakhota on post one calling me stupid, Taz calling me a 'fatty' via a internet meme, or him telling me I can't read English, or Lakhota again calling me an idiot. Sure, it's been dripping with civility alright. And now I'm the one who can't read?

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Playing soccer with his captors does not qualify as "fraternizing with the enemy".

He was a captive. He had no choice as to whether or not he spent time with "the enemy", and it's not "misconduct" to not be tortured all the time.
Playing soccer with his captors does not qualify as "fraternizing with the enemy".

He was a captive. He had no choice as to whether or not he spent time with "the enemy", and it's not "misconduct" to not be tortured all the time.

So, what do you call his participating in target practice with them? Being allowed to carry his own firearm? You know, those fighters aren't dumb. If they knew he would be hostile, they wouldn't endanger themselves by giving a weapon to an enemy captive in the first place. The only way he would get a weapon is by joining them, which leads me to this question: what about Bergdahl declaring himself a mujahid? And we're attributing this to torture? Stockholm Syndrome? Surely that wasn't the case as he cursed his country aloud in a letter back home before he left. I would assume him to have been in his right mind as he wrote it. We just had an American citizen join those ISIS guys just yesterday, too. Na. I can't believe that he didn't commit any misconduct while with the enemy.
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