Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Why is the mefia lying?

Why are tgere so many hiles in the story?

You keep parroting the sane lines but still can't answer the questions.

The girl got a medical abortion, and the mother says she's 'fine'.

Democrats raised this story to accuse USSC Justices of taking away abortions for cases like this, but that's a lie and you know it.

The USSC made no ruling on abortions except to return self-governance and self-legislation of abortions back to the states / people.

Democrats responded with false narratives, lies, threats, calls for intimidation of and violence against USSC Justices, an assasdination attempt, violent criminal protests, attempts to undernine the govt & USSC, and calls for Insurrection...

Democrats thought they would bring up this story & people would not question it...they were wrong. It went viral, blew up, and did not go as they had planned.

I fully understand the isdue, what has gone on since the USSC decision draft was leaked, since the decisipn was released, and what is still going on.

All the lies, all the false narratives, and false accusations....Fang Fang Swalwell lied and said the USSC was going to make mixed martiages next, a stupid fucking statement considering ine of the Justices is in a mixed martiage AND alito cleay stated, even easy enough for you idiots to understand, that the RvW decision / case could NOT be used as the basis for any other issue, that it was a separate issue.

So stop your bullshit and bluster. This story is just another one of many the left has used / will use to claim the USSC's decision made girls / women unable to get abortions under circunstances like this.

That's a lie. If that happens, it will happen because of STATE levislative de isions / actions

Awe, look at the retard repugs scramble to cover up their lies. It's hilarious. The grand old retard party.
No 10 year old is physically capable of having a baby. It would have done immeasurable harm to her body to force her to even try.

Isn't it wonderful that your wife had that choice. Too bad you'd take it away from everyone else.
Ohio law allows abortion in the case of harm to the woman's body, Dumbass.

The Ohio AG is on record saying should could have had the abortion in Ohio.
There is certainly no benefit to the USA to have let in someone like YOU. Lying, cheating, trying to overturn the government. You should be deported back to where YOU came from. You're an anti-American shill for authoritarians.
You are a KKKanadian halfwit, so why do you think you have any say whatsoever in American affairs, Simp?
That is not the point.
The point is that a 10 year old should be forced to have an abortion, not be prevented from having one by force.

If you are going to try to defend Ohio's law, then you had better try to prove it already had an exception for minors and that this girl did not have to go out of state?
The Ohio AG is on record saying she didn't have to leave Ohio for an abortion.

The Ohio law has exceptions if the health of the mother is endangered, which a 10 year old would qualify for.
He fucking denied it like he knew what he was talking about. YOU fuckers took that as gospel.

He was as full of shit then as he is now
Your story is changing. Gotta a quote of him saying it was a "hoax" Lesh
Despite the lunatic rantings of Lesh and Fort Fun Indiana, the girl would have been able to get an abortion in Ohio.

  • “to prevent the death of the pregnant woman” or
  • “to prevent a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman”
Yost didn’t say there was a rape exception. He was apparently arguing that a 10-year old would qualify under one of the actual exceptions — probably the latter, given that it’s the one that’s “broader than just the life of the mother.”
Some wagered that a pregnant 10-year-old would trigger that exception. An opinion piece at the conservative Washington Examiner puts it like this:

Even if a girl gets her first period at 10 or younger, she likely has not developed a pelvis capable of safely carrying a pregnancy to term, let alone delivering a live baby. Although most conservatives may disagree with Ohio’s six-week abortion ban failing to include a rape and incest exception, just about nobody of note in the pro-life movement would ever favor denying an abortion when a pregnancy seriously imperils the life and physical health of the mother.
The Examiner’s editorial board went as far as to cite Yost’s assurance and conclude: “So contrary to the original story, this girl was evidently not taken to Indiana because Ohio law bans such a procedure.”

Wrong. The law isn't written that way.

The doctors have to be certain the mother will die if full gestation is met.


The doctors have to be certain the mother will be physically and permanently harmed if she goes thru full gestation.

Neither one of those are certainties with this girl.

She could go thru her full pregnancy and delivery, with no harm, therefore she does not qualify for an exception.

Her risk is higher by being 10, but it is NOT a certain death, or a certain harm. There are no mental reasons allowed in this law either.

Black woman have a 300% greater risk of dying in pregnancy and delivery than a white woman has.....that doesn't matter in this Ohio law either.

The law needs to be amended to make it clear, instead of ambiguous.

Where did I say differently?

And why in hell would anyone deny that pregnant rape victim an abortion… but Ohio did

Nope. Liberals TOLD the girl, that she needed to go to another state. To generate a false manufactured political outrage.
So to recap:

The story was not fake.

The doctor did not violate privacy laws.

The doctor did properly report the abuse as required by law.

The rape victim had to travel out of state to get the abortion because of OH restrictions.

Republicans tried to lie about all of this.

Republicans ate crow.
You are the liar.

The Ohio AG correctly points out she could have had her abortion in Ohio.
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