Arnold And Maria Split


Trump/Vance MAGA
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Long absenses do not a happy marriage make. I am saddened for any family that has to endure a life with a politician. It is no wonder how few make it for the long haul. Very sad.

LOS ANGELES -- Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, announced Monday that they are separating.

The statement, issued by a spokesman for Schwarzenegger, said the two were working on the future of their relationship while living apart and they would continue to parent their four children together.

"This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us," the two said in a prepared statement. "After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion, and prayer, we came to this decision together."

more: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Wife Maria Shriver Separate -
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frankly its the usual AA, sorry but, they have it all, he was a governor and she loved it, its in the Kennedy clan blood, even twice removed via in laws.

Hes so over now.....BUT if he had that birth certificate that would have allowed him to run for the top spot, I have a sneaking suspicion they would still be together, but in the end hes a FAILED state, as it is ion Hollywood land of phony's, he gets to have that trophy wife and she gets to split back to whatever upper west side style bubble she came from.
Maybe Maria can get back to looking feminine now. Since being with him, she looks gaunt.
I'm actually sad to see it...

I liked both of them
Divorce is Collateral Damage from having gone Commando and role playing Conan The Barbarian once too often. It appears the Last Action Hero has had his Last Party with Maria and she won't be Pumping his Iron. We can only hope Arnold can Totally Recall his Last Sonja and not any True Lies, and that he Stays Hungry enough to replace Maria with hawt Twins.
the ladies loved him

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Fox News Blooper Schwarzenegger‬‏[/ame]
I was amazed they lasted as long as they have.

Good for Maira for kicking the ass to the curb and leaving him. I think, though i may be wrong, that she is the first kenedy wife to say fuck you to a cheating husband! WOOHOO good girl Maria! I feel for the children, they are the ones who will be hurt the most.

However for all of this, i do have to give arnold some credit. He took care of the child and has provided for him.

Men have been having sex with household servants for thousands of years

Why the surprise?

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