Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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In their culture it is common for men to rape the daughters of the girlfriend. It's likely the perp was living with the girl and the mom.

Now that a suspect has been arrested, there are even more questions. For example, why did the Columbus Police Department sit on the report of the rape of a child for three weeks? According to the police report (obtained by Megan), a police report was generated on June 22 but the rapist was not arrested until July 12, one day after the story went national with appearances by Megan and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost on Fox News. Were they working the case or was there some other reason? The perpetrator may have actually been living with (or at least near) the victim until his arrest. We don’t know for sure, but the scene of the crime was Fuentes’s apartment and his lawyer told the judge at a hearing on Wednesday that Fuentes “had an address where he could live that was not at the same location as the 10-year-old,” according to The Columbus Dispatch. Note the use of the word “could”—the suspect could live separate from the victim but perhaps was not at the time of the arrest.

I believe that the story you linked is wrong about the police report. There was no police report made on June 22. The "report" was the mother going to the welfare department to get more welfare. This has been reported over and over again and people jumped on that "report" as if it meant that the mother reported the rape.

The mother did NOT report it as a rape; she said on Telemundo that everything said about Fuentes is a lie and that he did not rape her daughter.

What we know is that the mother went to child welfare on June 22, supposedly the date that the police report was filed. It is possible that the child welfare department and the police failed to follow the law and begin a joint investigation within 24 hours of learning of the rape but I don't think that's what happened. If it had, then why was the AG not able to find any evidence of the rape until it went on national TV. I will believe there's a police report when I see an official, sworn, police report.
As I have said, failure by a mental health or medical professional to report a child rape to police is a felony in virtually every State. We already know the abortion doctor violated the young girls HIPPA rights to privacy. That alone will get her license suspended.

Failure to report to police will likely end her career.

Your point is right on but a few clarifications:

It's a misdemeanor in Ohio - $1000 fine and up to 6 months. It should be a felony, though.

It's HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

It does now seem that the Indiana doctor did report the child's abortion as required. She did the abortion on Thursday, reported it to CNN on Friday, and to the State on Saturday - in other words, after she went on TV she realized that she better report it; it was on TV.

There's no evidence of any legally required reporting having been done in Ohio.
All this deflection. Any woman should be able to get an abortion on demand at a place and time to suit them.
Anything else is authoritarian shit.

If that's what you truly believe, then we shouldn't be seeing you here for a while; you will certainly be too busy trying to fix the laws in your own country to have time to hang out here telling us what our laws should be, won't you?
Since the creep was arrested it appears that they DID report it
Jesse Watters exposed the missing reports on July 11. On July 12 he was arrested. He was known to the child's mother and to social services because they named him as the father on the application for welfare benefits. Only after it became a global news issue did the police get involved.

Even after that, the child's mother went on TV protesting that it was all a lie and that Fuentes had not raped her child.
The crime was reported to Child Protective Services, which is how it's done in my state. There's no difference if the report is to the cops or CPS, because they're supposed to work together. It's a non-issue


You keep perpetuating that lie. The rape was NOT reported to Child Protective Services. The mother applied for welfare benefits for her daughter and her grandchild that the daughter was carrying. To the mother, there was no rape. The mother is claiming that the charge of rape is a lie. It was OK for a 27 year old man to have sex with her daughter.
How do you know it wasn't reported?

How do you know it wasn't kept sealed, because of the nature of the crime against a juvenile.

It is certainly mathematically possible that the police were all working on the case for 2 months, having started within 24 hours as required by law, but were not able to find this child rapist and get him off the streets until, just coincidentally, they find him within 24 hours of Fox News questioning the missing police reports.

But it's not very likely since even the State AG couldn't find any sign of an investigation and the Fox News team did reach out the Ohio law enforcement to try to find details of the case.

Hopefully, for the future of other children in the illegal immigrant community, we get the truth of exactly when all legally required reporting was done. We need to find the gaps in order to protect other children.

I realize that leftists don't care about protecting children, proven by their open border policies which lead hundreds of thousands of women, girls, and even little boys, into sexual assault, rape, sexual slavery, and molestation and the left don't care at all as long as their lawn gets mowed and the hotels rooms are cleaned when they go on their donor-funded junkets.
Linky, linky
The original article about the Indiana doctor quoted her saying the Ohio doctor was too afraid of the Ohio laws to do the abortion referral and that no referral in Ohio was made.

The search results are too muddled now to find that original article.
Ohio AG David Yost lead the charge, calling the 10 year-old victim a liar. You can't enforce the law, when you slander the victims.

The Ohio AG should be fired. Along with apologies from everybody who denied her story.


The AG never said the 10-year-old girl was a liar. He never said she didn't exist. He said he could not find any report of the rape of a 10-year-old. That's because there was no report of the rape of a 10-year-old because everyone involved was too busy protecting the illegal immigrant rapist to care about protecting 10-year-old children.
Maybe because the doctors in Ohio would have to ask too many questions.
Bad enough to be raped, but then to feel like being raped again by having to repeat what happened in order to qualify for an exception.
When a 10-year-old is pregnant, there's no question about it being rape.

The exception, though, is for the life of the mother. Again, rape has nothing to do with that risk to the mother - other than a 10-year-old child is always at risk and is always raped if she's pregnant.

Why are you so concerned about covering up for the child rapist? Do you know child rapists?
An illegal raping a 10yo is 'bad'?
Have you evrr had a child raped? Ever been raped?

A 13yo was raped here, and at the hospital gave them an 'abortion pill' to ensute no pregnancy would result. Doing so is almost automatic here, as rape victims are automatically offered the pill.

I don't know what Ohio's laws are, but I would be shocked to find every state did not do this as this is not 'abortion'. 8 days after a rape is not long enough for life / a baby to have formed thus nothing but a potential 'clump of cells' to 'abort'.
Life begins at conception, no? Not anymore? You get to pick and choose your idea of when it begins but others who differ with you dont???
Life begins at conception, no? Not anymore? You get to pick and choose your idea of when it begins but others who differ with you dont???
No I say life begins in your nut sack and if you kill a Sperm by not reproducing with your sex then it's murder. Lol

Don't have sex unless you are creating a fetus.

No sex for you. Or masturbating.

At least that what the right wing religious folks are teaching.
When a 10-year-old is pregnant, there's no question about it being rape.

The exception, though, is for the life of the mother. Again, rape has nothing to do with that risk to the mother - other than a 10-year-old child is always at risk and is always raped if she's pregnant.

Why are you so concerned about covering up for the child rapist? Do you know child rapists?
There is no assured harm to the mother at 10 years old, delivering a child. There is a chance she could be harmed but no guarantee she would be harmed. The Ohio law only allows it, if the doctor is certain it will cause her death or certain it will cause her permanent physical damage to her organs or future function.

The law is not in any way clear, that an abortion for a 10 year old is legal....

No doctor would touch that case, period, the way it is written now.
There is no assured harm to the mother at 10 years old, delivering a child. There is a chance she could be harmed but no guarantee she would be harmed. The Ohio law only allows it, if the doctor us certain it will cause her death or certain it will cause her permanent physical damage to her organs or future function.

The law is not in any way clear, that an abortion for a 10 year old is legal....

No doctor would touch that case, period, the way it is written now.
Hence going to a state where it's still legal.
The AG said it didn't happen because no police report had been filed even though the law required it. The abortionists were so excited to have something to parade on CNN that they totally ignored actually helping the child and any future victims of the rapist. You, got as excited as the abortionists.

Only when Fox raised the question did the abortionists and the child welfare department realize they were about to get caught and they began the investigation and arrested the boyfriend of the mother who raped the child with mom's permission.
You idiot. As others have already stated, it was a Dem doctor in another state who did help the poor child.

You retards, on the other hand, your only contribution to the welfare of the child was to go on public record to slime the story.

And don't give me that Fox did something noble. Every right-wing nut job, the AG and Fox news included, only rejoiced when the Hispanic guy was arrested. Till then, they were content to claim that the whole rape/abortion was a leftist figment of imagination.

Just like your orange douche bag, you idiots don't do anything constructive but love to come in and take credit. Fucking hypocrites.
False. A pregnant ten year old is a clear case of medical need.
Wrong. The law isn't written that way.

The doctors have to be certain the mother will die if full gestation is met.


The doctors have to be certain the mother will be physically and permanently harmed if she goes thru full gestation.

Neither one of those are certainties with this girl.

She could go thru her full pregnancy and delivery, with no harm, therefore she does not qualify for an exception.

Her risk is higher by being 10, but it is NOT a certain death, or a certain harm. There are no mental reasons allowed in this law either.

Black woman have a 300% greater risk of dying in pregnancy and delivery than a white woman has.....that doesn't matter in this Ohio law either.

The law needs to be amended to make it clear, instead of ambiguous.
Wrong. The law isn't written that way.

The doctors have to be certain the mother will die if full gestation is met.


The doctors have to be certain the mother will be physically and permanently harmed if she goes thru full gestation.

Neither one of those are certainties with this girl.

She could go thru her full pregnancy and delivery, with no harm, therefore she does not qualify for an exception.

Her risk is higher by being 10, but it is NOT a certain death, or a certain harm. There are no mental reasons allowed in this law either.

Black woman have a 300% greater risk of dying in pregnancy and delivery than a white woman has.....that doesn't matter in this Ohio law either.

The law needs to be amended to make it clear, instead of ambiguous.
Roe needs to be reinstated...and for that we need to elect for Dems

Bottom line
And they're STILL lying about this.

You have zero evidence of anything. See how easily you are conned.


I think you would drink piss if they told you to.

The word is gullible
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