Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Oh fuck yourself
I do, jerking off is fun, but you are a horrific piece of shit.......

1) Using a girl's rape to preach about abortion
2) Not giving a shit she was raped --- Not one post of you shows any empathy towards her
3) Not caring what happens to the rapist....I've asked, WHAT should HAPPEN to the rapist? Lets see if I get an answer this time
4) The left thinks kids should have hormone blocks and dick cutting surgery as children.........
5) And the left calls for 16 year olds to vote .....again like I said you guys think they should be adults.........becasue you only identify with them, you aren't adults
And you aren't adults becasue in our conversations you only read talking have no ....NO facts to back up your claims....even AFTER I Show you the paper from the AG and people against him, saying the law would allow it.
And you have no sense of humor, you really think Evil is serious.......he's fucking with you, I've tried to tell you may not be funny, but you should be able to know when he's messing with you.
How did he fuck up?

He never checked to see if a rape report had been filed and LIED and said none had
HE did check. Holy shit, will you fucking use google for fuck's sake?????

SAME article I posted

First was his insistence that the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation hadn’t processed a rape kit in the case, and that cast serious doubt on whether the incident ever happened. Turns out that the state’s own Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Protocol lays out many circumstances under which a child victim wouldn’t have a rape exam.

So he checked and there wasn't one, there should have been. IT's not crazy to check on that. BY LAW you have to have a child get a rape kit exam after the claim of rape...I'm from Ohio, I live in TN for 25 years, but shit , get a grip.....

But Yost had still not taken the few minutes he would have needed to determine that the Columbus police had indeed received a report of a 10-year-old rape victim in the same time frame reported by the newspaper. He instead amplified his doubts in an interview with USA Today’s Ohio Bureau.
Oh so you're mad he doubted it in public? Seriously??? That's your big concern

so the two concerns you have are

1) Abortion
2) the AG didn't ask the police, becasue he assumed a rape kit
Anything else I'm missing that you're concerned about?
It's an example of what these anti-abortion laws are doing. Sorry if that; is inconvenient to you freaks. This won't be the last time this kind of thing occurs

YOU are the ones who have no empathy. YOU would force her to bear that child
Holy fuck you are a stupid moron......I would not force that, you even quoted my other threads, so stop gaslighting you fucking liar.
And again it's ONLY ABOUT abortion

Notice you are again worried about girls getting abortions and NOT ABOUT girls getting raped.......again you are proving my point.

And I still haven't see what punishment you would like for the rapist............because you dont'care and have never even thought about it have you?=
They made a report, they just didnt report it to LE.
Its not a lie o rignorance, when thats not even what i said ;)

Wrong, once again. The mother went to social services to get more welfare, not to report the rape. The legally required report requires that law enforcement be notified and that social services AND law enforcement begin a JOINT investigation within 24 HOURS. That's the report. They didn't make the legally required report. If they told their dog or the child's sibling that would be as much of a report, legally speaking as what was made. NO REPORT WAS MADE!

Please quit being a fucking idiot, fucking idiot.
Wrong, once again. The mother went to social services to get more welfare, not to report the rape. The legally required report requires that law enforcement be notified and that social services AND law enforcement begin a JOINT investigation within 24 HOURS. That's the report. They didn't make the legally required report. If they told their dog or the child's sibling that would be as much of a report, legally speaking as what was made. NO REPORT WAS MADE!

Please quit being a fucking idiot, fucking idiot.
Lie after lie after lie


The story could not be confirmed at first because no one could confirm it...not even the left wing media after conservatives started asking about it and trying to confirm it.

The abortionist doctor who made the claim refused to provide details, and there was no record of an arrest in Ohio...the arrest came after the story was chased down by conservative media......

The rape victim had to travel out of state to get the abortion because of OH restrictions.

And that is a lie.....she did not have to go out of state.....

Without conservative media looking into this story, the illegal alien might not have been arrested.....since illegal aliens are a protected class for left wingers...
Don't compare the left 'trying to confirm it" to the right wing nuts who said the story was fake, made up... You know, your usual go-to "fake news" cry, every time something inconvenient happens.
You ate crow my friend. Now digest it.
LOL, Do you even read what you write? Talk about convoluted thinking!

This didn't happen in a blue state. It happened in the red state of Ohio. The DA claimed the case did not exist.

And yet... listen up, this is important... the same Ohio state police not only proved the story to be true, but they also have a perp in custody. And, the same DA who claimed it did not happen? Now rejoices a rapist is in custody!!!!

Where does the Dems fit in this story? Are you saying that the Dems paid off the DA and the police to change their story? You idiot!

The real issue here is why the DA not check his facts before mouthing off? Repubs are incompetent and this nut-job of a DA is the prime example!!

Next time, read over what you write before hitting the post button. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:

The AG said it didn't happen because no police report had been filed even though the law required it. The abortionists were so excited to have something to parade on CNN that they totally ignored actually helping the child and any future victims of the rapist. You, got as excited as the abortionists.

Only when Fox raised the question did the abortionists and the child welfare department realize they were about to get caught and they began the investigation and arrested the boyfriend of the mother who raped the child with mom's permission.
Yea...the family of the victim wants to "protect the rapist". Sure

You're SCUM

Abortion in Ohio for that 10 year old rape victim was not an option. It was OUTLAWED

You're scum, protecting the family who sold their little girl to a 27 year old man. The mother admitted openly on Telemundo that she applied for benefits and did not file charges or want to go to the police.

Like the rest of the left, you don't give a shit about the rape victim just as you don't care about the hundreds of thousands of rape victims coming through our southern border. You care about your America-hating agenda and that's it.
Lets see. A girl gets raped.and is pregnant. The medieval laws of Ohio means that she cant be helped there and she has to travel across the state lines for medical care.
The sleaze who raped her is arrested and charged.
Right wing knuckle draggers progress from denial it actually happened. To outrage that the rapist is an immigrant. And then through every type of deflection imaginable.

But the facts are that the medieval laws in Ohio mean that this is reality in modern America. This will happen many, many times and women will be treated as second class citizens.

The body count from botched back street abortions will rise and the use will divide into civilised progressive areas and backward theocracies.

Its disgusting and i hope that America votes out these extremists.

Nobody on the left called her a slut.

She was sent to Indiana to get around the requirement to report, hoping the Indiana doctor would not get into trouble since the crime occurred in Ohio. She wasn't sent to Indiana over Ohio law that clearly would have permitted the abortion. This was all about the coverup, not the rape.

When a 10-year-old girl is raped, even if the only way it is discovered is by her becoming pregnant, the first concern is NOT the pregnancy - the first concern is capturing the child rapist before more 10-year-old girls are raped. The mother, the Ohio doctor, Ohio Child Services, the Indiana doctor, all protected the rapist and not the child.

Had Fox News not investigated to find the reports, not discovered that there were no reports, and not announced on national TV that there were no police reports, their coverup would have succeeded. Thank God that Fox News, Jessie Watters in particular, did the right thing. No one else did.
I didn't doubt the story but refrained from saying anything. If that is truly the perp rapist POS, all those on this site should retract their statements calling this rape a hoax,

That'll happen. :rolleyes:

As soon as all those folks that attacked Trump saying this, and pointing out the truth;

. . . retract what they said, and apologize for saying that letting Biden and his homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, didn't make an absolute disaster of the border.

Poor girl has only been pregnant less time than those clowns have been in charge of the border. They reversed everything that the previous guy had done, which seemed to have been working. . .

This rape and pregnancy is on their heads, if this illegal is a recent arrival.


(btw, the article makes no mention if he is a recent arrival, but places the blame of calling it a hoax, not on the partisans of the public, but on the attorney general of Ohio.)

"Indeed, state Attorney General Dave Yost spent much of the past week effectively dubbing the story a hoax, suggesting he had heard nothing about any such crime being reported."
Wasn't their "tail" that her mother didn't report it to the right people (police) because in fact she reported it to the right people (child protective services) where the child can be referred to care givers and the cops are supposed to be called .... assuming their law is at least as logically designed as Mississippi's ... and one can hope, LOL

Wrong. The mother is on camera, posted here earlier by someone else, with Telemundo saying she did not report it as a rape; she applied for benefits for her daughter and coming grandchild. She did not file charges and did not want the rapist arrested.

I posted the Ohio law already. The child welfare worker was required by law to report to law enforcement and then, within 24 hours, begin an investigation jointly with the law enforcement agency.

The welfare worker, the doctor, and the girl's mother conspired to protect the rapist and avoid reporting by moving the abortion to Indiana. They never even tried to get the abortion in Ohio.

The reason they didn't try to get an abortion in Ohio wasn't the Ohio law, it was because they thought they could thwart the reporting requirement by taking the girl to Indiana in the hopes that the Indiana doctor could get away with not reporting because the crime was committed in Ohio. They made two mistakes:

First, the Indiana AG is investigating the Indiana abortionist because she was required to report all child pregnancies regardless of where the rape occurred.

Second, they didn't realize what a camera hog the Indiana Abortionist is and didn't realize she would jump in front of a CNN camera even if it put all of them at risk.
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